Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Revisiting Winterberg's virtual phonon superluminal Ether model as complementary opposites Taiji

Professor Friedwardt Winterberg pdf on virtual phonon-roton as the ether

So this is how the Yang Shen is created - and how the past is changed, etc.

The image is supposed to show dotted lines then solid lines as the counter flow of positive and negative mass.

So then compare it with the original Tai Chi image - the oldest - from the Tang Dynasty. So his article - found here in non-pdf format - corroborates the claims of the ancients from music theory.

The phonons are the gravitational field. The rotons are the particles.

So Winterberg states that in this model, just as with de Broglie's model, momentum is not conserved (contrary to Newton's 3rd axiom) - and this is due to spontaneous symmetry breaking - from quantum time-frequency uncertainty.

So from the perspective of cutting edge relativistic quantum physics he recreates the original Taiji symbol without realizing it!

Winterberg then states the model is based on "coupled harmonic oscillators" - unlike Schroedinger trying to use "normal mode" or uncoupled harmonic oscillators. And so the "coupled harmonic oscillators" create a natural resonance as the superluminal ether.

So this is precisely the same model I have envisioned.

The only problem is Winterberg says to test the theory we need to set off all our nuclear weapons in outerspace. haha. I don't know if this is a good idea - but he argues that's the best way to get rid of the weapons anyway.

With the wave function collapse conjectured to be some kind of gravitational collapse, it is conceivable that strong gravitational fields may influence the collapse, for example in the radioactive decay constant in probes brought near to the sun. Most of these highly interesting experiments should be done in the vacuum of space, using the solar system as a laboratory. This requires a nuclear propulsion system which permits to move large payloads with high velocities through the solar system. I therefore display an internet printout by some NASA space buffs, praising my idea how this could be done with a chain of exploding mini-nukes. I could think of no better way for mankind to get rid of its large arsenal of nuclear weapons in this way.
And so this is what Sir Roger Penrose argues as well - it is gravity that collapses the quantum wave function. Only Winterberg is stating gravity is a superluminal virtual phonon ether!

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