By solving Maxwell's equations analytically, the researchers very quickly demonstrated that not only could reciprocity be broken down but that, the coupling could be made maximally asymmetric, whereby the coupling from A to B would be different from zero but from B to A it would be exactly zero.
Physicists are being FORCED to acknowledge noncommutative phase as the truth of reality - as metamaterials are being developed.
Innsbruck physicists Oriol Romero-Isart and Gerhard Kirchmair said: "If the coupling between coils is symmetric, some part of the energy can also flow in the opposite direction which can greatly reduce the efficiency of the transfer. By using a magnetic diode to prevent this backwards flow, the efficiency of the transfer could be greatly enhanced.J. Prat-Camps et al, Circumventing Magnetostatic Reciprocity: A Diode for Magnetic Fields, Physical Review Letters (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.213903
Interview with the author, a psychology Ph.d., and friend of Mary Meyer (JFK mistress murdered)
Mary's Mosaic
The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer,
and Their Vision for World Peace
Peter Janney
Is it YODO (you only die once) or Weird Al's YodaACtually the Paganism is Platonic philosophy as Western civilization - it's the golden Ratio - that is "creatio Ex Chaos" - NOT "creatio ex Nihilo" as religion is supposed to teach. Christianity is actually from Egyptian cosmology. The Sun is "reborn" - but this is actually from Alchemy training. The resurrection is the Erection - as Kundalini Snake (Set) energy. The original Garden of Eden story of Sumeria has the Snake as the Goddess kundalini energy. This is from N/om of the original human culture - that is 70,000 years old. So - here is a Jewish lady talking with an African man about the kundalini erection energy. haha. In Egypt Set was the Crocodile water energy that has to be absorbed and transformed via the Sun as HOrus. This is thousands of years older than Christianity but became Christianity. It is the Virgin-Mother paradox of Nuit or Nut - (as in Nut-Case) - that was transferred into the Holy Mary. Actually the name "Mary" is from Egyptian meaning Beloved and Miriam is also from Egypt just as Mose was an Egyptian name. So Western civilization IS Paganism - and it does rely on "mass ritual sacrifice." Just read Abraham Seidenberg, math professor, on the "ritual origins of geometry" - he also wrote articles with Lord Raglan - promoting Freemasonry as the Separation of Heaven and Earth through mass ritual sacrifice. So Western technology is to spread genocide via "standardization" as Missile Envy technology (it lacks the original real Cosmic Mother alchemy training). As Patriarchy took over after the development of the chariot (based on the Pythagorean Theorem to center the wheel) - then Egyptian cosmology was changed to believe that Masturbation created the Universe (instead of the Cosmic Mother). Oops!
nice commentary. Yes I highly recommend Dorothy M. Murdock's book "Christ in Egypt" - someone posted it online. just search the title as a pdf or you can try buying it. I think her kids get the money. She died in 2015 - but I corresponded with her several times. She did amazing independent research. That book (that I am rereading right now) - it is the most detailed expose on the real origins of Christianity. But also it's a detailed analysis of the true meaning of Christianity. She was not as aware of the secret alchemy meanings - but that is understandable since Egypt had been taken over by the patriarchy. There was a transition - from the early wheat farm cultures based on the Mother Goddess - like the Phyrgian Cybele and the Egyptian Hathor (the Blue Cow goddess). Etymologically God is from the Indo-European root word meaning BULL just as Brahman also means Bull. This is quite amazing that Karen Armstrong, "The History of God" does not even give the ETYMOLOGY of the word "god." hilarious.
So essentially what archaeologists call the "symbolic revolution" was a philosophical and physiological change with left-brain dominance, with males becoming anthropocentric and the idea that Nature can be "contained." This was expressed in mathematics. So Jesus is a continuation of Horus from Horos meaning Time that is contained geometrically as space (based on measuring the wheat fields). So the rise of the Sothic star was with the flooding of the fields by the Nile - at the Summer Solstice. At the Sunset and Dawn, sunrise, then the Cosmic Mother gives Birth to the Sun. This is why alchemy training uses solar gazing at the sunrise and sunset. Yes Eusebius really was the big "liar" for the Roman empire creation of Christianity but he built on Iraeneus. Even professor, author of "Beyond Belief" - she goes into this regarding the Gospel of Thomas.
