Dr. Stephen E. Robbins links to the below in his upload description on Bergson
Eco Echo Invasives Extraction
I hear my echo in the echoing wood --
simultaneous reception of echoes results not only in the incorrect
separation of clocks within a moving chain; also asynchronicity of those
clocks. Clocks necessarily get entangled through time dilation;
spin–echo phase-decay leads to a loss of coherence of a single clock.
Phase coherence in the spin has the uncanny property of reversing the
time flows backwards. We feel vibrant buzzing, hear uplifting tonal hum
inside...always music in our heart and head
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77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force
My new blog is http://elixirfield.blogspot.com

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).
Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist
Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist
Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube
77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force
The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation
Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One.""If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE
My new blog is http://elixirfield.blogspot.com

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
77 different sources summarizing the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spirituality
1) De Broglie noted that relativity theory predicts that, when such a
particle is set in motion, its total relativistic energy will increase,
tending to infinity as the speed of light is approached. Likewise, the
period of the internal phenomenon assumed to be associated with the
particle will also increase (due to time dilation). Since period and
frequency are inversely related [Law of Pythagoras], a period increase
is equivalent to a decrease of frequency and, hence, of the energy given
by the quantum relation hf. It was this apparent incompatibility
between the tendency of the relativistic energy to increase and the
quantum energy to decrease that troubled de Broglie. The manner in
which de Broglie resolved this apparent contradiction is the subject of
the famous 1923 Comptes rendus note [Comptes rendus de l'Académie des
Sciences, vol. 177, pp. 507-510 (1923)]. spaceandmotion.com
2) 2015, Daniel V. Schroeder, "Einstein and de Broglie" states "energy [frequency] is to time (period) as momentum is to space (wavelength)." So as the particle moves the internal frequency goes down while internal time (relativity) goes up (slows down) and then the particle's guiding wave momentum goes up (frequency goes up past the speed of light) while the wavelength goes down.
That is the simplest expression of the Law of Phase Harmony - and cancels out Planck's Constant! haha.
3) "Returning to the mass of the photon, it can be argued that this is a result of the non commutativity of spacetime at a micro scale." B.G. Sidharth
phase velocity is equal to the product of the frequency multiplied by the wavelength aka the noncommutative time-frequency consciousness conspirachi.
5) "The de Broglie equation proposes a fusion of what had hitherto considered to be opposites, in that momentum had been considered a property of particles and wavelength a property of waves."
De Broglie described this equivalence between mass and the energy of oscillational motion. . . as ‘une grande loi de la Nature’ (a great law of nature).”... Georges Lochak
This allows the interpretation of de Broglie's "Harmony of the Phases" as a "Principle of Equivalence" for Quantum Gravity....The Harmony of the Phases resulted in a super-luminous wave-velocity...but this was not in contradiction with the postulates of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity because the wave couldn’t carry energy....If the particle moved, the inertial energy and associated frequency increased...But the same particle should, according to de Broglie, be associable to an inner frequency which, for a moving particle, transformed time-like in the same manner as atomic clocks with period T and frequency do in Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity....At first, these postulates were regarded as too fantastic to be true....He proved the Harmony of the Phases by using the wavelength and frequencies, not by means of the momentum and energies. ...the wave frequency belongs to the inertial energy of the particle, as the inner-clock frequency belongs to the [gravitational] energy of the particle....Thus de Broglie gave every particle two, not just one, frequencies. ...a super-luminus wave velocity connected to the particle-velocity.
In its rest-frame, the space around the particle is interpreted as an inertial field with an inertial energy and a connected inertial frequency i = 0. For the particle at rest, this inertial field is extended over the entire space so its density becomes infinitely small and can’t be measured. There is no wave-length because the frequency and the connected energy are homogeneously spread out over all of space....The connection of the particle to the wave and the connection of the gravitational mass to the inertial mass are coinciding problems. The key to the enigma of the particle-wave duality lies in de Broglie’s ”Harmony of the Phases”. E. Paul J. de Haas, The combination of de Broglie's Harmony of the Phases and Mie's theory of gravity results in a Principle of Equivalence for Quantum Gravity.
pdf link
Space and time, or spacetime, is something that “emerges from a quantum substratum,”
8) Manfred Euler:
The clock runs forever so it's self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum. The harmonic beats create dynamic energy.
So then you have a "phase particle" that can be faster than the speed of light - superluminal - and a "mass particle" that is slower than the speed of light as the "group wave" of the "phase wave." The beats of the phase wave then are "in resonance" with the quantum vacuum - and so create mass from the massless field, explaining the Higgs mechanism.
On the relation between a zero-point-field-induced inertial effect and the Einstein-de Broglie formula pdf
Bernard Haisch
10) The crucial function of a holograph, made from lasers, is the PHASE or inherent time of the space. As physicist Fred Alan Wolf states,
“The amplitude of a wave measures its strength. The phase of the wave determines its rhythmic relationship with all other waves. When waves in phase add together coherently they form a single wave with dramatic strength.” (p. 143, Space Time and Beyond).
Fred Alan Wolf (p. 94, Taking the Quantum Leap):
a “wavicle” is two simultaneous realizations of flat space, one with waves and one without.
From the viewpoint of 5D field theory, waves of de Broglie type have to be considered real.
So in 5D all particles behave like photons and everything in the universe is in causal contact with everything else.
an oscillatory phase, which might (if a person is so inclined) be identified with… spiritual modes of existence…separation between points is zero, so all of the events in the world are in (5D) causal contact. In other words, everything is occurring simultaneously.
There is no plausible way to avoid the conclusion that particles which can be seen moving at speeds less than c should be accompanied by waves which cannot be seen and are moving at speeds greater than c.
de Broglie waves are better understood in 5D
…characteristic of inflationary cosmology…its 5D complex generalization…as a model for de Broglie waves.
a null interval admits, in a formal sense, velocities in 3D which exceed lightspeed.
a particle not as a point but a tiny ball of trapped waves.
some of it verging on the mystical.
De Broglie waves follow automatically when the expressions for the energy of a particle [E=mc squared] and a wave [E=Planck’s Constant multipled by frequency] are combined.
This, admittedly, sounds strange.
Whether one believes in a model like this that straddles physics and spirituality is up to the individual…. However it is remarkable that such a model can even be formulated, bridging as it does realms of experience which traditionally have been viewed as immutably separate.
“Simple harmonic waves cannot carry a signal….Hence they may very well travel faster than light, for the theory of relativity would only be contradicted if they could be used to send distinguishable signals for the comparison of clocks.”
