Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dr. Hans Utter on Purity of Sound as Primordial Vibration and the "Inversion of the Logos" - Pythagorean, Indian, Chinese ancient cosmological harmonics

Hans and Jan - their 20th episode? 35 minutes - he goes into the core message

You can't escape it. According to these ancient conceptions, whether ancient Greece, Ancient India, Ancient China, etc. Mesopotamia. Even if you escaped it, you'd still be affected by the social order produced by that music. So really there was no escape. So with the Chinese thing... You have the cosmic Tone or the Universal Tone, you can say the Logos. This is the linkage of the material plane and the spiritual, the material and the heavens. So each one of the 12 tones. Like a Western chromatic scale, which goes into the laws of the octaves. And these are divided 6 male and 6 female, six yin tones and six yang tones. As in Indian music, you have a modulation based on time of the day, based on the seasons. And the Chinese actually had a zodical. The understanding of vibration and sound PRECEDED astrology, preceded astronomy. There's actually a direct linkage between the procession of the zodiac, the twelve notes, and the harmony of the music of the spheres. So this was all seen as an interlocking system. Music was the way to bridge all these things. It involved the scientific and the aesthetic manner.
So if you go to the Chinese trigrams, right, the I Ching? So it's a Chinese oracle. Well that has these two trigrams, upper and lower trigrams. The trigram represents - there's no zero by the way - they don't have a zero. And zero is quite interesting as well - but they had either 1 or 2. So you had either yin or the yang and there's 8 possible combinations of that. Right? So these possible combinations of yin and yang, male and female, is actually based on the trinity, which goes back to a primal informing essence, which is basically the Logos right? It's connected to the primary basis of the Universe and this is sort of our human way of aligning both the potential higher nature of human beings, but also keeping the state in order, whether it's agriculture or whatever it may be. This was all seen as connected to the music and that was fundamental. If you have 14 orchestras of 800 people, that's just in the imperial court. That's a lot of people. That's not necessary to play a song, you only need a few people. So all these connections - sound was seen as a reflection of the higher order or harmony of the Cosmos. And from these sort of primordial sound, the Primordial Vibration.

I corresponded with Dr. Hans Utter - to ask him to try to explain to Jan (and his audience) about the real Pythagorean logos (and traditional nonwestern music tuning) from India and China as music-meditation healing energy. is my previous blog post on Hans Utter.

So Hans says how he is not going to get into the difference between Western and nonwestern music tuning. And of course Jan and the listeners have no idea - the "live stream" donations are pouring in with the listeners/viewers talking about 440 vs. 432 meme (from Lyndon LaRouche) - not realizing that Hans is talking about nonwestern music tuning - BEFORE Plato. haha.

Jan is going blind in his right eye? His comments then say how their computer screens are making them blind. Yes my increased computer use with less meditation has damaged my eyes - also not enough chlorophyll in the diet. So computers are evil - we have to be very careful with their use.

So - I'm very glad that Dr. Hans Utter is finally starting to get into some of the nonwestern Logos secrets with Jan.

But - he only really "touches" on it - while they kept getting pulled back down by obsession with "evil." I like to focus on the solution - meditation. We can heal the "damage."
I would comment on Jan's youtube channel but he heavily censors his channel.

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