Basically the Book of John was Egyptian philosophy but created to assimilate the Gnostic views while at the same time doing a "bait and switch" to argue for an Imperialist (Bible rule) Christianity. So only the Latin experts (who were in on the bait and switch) could be imperial bishops, etc. The real issue here is that the LUNAR calendar and energy was denied. The Essenes were against the Lunar calendar. So the Golden Ratio math then codified this. You can see this in JOhn Scotus Erigena when he rediscovered Platonic philosophy from the Islamic Arabs - in the 9th century. So the science incorporates this anti-lunar view. In the Church this created the problem of Easter as the first full moon after the Equinox. At first Easter was rotating throughout the year - so that it kept getting closer to Xmas! Roger Bacon had to solve this problem for the Church.
Interesting link you posted:
"Pythagoras got lucky: Pythagoras did not actually study the frequencies that made up pleasing intervals and the musical scale. Rather, he just made observations about the lengths of the strings that made intervals and scales. However, it just so happens that the frequency of a string is simple related (i.e. inversely proportional) to the length of the string. So, all the conclusions he reached about ratios of lengths of strings for different intervals, also applies to the ratios of the frequencies in the intervals."
yeah I've read that website before. This is a LIE about Pythagoras. What Philolaus did (the only written down source for the so-called Pythagorean ratios) was to switch the music pitch of "all is number and harmony" (Pythagoras) into geometric magnitude ratios as commutative math!! So this covered up the Non-commutative phase truth of music - the secret of the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as yang-yin resonance, the true teaching of Pythagorean Tetraktys. I've studied this issue since the late 1980s - and I even got a master's degree on this topic. haha. So the "432 Hertz" b.s. assumes that pitch has to be defined by symmetric commutative geometric ratios. That is not the truth of "time-frequency uncertainty" which is really from noncommutative phase - as Alain Connes points out - just watch his lecture on music theory and math.
The Schiller Institute is just part of the Lyndon LaRouche cult to promote Platonic Technocracy (nuclear power, etc.) based on the irrational magnitude math from Plato. This math really was from the wrong music theory, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini has exposed - calling it the "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evoltive principle" of Western science. So you have to dig deeper to expose the Music Matrix conspiracy. The answer is SIMPLER but more radical. All you need is 1:2:3:4 as complementary opposites. The concept of Frequency was created by Mersenne in the 1600s - assuming this symmetric logarithmic math from Simon Stevins.
I appreciate this topic but I think it's a subtle logical paradox at work here.
Does that New Age Advaita article even mention full lotus padmasana? Qigong Master Yan Xin's teacher at Shaolin - Haidan - did full lotus yoga meditation all night long - so he never slept. Qigong masters like Wang Liping or Chunyi Lin - or Robert Peng or Zhang Yuanming - they also do full lotus meditation at night. So they only sleep a few hours a night. I think a Daoist teaching is that a good night's sleep means no dreaming - by which of course is meant that celibacy is maintained.
So we can think of full lotus as a kind of "gateway" or vortex. For example if the mind is racing and it is difficult to fall asleep - the full lotus will empty out the mind and then it is easy to fall asleep in full lotus. In fact I got arrested for snoring in full lotus on the toilet in Folwell Hall at the University of Minnesota. But amazingly my consciousness "knew" that I was about to be "raided." By the time the female cop "busted" into the male bathroom - I was literally standing facing the mirror at the sink. Somehow I had been able to jump out of full lotus BEFORE the female cop raided the bathroom. I still don't know how that happened.
Now Poonjaji - he states that the FIRST breath upon waking is the same as the 4th state of the space between our thoughts. But this is where the logical paradox kicks in. It's the difference between Nirvikalpa Samadhi as Buddhist Prajna - and the lower levels of samadhi. So as Ramana Maharshi stated - he had to "admit" for the "sake of argument" that he relied on his MIND - his Sattva spiritual ego spirit - to merge into the formless awareness but the formless awareness itself was NOT the light of his mind.