(Max Born, The Restless Universe, [1936, 2nd ed. 1951] p. 146)
Max Born, (Quantum mechanics of collision processes (Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge), Zeitschrift für Physik, 38 (1926), 803-827)
Time Operator in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Sina Khorasani, 2017
2015 pdf Kirk T. McDonald
and Robin Bjorkquist, "Hidden Momentum" 2009:
25) Y. Ben-Aryeh, And so what is this hidden momentum but the complementary opposite secret energy! 2012 pdf
A Case for Lorentzian Relativity (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265794811_A_Case_for_Lorentzian_Relativity
Quantum Black Holes, Firewalls and the Topology of Space-Time pdf
Gerard 't Hooft et. al.
The Physics of Heavy Light
Olivier Costa de Beauregard discussing EPR nonlocality with fellow de Broglie protege Georges Lochak
The Unfinished Search for Wave-Particle and Classical-Quantum Harmony (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272194390_The_Unfinished_Search_for_Wave-Particle_and_Classical-Quantum_Harmony
Juliana Mortenson Brooks:
Objective Reality of de Broglie's Waves (PDF Download Available). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258144809_Objective_Reality_of_de_Broglie%27s_Waves
"The truth is that we don't know what would happen when those black holes evaporating reach the Planck scale, they could very well stabilize into some kind of hybrid object. There could be some kind of balancing of the pressure as it loses mass. As a particle loses its mass it will have a quantum tendency to increase its wavelength, on the other hand it will have a gravitational tendency to increase and those two could balance each other....zero-dimensional noncommutative extension of spacetime could explain this....Photons do not experience time." Shahn Majid, Noncommutative Geometry Quantum Physics Professor.
...Dark energy could not be dark at all but it could be perceived as the most luminous thing we know. Light itself.
Marco Fedi
and Dr. Amrit Sorli, advanced relativity:
The Great Design by Yale physics professor Robert K. Adair (1987):
As a particle's momentum is bigger, the pressure it exerts on the surrounding fields becomes bigger. So de Broglie wave means some pressure which the surrounding fields feel.
Note that this wave velocity is just phase velocity, which is NOT the oscillating velocity of each field. Even if each field is oscillating slowly, the phase velocity can be higher, when its wavelength is long. The point is quantum mechanical wave functions distort original de Broglie relation.
Youhei Tsubono, Japan
Benjamin Solomon
A longitudinal resonance acoustic wave medium thrust
Measurement of Impulsive Thrust From a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum - Harold White, Paul March, et. al. 2017
C.N. Yang
58) Yakir Aharonov:
Yakir Aharonov, 2011 aka frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength so phase velocity is negative frequency as reverse time momentum, superluminal (since de Broglie discovered frequency is directly proportional to momentum based on relativistic quantum).
Spin-Mediated Consciousness: Theory, Experimental Studies, Further Development & Related Topics (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2188613_Spin-Mediated_Consciousness_Theory_Experimental_Studies_Further_Development_Related_Topics
Quantum Spin - Visualizing the Physics and mathematics (youtube).
65) Quantum biologist Abicumaran Uthamacumaran
A biophysical approach to cancer dynamics: Quantum chaos and energy turbulence pdf published 2017
John Bell:
Two-slit experiment with electrons Pilot-wave theory: while each particle track passes through
just one slit, the wave passes through both; the interference profile that consequently develops in the wave generates similar pattern in the trajectory guided by the wave.
So then written for a Masters of Science physics degree, mentored by Antony Valentini, this pdf is very clearly written! Amazing philosophy of science found on de Broglie's pilot wave model.
The author, Philipp Roser, notes that the Stern-Gerlach Experiment demonstrates how spin is actually from the Pilot Wave field, and not the particle.
Oh he presented his research as a video talk!
Alain Connes on Music youtube lecture
2) 2015, Daniel V. Schroeder, "Einstein and de Broglie" states "energy [frequency] is to time (period) as momentum is to space (wavelength)." So as the particle moves the internal frequency goes down while internal time (relativity) goes up (slows down) and then the particle's guiding wave momentum goes up (frequency goes up past the speed of light) while the wavelength goes down.
That is the simplest expression of the Law of Phase Harmony - and cancels out Planck's Constant! haha.
3) "Returning to the mass of the photon, it can be argued that this is a result of the non commutativity of spacetime at a micro scale." B.G. Sidharth
phase velocity is equal to the product of the frequency multiplied by the wavelength aka the noncommutative time-frequency consciousness conspirachi.
...the concept of "mass" as an expression of the internal oscillations, the Lorentz transformation of the rest-frame solution to a moving frame, hence the transformation of internal frequency and rest mass, and the relation between the phase velocity (u) and the group velocity (v), viz., uv= c squared, all these results would not be possible without the hypothesis of internal oscillations. It is not necessary to imagine a particle guided or surrounded by a wave; a localized oscillating nonspreading solution is a quantum particle.4) Asim O. Barut, Louis de Broglie and the Single Quantum Particle, 1990.
5) "The de Broglie equation proposes a fusion of what had hitherto considered to be opposites, in that momentum had been considered a property of particles and wavelength a property of waves."
De Broglie described this equivalence between mass and the energy of oscillational motion. . . as ‘une grande loi de la Nature’ (a great law of nature).”... Georges Lochak
This allows the interpretation of de Broglie's "Harmony of the Phases" as a "Principle of Equivalence" for Quantum Gravity....The Harmony of the Phases resulted in a super-luminous wave-velocity...but this was not in contradiction with the postulates of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity because the wave couldn’t carry energy....If the particle moved, the inertial energy and associated frequency increased...But the same particle should, according to de Broglie, be associable to an inner frequency which, for a moving particle, transformed time-like in the same manner as atomic clocks with period T and frequency do in Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity....At first, these postulates were regarded as too fantastic to be true....He proved the Harmony of the Phases by using the wavelength and frequencies, not by means of the momentum and energies. ...the wave frequency belongs to the inertial energy of the particle, as the inner-clock frequency belongs to the [gravitational] energy of the particle....Thus de Broglie gave every particle two, not just one, frequencies. ...a super-luminus wave velocity connected to the particle-velocity.
In its rest-frame, the space around the particle is interpreted as an inertial field with an inertial energy and a connected inertial frequency i = 0. For the particle at rest, this inertial field is extended over the entire space so its density becomes infinitely small and can’t be measured. There is no wave-length because the frequency and the connected energy are homogeneously spread out over all of space....The connection of the particle to the wave and the connection of the gravitational mass to the inertial mass are coinciding problems. The key to the enigma of the particle-wave duality lies in de Broglie’s ”Harmony of the Phases”. E. Paul J. de Haas, The combination of de Broglie's Harmony of the Phases and Mie's theory of gravity results in a Principle of Equivalence for Quantum Gravity.
pdf link
The Harmony of the Phases resulted in a super-luminous wave-velocity vwave connected to
the particle-velocity vparticle as.......But rest mass energy is only part of the story, because there is also a hidden momentum..........The used c = 1/light speed squared is not the velocity of the electron's matter wave but the velocity of the photon during emission by the electron, needed to have harmony of the phases or invariance of emitted wave-fronts or beats. This velocity has been gravity induced............
