Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kostas Danaos Q & A - on Neigong Mopai energy training and Metis (intuitive gut wisdom)

He says Metis dwells in the gut as intuitive wisdom - and that the enteric gut nervous system evolved from shell fish and is separate from the rest of the nervous system for the first 6 months of being a human, but then connects via the vagus nerve. (45 minutes in).

It can't just be a processing of external stimuli, since it's just the vagus nerve that connects to the rest of the body. So the enteric nervous system - explains the Yin Field and intuition, etc.
The fact that the process is traditionally activated through breathing techniques is particularly anatomically interesting, given the connection of the ENS with the conscious brain through the vagus nerve (The vagus is also called the pneumogastric nerve since it innervates both the lungs and the stomach, as well as connecting the central nervous system to the ENS).
Kostas also refers to Microtubules and Sir Roger Penrose - in the context of qi training! Maybe he's read my research! haha.

Kostas says in his Daobums interview that he thinks yin qi is gravitational and yang qi is dark energy. It's interesting - I don't quite agree with this but kind of. Yeah I mainly agree with that idea.

His whole book is on youtube

The researchers say fasting for 3 days “flips a regenerative switch” which prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells, essentially regenerating the entire immune system.

 To me, it felt as if there was a rubber ball in his belly which could move around to follow your hand. If you pushed on it, it felt as though your hand was ‘sucked’ in and you couldn’t pull it back. Then, the ‘ball’ would suddenly ‘spit’ your hand out, bouncing you back several steps.
Another time, we saw my grandfather sitting shirtless on a stool. He had stuck a flattened lump of dough onto his belly; as he went through his ‘seated taiji’, not only did the dough not fall off, it moved around with the movements of his belly. This kind of gongfu was amazing! Even now, I don’t really understand how he did it. ‘This gongfu of mine you won’t be able to practice, it’s a taiji training method called dan tian gong, most normal people can’t practice it. I’ve been training it since I was a kid. In pushing hands, I’m not afraid of people pushing directly on my stomach; if they do, they won’t be able to get away.”
It is obvious that the taijiquan that Cui practiced contained training methods that produced intense dan tian development. Do these training methods still exist in Yang style or have they been lost over time?“
 John Chang himself says "yang qi can not go past the confines of the human body" while yin qi can - and this is what alchemy teaches. Yang qi has "substance." And so this corroborates my claim that the "yang qi" that "descends" - is the ambrosia swallowed, as alchemy explains - the golden nectar.

John Chang's master appeared as a Yang Shen.

And so just as I speculated in the last blog post - the yang qi is blue light.

Magus of Java pdf link So John Chang had to use a hollow ball - to transfer the energy inside the ball - meaning the energy was both wave and particle (yet neither a wave nor a particle: 5th dimensional energy).


 Boom! Exactly as I have emphasized - the right hand is yin and left hand is yang.

and this is what qigong master Chunyi Lin and Jim Nance do:


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