So now consider the colleague of the most famous Buddhist master monk of Thailand - Phra Acharn Mun. I have discussed this before - in the free biography of Acharn Mun - it is described how his meditation colleague started levitating. As soon as his mind realized he was levitating then he crashed back down. So he had to TRAIN himself to maintain the Emptiness while he was levitating. So this is the same paradox that Ramana Maharshi discusses.
So in other words the LIGHT of the spiritual ego is actually the REFLECTION of the mirror. Ramana Maharshi used the analogy of the movie camera light while the SCREEN of the movie theater is the Formless Awareness. But more telling - Ramana Maharshi called this "screen" or "mirror" also as the ETHER-KNOWLEDGE that powers the flame as light.
So this is also the difference between Shakti and Siddhis. So for example Poonjaji had this experience described in his memoir, "Nothing Ever Happens" - he had to pay his workers but to do so he had to drive in the pitch black through a winding mountainous pass - and (I don't know if there was a blizzard or whatever). But he doesn't remember the trip at all - also he had not slept in days as I remember it. So he didn't remember the drive AT ALL.
Another experience - during his birthday - several different students invited him to their houses. He was in ALL their houses but he doesn't remember this at all. So the "Yang Shen" is matter as light (not mass). And Poonjaji also saw Ramana Maharshi's "yang shen."
The problem with your claim - that you repeat ad naseum - is that it directly goes against the teaching of Ramana Maharshi! I'll stick with Ramana Maharshi:7 hours ago, dwai said:It is awareness. The Light in which objects are known![]()
Busted once again - for the umpteenth time.People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing. The Self is ever the Witness.
Now how is this paradox solved? Ramana Maharshi admits the LIGHT is USED as the mind to merge into the SELF but the SELF is NOT the Mind.
OK Western science explains this - light is considered a type of matter as radiation in science - but a photon does not experience space nor time. So due to relativity there is a zero/infinite "rest frame" of light - this "zero/infinite" rest frame is still RELATIVE to the observer such that there is also a "superluminal" phase that is the non-local awareness. In other words - for any frequency of light - the light can be "turned around" so that it is at the "zero rest frame" but because light has no rest mass, it does still have inertial mass or spacetime mass that is relativistic (i.e. spacetime is superluminal).
So I can quote a professor to help clarify this paradox.
Kent A. Peacock, Professor of philosophy of physics:
There is a subtle fact about relative velocities that is not always explicitly mentioned in books on relativity, and a failure to grasp this subtle fact may be a cause of some of the confusion about superluminal motion. In special relativity all velocities (except for the velocity of light itself) are relative, including zero and infinite velocity....Dainton, et. al., possibly have confused the invariant fact that any superluminal propagation has infinite velocity relative to one frame (which one depends on the spacetime trajectory of the superluminal effect) with the notion (not correct) that any superluminal propagation would be invariantly infinite for all frames....Thus, there certainly is a theory that allows for influences which are instantaneous in one frame and finite (though superluminal) in all others; it is called 'special relativity.'...instantaneous in their mutual rest frame....Whether or not the local clock readings are equal at A and B is therefore independent of whether or not A and B are at the same global time coordinate in some inertial frame or other....Einstein's way of defining time-coordinate simultaneity neither assumes nor requires that light signals be either the fastest or the only way of communicating between distant events; it's only about what can be accomplished with light obvious candidate is phase: it is far more natural to think of wave functions as reducing over hypersurfaces of constant phase, and this automatically gives a covariant picture; ...While relativity is far more amenable to superluminal influences than has been generally supposed, ultimately it is classical relativity that must adapt itself to the quantum.... 2013, emphasis in original, "Would superluminal influences violate the principle of relativity"
So this is what Ramana Maharshi called the Ether-Knowledge - this is the Yuan Qi in Daoism.
Due to the "Westernization" of reality - people have this New Age perspective that "light" is awareness. Light is the spiritual ego - as consciousness. It is confusing as the terms "awareness" and "consciousness" can be exchanged and so easily confused.
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