7) Ruth E. Kastner on Louis de Broglie superluminal phase waves
a particle of rest mass is associated with an oscillation of frequency = m x speed of light squared/Planck's constant which takes the form of a standing wave of constant phase at all spacetime points for a particle at rest.....from the particle's point of view it is 'everywhere at once.'de Broglie waves as the "Bridge of Becoming" pdf
Quantum Potential Force is real! Superluminal Phase Wave
“This new ontological picture requires that we expand our concept of ‘what is real’ to include an extraspatiotemporal domain of quantum possibility,” write Ruth Kastner, Stuart Kauffman and Michael Epperson.
“We simply allow that actual events can instantaneously and acausally affect what is next possible … which, in turn, influences what can next become actual, and so on,” Kastner and colleagues write.
Space and time, or spacetime, is something that “emerges from a quantum substratum,”
8) Manfred Euler:
2016: de Broglie clocks as synchronization: a tangible model of how mass emerges.matter waves are locally in phase with the particle clocks (de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony).
The clock runs forever so it's self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum. The harmonic beats create dynamic energy.
So then you have a "phase particle" that can be faster than the speed of light - superluminal - and a "mass particle" that is slower than the speed of light as the "group wave" of the "phase wave." The beats of the phase wave then are "in resonance" with the quantum vacuum - and so create mass from the massless field, explaining the Higgs mechanism.
On the relation between a zero-point-field-induced inertial effect and the Einstein-de Broglie formula pdf
In such a view the quantum wave function of a moving free particle becomes a “beat frequency” produced by the relative motion of the observer with respect to the particle and its oscillating charge. ... a particle with a definite momentum....does not have a definite position....from the particle's point of view it is 'everywhere at once.' Taking this ontology seriously implies that spacetime, and the attendant notion of 'location of a particle' is not fundamental.
Thus spacetime should not be thought of as a substance, but only a way of describing observable effects arising from the existence of finite mass.
There exists a background sea of quantum light filling the universe and that light generates a force that opposes acceleration when you push on any material object. That is why matter seems to be solid, stable stuff that we, and the world, are made of. So maybe matter resists acceleration not because it possesses some innate thing called mass as Newton proposed and we all believed, but because the zero-point field exerts a force whenever acceleration takes place.
10) The crucial function of a holograph, made from lasers, is the PHASE or inherent time of the space. As physicist Fred Alan Wolf states,
“The amplitude of a wave measures its strength. The phase of the wave determines its rhythmic relationship with all other waves. When waves in phase add together coherently they form a single wave with dramatic strength.” (p. 143, Space Time and Beyond).
Fred Alan Wolf (p. 94, Taking the Quantum Leap):
The movement of the electron from one orbit to another lower energy orbit was a simple change of notes. As a violin string undergoes such a change, there is a moment when both harmonics can be heard. This results in the well-known experience of harmony, or as wave scientists call it, the phenomenon of beats. ...The light was a beat, a harmony, between the lower and upper harmonics of the Schroedinger-de Broglie waves. When we see atomic light, we are observing an atom singing harmony....They had no medium to wave in, and they had no recognizable form in physical space.11) Quantum Theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference, by Guido Bacciagaluppi, Antony Valentini (Cambridge University Press, Oct 22, 2009, p. 36
There seems to be a 'conspiracy' between relativity and quantum theory whereby uncertainty noise prevents one from using subquantum nonlocality for practical signalling. Why should the nonlocality be hidden this way? A physics whose coherence rests on such a peculiar conspiracy can hardly be regarded as fundamental....The fundamental physics of pilot-wave dynamics may be, however, be clearly perceived only by a subquantum 'demon' whose senses are directly receptive to subquantum trajectories....De Broglie's postulate respects conservation of energy, but not conservation of momentum. And indeed, in pilot-wave theory the momentum of a 'free' particle is generally not conserved: in effect (from the standpoint of Bohm's Newtonian forumulation), the pilot wave or quantum potential acts like an 'external source' of momentum (and in general of energy too). The abandonment of something as elementary as the conservation of momentum is certainly a radical step by any standards. On the other hand if one is willing - as de Broglie was - to propose a fundamentally new approach to the theory of motion, then the loss of classical conservation laws is not surprising, as these are really properties of classical equations of motion.,12) Mike Towler on the Quantum Force: indeed "spin must be a property of the wave field and not of the particles."
13) Quotes from Astrophysicist Professor Paul S. Wesson
One characteristic property of de Broglie waves is that the product of their phase velocity and group velocity is equal to the square of the speed of light, where the group velocity is identified with the speed of the associated particle.a “wavicle” is two simultaneous realizations of flat space, one with waves and one without.
From the viewpoint of 5D field theory, waves of de Broglie type have to be considered real.
So in 5D all particles behave like photons and everything in the universe is in causal contact with everything else.
an oscillatory phase, which might (if a person is so inclined) be identified with… spiritual modes of existence…separation between points is zero, so all of the events in the world are in (5D) causal contact. In other words, everything is occurring simultaneously.
There is no plausible way to avoid the conclusion that particles which can be seen moving at speeds less than c should be accompanied by waves which cannot be seen and are moving at speeds greater than c.
de Broglie waves are better understood in 5D
…characteristic of inflationary cosmology…its 5D complex generalization…as a model for de Broglie waves.
a null interval admits, in a formal sense, velocities in 3D which exceed lightspeed.
a particle not as a point but a tiny ball of trapped waves.
some of it verging on the mystical.
De Broglie waves follow automatically when the expressions for the energy of a particle [E=mc squared] and a wave [E=Planck’s Constant multipled by frequency] are combined.
This, admittedly, sounds strange.
Whether one believes in a model like this that straddles physics and spirituality is up to the individual…. However it is remarkable that such a model can even be formulated, bridging as it does realms of experience which traditionally have been viewed as immutably separate.
“Simple harmonic waves cannot carry a signal….Hence they may very well travel faster than light, for the theory of relativity would only be contradicted if they could be used to send distinguishable signals for the comparison of clocks.”
