Monday, October 29, 2018

My blogging is pretty much done: Moribundity and the Moebius Strip

I have had half a dozen blogs - and a few people have managed to follow me across cyberspace. Congratulations! I started out on the internet looking for "intellectual self defense" of my intense meditation experiences - my "enlightenment experience" of seeing ghosts, doing strong healing, and smelling cancer non-locally. I have gone into extreme research across the spectrum of academic disciplines. But the conceptual realm is a dead-end of left brain moribundity.
adj. 1721, "about to die," from Middle French moribund (16c.), from Latin moribundus "dying, at the point of death," from mori "to die" (see mortal (adj.)). Figurative sense of "near an end" is from 1837. Related: Moribundity .
As my old high school buddy told me, "Blogs are Dead." He emailed me that about 8 years ago. I didn't listen to him. I'm not on a popularity contest but rather just needed a place to compile and cross-correlate my research and to get critical feedback as usual. I've been lucky enough to correspond with a dozen or so real "professors" in science.

Dr. Michael Persinger - just died. He emailed me back in 2006 that Dr. Andrija Puharich's research was "great under-appreciated" and then he went on to do experiments that corroborated Puharich's research.

Professor Steve Strogatz: He emailed me back that he was researching chronobiology now and so I suggested to him how the meridians were based on 2 hour cycles just as the NIH has shown that dosing melatonin in resonance with its natural peak hour (11 pm to 1 am) then gets best anti-oxidant healing against cancer. Strogatz also admitted that science, due to chaos supercomputers, is now inherently "authoritarian." Strogatz even stated the Riemann Hypothesis (based on the diverging harmonic series) is a "conspiracy between atom and arithmetic, nature and number." I posted that quote online and noticed his promo blurb was then removed from the soft-cover edition of that book.

Stan Gooch: We corresponded via snail mail. No I didn't save his letters but mainly he joked how he wanted to write a new book on how 90% of humanity got psychology wrong. I tried to tell him about the original human culture, the San Bushmen, since Gooch had instead obsessed about the Neanderthals. But ironically a geneticist on t.v. just hypothesized an ancient Homo lineage could have survived in Russia - and we know that the San Bushmen had interbred with our other Homo cousins.

Professor Robert Adair: This was regarding the Higgs Field - before it was discovered. I read his book on physics - and I was skeptical about the Higgs Field. I think that noncommutative geometry solves this condundrum.

Professor GEE McFearSun: that's not how is real name is spelled but he is litigious since people like to do ad hominems against his densely compiled evidence for irrevocable abrupt global warming. Mainly I just shared with him that I believed he was under surveillance since even my own academic activities doing voluntary "policy" work on sustainability proved to bring great attention from the authorities.

Dr. Ruth E. Kastner: I actually passed on her research to Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson who then cited Kastner in his recent talk and so I informed her of this. Whether it was all just a conspiracy I contrived to suit my own fancies, I'll never know. But she shared with me about our mutual piano training as well.

Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson: He at first told me he didn't know music theory well enough to comment on my research. Then he asked me what I thought of his music compositions. Then he thanked me for sending him that quote from Lawrence Domash, that refers to the Josephson Effect via meditation and mantras. Then he said he practices qigong now with another Cambridge colleague. Then he said I didn't understand music theory well enough. haha. So that was a very interesting email correspondence. I still send him occasional research based on his Josephson Effect.

Professor Michael Corballis: Admittedly I went out "on a limb" with this one - but he argued that no other species has - what human language has - multiple syntax layers of meaning aka recursion. I argued that we should consider rather that frequency is asymmetric and an infinite spiral as meaning. So birds might not appear to have recursion but when we factor in the higher harmonics then they do have recursion. His focus is on asymmetry in evolution: Left brain/ right hand dominance. He states that language of humans may have arose as part of tool use - hence the primary association of the left brain with language and right hand with tool use.

Well there's been another half a dozen research scientists I've corresponded with.

Ian Stewart; Joe Mazur; Luigi Borzacchini; Anirban Bandyopadhyay; Stuart Hameroff; Manfred Euler; Victor Grauer; John Curtis Franklin; Louis Kauffman; Mark Serreze; Basil J. Hiley

Yes and many others. Thanks for the critical feedback.

Acoustic Alchemy is a practice done through various asymmetric complementary opposite harmonics, as Dr. Alain Connes summed it up: (2, 3, infinity). It's that simple yet that powerful, as qigong master Chunyi Lin says: the simplest is the most powerful.

From that simple philosophy then a very broad yet very radical critique can be made of science and society. As far as actually practicing the acoustics - this involves meditation and so can not be done by blogging. My initial interest was in demonstrating with hard science, "why" qigong works. I feel I have now made my case - the answer is noncommutative geometry as Eddie Oshins realized, when he worked at SLAC, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. I had discovered this same solution on my own. But I had done so from music theory directly - without all the science jargon to back up my intuition from music training.

So it's been a fun mystery adventure. A few people have followed it. Online I mean. In real life - no one can really figure out what I have "done" with myself. haha. Am I into "religion"? or.... People are not really sure what to make of me.

I don't go around promoting my books - since they are just compilations of my previous research and so not clear reads in any sense. But recently I did show off my books to a relative. I said, "See these are my books to read." She had no idea that I had "written" the books - until I explained to her - no they are really MY books. haha.

Yes they are all "full free preview" on lulu - linked on my previous blog - just scroll down.

I like to "dabble" in science as mythology. So I never do calculations or computations - on a rare moon. I consider writing as a means of communication to be something of a farse. We really can't change what is hard-wired as psychology from out of puberty. Our culture is the opposite of what our original human culture was. This presents a lot of absurdities. I wanted to discover the mysteries of life - and as qigong master Jim Nance said to me - that indeed I had gone into areas in experience that very few had achieved. At least now a days. It is a bit tragic - and a bit comic. I like to be in the "trickster" role.

The UN climate panel has officially declared we have 12 years to completely reverse the course of modern civilization before total collapse happens. But that report was being overly optimistic by half! And yet we've all been hard-wired to think there is no way humans could alter the planet as a whole, Mother Nature is just too powerful. Yes we are part of Mother Nature and she is a part of us. So it's all coming back full circle as a Moebius Strip - reversed. I lived very much a backwards lifestyle - like the Trickster indigenous native shaman who had to walk backwards every where. Recently I was chased out of my tepee by some very aggressive chipmunks wanting to get at a mouse nest. haha.

What remains? the Cosmic Mother will Never Be Unveiled! She is Nuit or Nothingness as being a Nut-Case. She is the formless awareness or Wuji of the Universe that is the Absolute Void that radiates light. The pineal gland at 2 centimeters - is our porthole to bend spacetime as spacetime is now known to be bent circular at 2 centimeters. Each of us exists in the 5th dimension with the future and past happening at the same time, at the speed of light as our spiritual ego. We turn that ego around and spacetime itself shifts as an Emptiness vortex that is eternal. We can never see the Emptiness but we can logically infer it or listen to it as harmonics or acoustic alchemy.

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