(Max Born, The Restless Universe, [1936, 2nd ed. 1951] p. 146)
Max Born, (Quantum mechanics of collision processes (Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge), Zeitschrift für Physik, 38 (1926), 803-827)
I shall recall a remark that Einstein made about the behavior of the wave field and light quanta. He said that perhaps the waves only have to be wherever one needs to know the path of the corpuscular light quanta, and in that sense, he spoke of a “ghost field.” It determines the probability that a light quantum - viz., the carrier of energy and impulse – follows a certain path; however, the field itself is ascribed no energy and no impulse.15) O.K. so now I quote de Broglie from chapter one of his Ph.D. thesis.
One would do better to postpone these thoughts, when coupled directly to quantum mechanics, until the place of the electromagnetic field in the formalism has been established. However, from the complete analogy between light quanta and electrons, one might consider formulating the laws of electron motion in a similar manner. This is closely related to regarding the de Broglie-Schrödinger waves as “ghost fields,” or better yet, “guiding fields.”
An electron flow crossing a sufficiently small aperture would exhibit diffraction phenomena. This is the direction which we should perhaps look for an experimental confirmation of our ideas.Louis de Broglie, 1923
That which makes an electron an atom of energy is not its small volume that it occupies in space, I repeat: it occupies all space, but the fact that it is indivisible, that it constitutes a unit.His later book on Heisenberg Uncertainty:
In practice it is always combined with the complementary viewpoint of "dynamical state," which corresponds to the undulatory aspect [frequency = Energy (mass x speed of light square)/Planck's constant and wavelength = Plank's constant/momentum]. But this second aspect obviously "transcends" the spacetime frame (the monochromatic plane wave corresponding to a well-defined state of motion occupies all of space and time!)
The fundamental idea of [my 1924 thesis] was the following: The fact that, following Einstein's introduction of photons in light waves, one knew that light contains particles which are concentrations of energy incorporated into the wave, suggests that all particles, like the electron, must be transported by a wave into which it is incorporated... My essential idea was to extend to all particles the coexistence of waves and particles discovered by Einstein in 1905 in the case of light and photons."16) And so Professor Steven M. Taylor (who was illegally assaulted by the cops and fired from his college - just because the administrators are fascists!) derives that the kinetic mass-energy exists prior to or from the future of the change in relative frequency of the light!
relativistic effects of motion affect both the wave and mass-energy aspects of light without paradox. pdf17) Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"
In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.Bohm's Approach and Individuality, 2016, Oxford University Press: Basil J. Hiley:
....quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.
"There we see that if one of the particles enters the field of a Stern-Gerlach magnet, it is then deflected either "up" or "down" depending on the positions of each particle at the time just before the particle enters the magnetic field. The particle in this field has its trajectory changed, while the other particle continues in a straight line. At the same time both spin components become well defined. This is a surprising result, but clearly shows that the individual parts cannot be thought of as isolated "little spinning spheres," a point that was emphasized by Weyl (1931)."18) A Proof for Poisson Bracket in Non-commutative Algebra of Quantum Mechanics by Sina Khorasani, University of Vienna, 2014 pdf
a comparable commutator between energy [frequency] and time... [change in]energy x [change in]time = 1/2 h-bar [half of the quantum phase space is quantum spin].
Time Operator in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Sina Khorasani, 2017
Next, an exact self-adjoint 4 × 4 relativistic time operator for spin-1/2 particles is found and the time eigenstates for the non-relativistic case are obtained and discussed. Results confirm the quantum mechanical speculation that particles can indeed occupy negative energy levels with vanishingly small but non-zero probablity, contrary to the general expectation from classical physics. Hence, Wolfgang Pauli's objection regarding the existence of a self-adjoint time operator is fully resolved.19) Lawrence Domash, former quantum physics professor at Hampshire College:
...superconductivity within one neuron could become phase coherent with that in an adjoining cell by virtue of quantum tunnelling, and this could be stimulated by the macroscopic analog of stimulated emission (alluded to before in connection with the mantra), that is an AC Josephson effect. ...At a more interesting level, the quantum vacuum state may be said to be empty (of excitation) and yet full in the sense of pure potentiality; it contains "virtual" (unphysical) representatives of all possible modes of matter and excitation in the form of vacuum fluctuations or "virtual particles" (zero-point excitations of each field mode, assigned one-half quanta of energy, due directly to the non-commutative property of the field operators).20)
Common Pedagogical Issues with De Broglie Waves: Moving Double Slits, Composite Mass, and Clock Synchronization
Robert L. Shuler
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, USA
‘Leading clocks lag’ and the de Broglie wavelength (PDF Download Available).
Robert L. Shuler
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, USA
The energy E is taken to be the relativistic energy E = γmc2. Wavelength is Planck’s constant divided by momentum. For light, the speed c provided an obvious physical relationship between frequency and wavelength, but for matter the frequency is non-zero even when momentum is zero, and wavelength is infinite under those conditions. If velocity increases, frequency changes only slightly as it is dominated by the large rest mass energy, but wavelength rapidly decreases. This is not intuitive and bears to relation to light wavelengths,
‘Leading clocks lag’ and the de Broglie wavelength (PDF Download Available).
2015 pdf Kirk T. McDonald
As the nonzero “hidden” mechanical momentum of a system “at rest,” such as the present example, must be balanced by an equal and opposite field momentum, we infer that the “field only” momentum (17), or the Minkowski momentum (20), is the true electromagnetic field momentum, in the sense of being the one that preserves momentum conservation for a system“at rest.”22)
"Hidden Momentum"and we get the phase entanglement!
Electromagnetic fields carry energy, momentum, and even angular momentum. The momentum density is ε0(E×B), and it accounts (among other things) for the pressure of light. But even static fields can harbor momentum, and this would appear to contradict a general theorem: if the center of energy of a closed system is at rest, then its total momentum must be zero. Evidently in such cases there lurks some other momentum, not electromagnetic in nature, which cancels the field momentum. But finding this “hidden momentum” can be surprisingly subtle. I’ll discuss a particularly nice example.
That this “hidden” momentum is of order 1/c2,19 and so is a “relativistic” effect, was23)
beyond the scope of discussions in 1904.20
and Robin Bjorkquist, "Hidden Momentum" 2009:
Before turning o ff the magnetic field, the dipole and charge are both at rest, so the total momentum of the system is zero. After turning off the field, the charge is moving and the dipole is not moving, so the total momentum is non-zero.24) and 2010 pdf David C. Lush
That is, with the de Broglie wavelength given as = h/p, where h is the Planck
constant and p is the momentum magnitude, and noting that the Bohr radii are ones with
orbit circumference of whole multiples of the de Broglie wavelength, should p consist properly of hidden as well as kinetic momentum? It seems that perhaps it should, as there is already support in the literature for the influence of hidden momentum in the Dirac equation [13]........
When de Broglie hypothesized a wave character of matter he supposed that matter particles had an internal oscillation with a fixed frequency in the particle rest frame, equal to the frequency of a photon with an energy equal to the rest energy of the matter particle. However, he recognized, according to special relativity a moving particle will be observed to oscillate more slowly due to time dilation, and so will exhibit a frequency that decreases with increasing particle kinetic energy. The internal oscillation of the particle will thus exhibit an energy-frequency relationship that is apparently opposite the photon's. The photon frequency, according to the Planck-Einstein Law, increases in proportion to its energy.
It is contended further that a photon energy-frequency relation of half than currently accepted is consistent with the quantization of energy of the standing waves mode of a cavity oscillator, as assumed by Planck in his successful theory of the blackbody spectrum....Rather since a standing wave can be regarded as a superposition of two oppositely-traveling waves of equal amplitude, the expected number of photons is twice the number of energy multiples of hv....based on the relativistic Doppler effect. [noncommutative phase as scalar]...a trajectory that reverses in ordinary time may be interpreted as giving rise to pair creation and destruction events.David C. Lush Composite Photon Energy-Frequency Relation based on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony
25) Y. Ben-Aryeh, And so what is this hidden momentum but the complementary opposite secret energy! 2012 pdf
It is shown that the phase of the 'hidden momentum' in Aharonov-Bohm (AB) solenoid effect is equal in magnitude to the phase of the electron but with opposite sign.26) Masud Mansuripur And so science has to explain this "hidden momentum" as a macroquantum energy effect! Conversion of hidden momentum to mechanical phonon energy 2016
Consequently, the eigen-modes of mechanical vibration (phonons) created in the process must distribute the acquired energy and momentum throughout the material medium.
The de Broglie Wave as Evidence of a Deeper Wave Structure
The standing wave suffers a dephasing - a failure of simultaneity - in the direction of travel. This dephasing, moving through the underlying wave at superluminal velocity, is the de Broglie wave, not a wave in its own right, but a modulation, or as it might be termed, " a wave of simultaneity."The velocity of the wave is not only superluminal but increases as the particle slows and becomes infinite as the particle comes to rest....At rest, the crests of the underlying wave are no longer peaking in sequence, but in unison, simultaneity has been restored, alignment of phase has become instantaneous, and the velocity of the modulation describing the progress of that alignment has thus become infinite.In effect, modulation and carrier have merged in the standing wave, and the de Broglie wave has disappeared.The Lorentz transformation can be appropriately applied to a standing wave formed from waves of a velocity other than c, but only if the velocity of the underlying influences is nonetheless c, as is so for instance in the case of counter-propagating sound or water waves, where changes in underlying electromagnetic fields propagate at that velocity, or counter propagating light waves of velocity c/n in a medium of refractive index n.But it has been shown here that if the characteristic frequency of the particle is taken to be that of the standing wave, as de Broglie himself proposed, the de Broglie wave arises as an immediate consequence of the failure of simultaneity described by the Lorentz transformation.But is it the suggestion of a deeper wave structure underlying the de Broglie wave that could have the larger significance for quantum theory....If the de Broglie wave is the modulation of a underlying standing wave structure, it becomes possible to speculate that this underlying wave, moving at the velocity of the particle and following a well-defined trajectory, might explain both the wave and the particulate properties of the particle. And composed of influences evolving at the speed of light, the existence of this underlying structure would imply a deeper and more natural unity in Nature than could be guessed at if the only wave associated with a massive particle were of superluminal velocity and unknown ontology.
As the particle moves, the standing wave becomes a travelling wave having two factors. One is a carrier wave displaying the dilated frequency and contracted ellipsoidal form described by the LT, while the other (identified as the de Broglie wave) is a modulation defining the dephasing of the carrier wave (and thus the failure of simultaneity) in the direction of travel. The superluminality of the de Broglie wave is thus explained, as are several other mysterious features of the optical behaviour of matter,
As to the infinity at the core of the model, it must be supposed that any viable wave form would exhibit some asymmetry avoiding such a singularity.28) Philosophy professor Quentin Smith has co-edited a book on consciousness, in which he says there is a "universal pilot wave that directs the universe." He says humans need to "accomplish this relearning" and "relearn to perceive a de Broglie-Bohm world that includes entangled wave-forms that consciously construct the illusion of the common-place mechanical world." (Consciousness, Oxford University Press, 2003).
Telekinesis research William Tiller
Specifically, William Tiller's "Reciprocal sub-space" (where magnetic currents might travel faster than the speed of light) could perhaps logically be well-described by taking the reciprocal of each of the conventional four dimensions, much as Rauscher and Targ have proposed for explaining precognition. And because the reciprocal of time t is 1/t, which in common physics we recognize as Frequency, Schild renames Tiller's "reciprocal subspace" as "Frequency sub-spacetime". Link
The engineer and physicist William Tiller has
based his consciousness studies on the de Broglie pilot wave by arguing
it requires a consciousness particle - the Deltron. His paper focused on
this foundation of his model is called Why Has Orthodox Physics Neglected the Superluminal Velocities of de Broglie Pilot Wave Components? pdf
“A time-like Möbius strip….Virtual black holes must be every where in space and time.”Nobel physicist Gerard ’t Hooft, Feb. 2017
Quantum Black Holes, Firewalls and the Topology of Space-Time pdf
if you follow a closed line in space-time (not a geodesic) leaving from a point x on the horizon, going outwards, then along a large half circle, the inwards to the antipode of, you don’t just get a closed line (since x and its antipode are identified), but it is a timelike Moebius strip! Time goes smoothly into minus time. This implies that creation operators turn smoothly into annihilation operators and vice versa. Also, the vacuum state goes smoothly to the full state. Try to imagine this!Dec. 2016.Virtual black holes must be everywhere in space and time. Matter can contract to become black holes, frequently, then evaporate frequently.
Gerard 't Hooft et. al.
The shorter the wavelength...of the photons, the heavier the box....Matter is transformed to radiation but mass stays the same [frequency/speed of light squared]. Put on a balance in a box, it is impossible to know whether [it is matter or light]....The confusion that sometimes arises can often be traced back to the mix-up between the words "mass" and "matter." Matter can be transformed into radiation. ...Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft and M.B. van der Mark, 2000
What is intriguing is that matter's most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply they all have some sort of intrinsic dynamics....So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box. If really so, matter is light.
The Physics of Heavy Light
31) It was Olivier Costa de Beauregard who emphasized that precognition was part of de Broglie's pilot wave model and in 1956 de Broglie said to Costa de Beauregard that there was "an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time."
...the miraculous phenomenon - convergent final state with coherent phase - may be more or less "simulated" by a "conspiracy of causes" in the form of antecedent sources that are coherent in phase....Louis de Broglie thought I was completely mad. Nevertheless I published the idea...but I believe that much significance is lost by not making use of relativistic quantum mechanics.
In sum the "new quantum mechanics" describes and experiment entirely confirms, the paradoxical correlation, or non-separability in B. D'Espagnat's phrase, either between two distance measurements...or between two distant preparations for measurement...coupled by their common past or future respectively.
I assert then that relativistic quantum mechanics accounts completely for all this...the observer is also an actor, and therefore what parapsychologists call "psychokinesis" must be logically accepted. "Precognition" too must be logically accepted if the future exists in actuality, and if convergent waves are not to be discounted.
The indirect transmission of messages to Elsewhere along Feynman lines implies "telepathy" and "telekinesis" - and this is what frightened Einstein, twice mentioning "telepathy" in this connection in 1949, Schroedinger using the word "magic" in 1935, and de Broglie, seeing in 1956, "an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time.""Cosmos and Consciousness," in Science and Consciousness: Two Views of the Universe, 1980.
Olivier Costa de Beauregard discussing EPR nonlocality with fellow de Broglie protege Georges Lochak
A high-ranked official said the subject is way too hot, it looks like physicists do not agree with each other, and it would look bad in the public and bad for fundraising....Parapsychology, well parapsychology, no one is allowed to talk about it. You may say you don't understand it, me neither, I don't but it is the TRUE reason why they would not let anyone speak about it [EPR nonlocality].
2017 de Broglie's double solution program: 90 years later (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315454596_de_Broglie's_double_solution_program_90_years_laterMoreover, if there is no maximum speed (a ‘speed of light’) inthe system, the radiative part of the solution that is generated in thisrelaxation process will permeate the entire phase space instantaneously.Which means that in such a system, at least in principle, there will be some spooky action at a distance, as this radiation perturbs the othersolitary wave instantaneously....
in order to reformulate quantum dynamics as a nonlinear dynamics.This approach might, however, constitute an interesting bridge towardsquantum formulations of gravitation which has the merit that it drawsfrom general relativity the lesson that nonlinearity and gravitation areindissociable. It also has the merit that it might explain, in gravitationalterms, the cohesion of elementary particles (and, to a larger extent, ofmatter as a whole), a problem Einstein already faced when he developedthe theory of the photon (cf. the quote in the introduction) and whichwas originally addressed by Poincar´e himself in 1905 when he introducedthe so-called Poincar´e pressure in order to explain why electrons, viewedas force fields, do not spread with time.
It follows from our theory that the [corpuscle-wave] duality represents modulation of internal (hidden) quantum beats frequency between the asymmetric 'actual' (torus) and 'complementary' (antitorus) states of sub-elementary fermions or antifermions by the external-empirical de Broglie wave frequency of these particles, equal to beats frequency of the 'anchor' Bivacuum fermion (Kaivarainen, 2005).
Unified Model of Bivacuum, Corpuscle-Wave Duality, Electromagnetism, Gravitation & Time
A Kaivarainen - 2001 -
So when I did the above search that I started this blogpost about - I discovered Alex Kaivarainen, Ph.D.
He has a book on a unified field theory of paranormal physics - and he starts off with the de Broglie law of Phase Harmony but then he switches over to the golden ratio. the pdf is downloaded from that link.
So I saw his research was listed as being published out of a conference honoring Jean-Pierre Vigier - the de Broglie lineage physicist I had linked yesterday pdf as an update in the "Idiot's Guide" article.
So when I did the above search that I started this blogpost about - I discovered Alex Kaivarainen, Ph.D.
He has a book on a unified field theory of paranormal physics - and he starts off with the de Broglie law of Phase Harmony but then he switches over to the golden ratio. the pdf is downloaded from that link.
So I saw his research was listed as being published out of a conference honoring Jean-Pierre Vigier - the de Broglie lineage physicist I had linked yesterday pdf as an update in the "Idiot's Guide" article.
In 1948 he was appointed assistant to Louis de Broglie, a position he held until the latter's retirement in 1962.Kaivarainen uses the term "virtual microtubules" which I suppose is a continuation of what Vigier called "time-like hypertubes inside the light" that carry the de Broglie superluminal phase wave - and in fact this is the equivalent of the noncommutative phase-shift in the 5th dimension. So the cool thing is Kaivarainen is taking Vigier's model but applying it to long distance spirit healing.
Nearly 90 years ago de Broglie noticed that, in the microscopic world, periodicity and wavelength, T and l respectively, of a relativistic wave can be used to describe the energy momentum, E and p, of the particle through the Planck constant h. That is, E= h / T and p = h/ l (these relations are often written in terms of time frequency and spatial wavenumber).Ph.D. Donatello Dolce on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony
It is important to bear in mind that, according to de Broglie, the energy E and the periodicity T are “two faces of the same coin”. This means that an assumption of intrinsic periodicity is fully consistent with relativity as long as the relativistic modulations of periodicity associated to relativistic variations of kinematical state are considered. In fact we will describe interaction as modulation of periodicity as for gravitational interaction. Since our world is composed by elementary particles, and elementary particles are intrinsically periodic phenomena, it is natural to assume that reality can be described in terms of elementary cycles.
In particular the de Broglie internal clock associated to an elementary particle, as our ordinary clocks, can be conventionally chosen to be clockwise or anticlockwise. Only the reciprocal combinations of the ticks of these clocks are important. However if invert a single clock with respect to the others we obtain a different physical system. This corresponds to pass from a particle to an antiparticle and vice versa.
As known since Pythagoras, see fig.3a, a system (e.g. a string) constrained in a compact or periodic space can only vibrate with discretized (quantized) frequencies. That is a homogeneous string, which in our case corresponds to a free particle, can be represented as a homogeneous string vibrating with fundamental periodicity T=1 / v , so that the resulting harmonic frequency spectrum is v_n = n v.
It is interesting to note that the theory is the full relativistic generalization of sound theory. Sound theory, developed by the Nobel laureate 1904 Reyleigh, is actually at the origin of the modern quantum formalism. A sound source is an object vibrating along spatial dimensions in a classical wave framework. A quantum system turns out to be an object vibrating along space-time dimensions in a relativistic wave framework [4].
Since temporal-spatial periodicity and energy-momentum are two faces of the same coin, we can equivalently describe the retarded and local variations of energy-momentum occurring during relativistic interactions in terms of corresponding modulations of temporal-spatial periodicity of the elementary particles. In particular we may note that Einstein derived his description of gravitational interaction of general relativity by considering the modulations of temporal-spatial periodicity associated to a Newtonian gravitational potential.
The phase harmony implies that the momentum-energy and the space-time periodicity are dual quantities - they are two sides of the same coin.
In general, the higher harmonics describe the quantum excitations of the particles (e.g. multiparticle states) whereas the fundamental harmonic is the de Broglie matter wave of ordinary undulatory mechanics or field theory - the negative vibrational modes correspond to antimatter ("anti-particles")
Thus, massive elementary particles, with their vibrations in space and time, are the relativistic sources of sound. In fact we have postulated that every elementary particle is a vibrating space-time string.
The "medium" on which this relativistic "sound" propagates is the space-time(s) associated to the fundamental massless particles of the Standard Model, i.e. photons and gravitons.
It is mentioned and proved that the de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation is universal and is valid for the non-relativistic cases since it does not depend on the relativistic case. It must also be put forward that this equation is obtained from the fundamental equations of the quantum theory and special theory of relativity....It is important to note that this result also affects the correctness of the differential equations of the quantum theory like the Schroedinger equation.
The electrical scalar potential satisfies the Helmholtz equation for time-harmonic waves and Aharonov-Bohm showed that the electromagnetic potentials have physical reality. For these reasons, the scalar potential represents scalar wave propagation in space.
Some recent experiments on acoustics may be helpful....There are two wavelengths and two velocities in the phenomenon. The first set is composed of the velocity of the drop and its vertical wavelength. The second set includes the velocity of the surface water and its horizontal wavelength. There is only one frequency....Thus the horizontal velocity and the vertical wavelength of the droplet coincides with the particle velocity [faster than light] and the particle wavelength of the photon....note the frequency is equal...just like our theory....Here he is - a photo of Yusuf Ziya Umul, Professor
...the energy-momentum flux will be larger in the blue shifted part than in the red shifted part....In a moving frame, they diverge: the mean internal frequency of the photon will increase; simultaneously the orbital frequency of the photon will decrease due to the relativistic law of the slowing down of clocks. Despite the difference in frequency, at any point in space-time these two oscillations must be in phase....This provides a possible physical origin for the postulated law of the "harmony of the phases" first proposed by de Broglie, which lies at the origin of quantum mechanics. ...In a head-on collision between two photons, the interaction will be essentially between the blue-shifted regions which are converging....This state may then decay back into two photons or into an electron-positron pair.Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark, 1997
"Newton's first law (rectilinear motion in the absence of forces) is not satisfied....The wave function that never collapses is the one of the Universe....one theory (the de Broglie-Bohm one) is about the World, the other (ordinary quantum mechanics) is not."Quantum physics professor Jean Bricmont, 2016, THE DE BROGLIE-BOHM THEORY AS A RATIONAL COMPLETION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS
Entanglement is the essential ingredient that knits space-time together into a smooth whole — not just in exotic cases with black holes, but always.... If any two particles are connected by entanglement, the physicists suggested, then they are effectively joined by a wormhole. And vice versa: the connection that physicists call a wormhole is equivalent to entanglement. They are different ways of describing the same underlying reality. The quantum source of spacetime. 2015
It is also important to point out that experimental verifications of the predictions of the double-prism experiment and the observation of average single photon trajectories in weak measurements appear to favour the spacetime picture of particles favoured by Einstein, de Broglie and Bohm over the complementarity approach favoured by Bohr....The theory is explicitly non-local because the position and motion of each particle generally depends on the coordinates of the whole system.
The Unfinished Search for Wave-Particle and Classical-Quantum Harmony (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272194390_The_Unfinished_Search_for_Wave-Particle_and_Classical-Quantum_Harmony
Partha Ghose, The Unfinished Search…2015:
classical physics emerges from a quantum substratum when the non-commuting dynamical variables somehow become hidden.39)
Juliana Mortenson Brooks:
The mean energy of a single oscillation or wave of light [energy/number of oscillations) is numerically equal to the value of Planck's proportionality constant "h"....The photon, as historically defined, is a time dependent packet of energy, based on the arbitrary measurement time of one second....An arbitrary one second energy increment cannot be a truly indivisible and elementary particle of nature....The variable for measurement time was relegated to an invisible existence as a hidden variable, with an implicit and fixed value of "one second." ...Planck thereafter adopted the methods of Wilhelm Wien to convert the experimental black-body data, from time dependent energy measurements to energy density measurements seemingly "independent" of time....The wave and the particle of light are not simply dual, they are identical....Planck described resonant electromagnetic waves as orderly "homogenous vibrations"..."the energy would have to be completely free to be converted into work." This was Planck's insightful Resonance Hypothesis.
Using Planck's incomplete quantum formula however, De Broglie was constrained to working with an energy variable - the product of action and frequency - rather than the fundamental energy quantum. Never-the-less, De Broglie gallantly tried to make sense of the paradox created by the fact that it was "impossible to consider an isolated quantity of energy" and yet "we have returned to statements on energy as fundamental and ceased to question why action plays a large role."40)
the "force" term due to the Wave Potential maintains itself perpendicular to the particle trajectories, so that no energy exchange is
involved by its merely deflecting piloting action....
Somewhat like in the case of a particle with electric charge e and relativistic mass m moving in time-
independent electric and magnetic potentials...
the picture is hindered by the ambitious representation of the particle as a small clock,endowed with an internal oscillation in phase with the physical wave carrying it....the family of Helmholtz-like equations directly leads to attribute exact trajectories and motion laws to the particles associated with de Broglie's (objective and experimentally well established) stationary waves.
- Adriano Orefice, Raffaele Giovanelli, Domencio Ditto, Universities of Milan, and Parma Italy
Here we have forfeited symmetry. We have however discovered something else: Harmony....I don't believe that Nature is governed by symmetry but rather by Harmony and Harmony is certainly not synonymous with symmetry....In Projective Space you can go from A to B, not in one, but in two ways....the reverse one...via the plane at infinity. Light would precisely follow this reverse path, if we were to move at speeds greater than its own, so that it would always stay "ahead" of us....meaning we "will capture" light coming from spaces we have not yet reached.... http://www.dgraftopoulos.eu/My_Work.html
42)Dionysios G Raftopoulos
This representation only works for the (more fundamental) 1/2-integral representations (i.e. spinors/turns/quaternions) but also lets one build the vector and tensor representations. The converse does not hold....this property of "noncommutivity" in itself might be valuable in some way.
My claim, and original idea, has been that this is circumnavigating a T'ai Chi (Yin/Yang) symbol! More recently (Oshins, 1993b) I have suggested that this proximate technique can be used to realize Wing Chun kung-fu's "bong sau/tan sau" movement out of the Kauffman/Oshins "quaternionic arm" discussed and referenced below in end note 5.
I believe that this may be a way to get mind to code the relative relationship of part of oneself with respect to the rest of oneself (self-referential motion) and can explain the concepts of being "centered"/"one"/"integrated"/"extended"/"whole" etc. which one strives for in meditation.Oshins, E. (1993). Oshins, E. (1993). A test for classical psychospinors. http://www.quantumpsychology.com/pdf/Test-ClassicalPsychospinors.pdf In Abdullah, F. (Ed.) Conservation and Invariance. Cambridge, UK: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, London England.
"The truth is that we don't know what would happen when those black holes evaporating reach the Planck scale, they could very well stabilize into some kind of hybrid object. There could be some kind of balancing of the pressure as it loses mass. As a particle loses its mass it will have a quantum tendency to increase its wavelength, on the other hand it will have a gravitational tendency to increase and those two could balance each other....zero-dimensional noncommutative extension of spacetime could explain this....Photons do not experience time." Shahn Majid, Noncommutative Geometry Quantum Physics Professor.
Professor Fabio Cardone:
The wave associated to a quantum object (to be meant according to the Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm interpretation, i.e. as a hollow – or pilot – wave) is a deformation of the Minkowskian space-time geometry. This hypothesis establishes a possible connection between the two seemingly unrelated questions of the real nature of the quantum wave in Quantum Mechanics, and of the possible breakdown of local Lorentz invariance in Special Relativity....a hollow wave is nothing but a local deformation of space-time geometry. By a metaphoric image we may picture the local deformed space-time, which is intimately bound to each photon, as the shadow of the photon. It is immaterial, like a shadow (since it carries neither energy nor momentum) and it can reach space regions far from the photon, exactly as a shadow fills space regions far from the body that casts it....This is essentially due (according to de Broglie and Andrade y Silva) to the interaction of quantum objects with all the pilot waves in a given space region, through their quantum potential.45)
an ubiquitous superfluid which fills the universe. Here we analyze light propagation through this “dark superfluid” (which also dark matter would be a hydrodynamic manifestation of) by considering a photon-phonon analogy, where photon is a quasi-particle which acoustically propagates through
Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: II. photon-phonon analogy - Hal
by M Fedi - 2017 pdfFrom the point of view of a fluid approach, the de Broglie-Bohm's pilot wave could perhaps be explained as an ether wave, a special fluid...
"The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiments, is a relativistic ether." Noble physicist Robert Betts Laughlin
the Planck constant refers to mass circulating along a closed loop in a given time....this kinetic energy adds energy to the system while the turn is performed, so we understand the meaning of [change in frequency energy x change in time aka time-frequency uncertainty]....a mass circulation in a quantum vortex....a continuous hydrodynamic fluctuation.a photon is actually a special spin-1 phonon propagating through dark energy....Light could be nothing more than "the sound of dark energy" and c the speed of sound through dark energy. A sound that we perceive through our eyes....producing a transversal wave due to spin.
...Dark energy could not be dark at all but it could be perceived as the most luminous thing we know. Light itself.
Marco Fedi
A superfluid Theory of Everything? - Hal 2016
In a double-slit experiment, if one of the two slits is closed, the quantum potential changes, and this information arrives instantaneously to the particle, which behaves as a consequence....It is a merit of the pilot wave theory ...to show, in such direct way, the non-locality that, according to Bohm, "...is the newest and most fundamental ontological characteristic implied by quantum theory."Ph.D. physics: Davide Fiscaletti, 2012
...the quantum force can remove the Big Bang singularity, because it can behave as a repulsive force.
The quantum force may be present on large scales, because the quantum effects of the quantum potential are independent of the scale.
The de Broglie-Bohm theory is an interesting approach to quantum mechanics, which has the merit to describe atomic and subatomic processes without ascribing a special role to the observer and remaining faithful to the principle of causality and the motion dogma. In this article, a new suggestive interpretation of the de Broglie-Bohm theory is proposed. It is based on the idea that the quantum entropy is its ultimate visiting card in the quantum domain, in a relativistic curved space-time, and in the quantum gravity domain.The quantum entropy as an ultimate visiting card of the de Broglie-Bohm theory | Request PDF. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286037785_The_quantum_entropy_as_an_ultimate_visiting_card_of_the_de_Broglie-Bohm_theory
and Dr. Amrit Sorli, advanced relativity:
Advanced relativity can also be considered as a development of the De Broglie-Bohm pilot wave model. Every elementary particle in 3D universal physical space has its pilot wave in higher dimensional Hilbert spaces. Consciousness is the higher Hilbert space and "guides," via the lower dimensional spaces, 3D elementary particles....Using the Fourier integral to analyze brain waves, [Norbert] Weiner described how frequency within brain centres tend to attract one another, resonate and "self-tune," in the frequency domain....(Weiner, 1948).Telepathy...remote viewing....Direct Intention....3D biophoton spin....
The Great Design by Yale physics professor Robert K. Adair (1987):
“If the potentials change at a place and time, the phase [wave-form] of the de Broglie wave will change at that point and time. Indeed, because the potentials…can have nonzero values…the phase of the de Broglie wave can be affected by a change in the potentials even though the electric and magnetic fields are zero at that point (the Bohm-Aharanov Effect). Although the phase of the de Broglie wave is changed at every point and at every time by an amount [of wave-length]...the sum of the changes elsewhere conspires to give exactly the same diffraction pattern.” (p. 330)
The secret of alchemy given by quantum cosmologist professor Andrei Linde
If you did not have normal matter then you do not have it after inflation, unless you know how to produce it. Usually you produce equal numbers of particles and antiparticles. But you need just a little more of particles and they form the basis of our life. This process of the creation of matter is impossible without quantum mechanics. You know that there exists the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and one of its formulation is delta E [change of frequency] multiplied by delta T [change of time] is comparable with the Planck's Constant. So if you violate energy conservation law, but do it quickly, then nobody can catch your hand and say you violated the energy conservation.49)
As a particle's momentum is bigger, the pressure it exerts on the surrounding fields becomes bigger. So de Broglie wave means some pressure which the surrounding fields feel.
Note that this wave velocity is just phase velocity, which is NOT the oscillating velocity of each field. Even if each field is oscillating slowly, the phase velocity can be higher, when its wavelength is long. The point is quantum mechanical wave functions distort original de Broglie relation.
Youhei Tsubono, Japan
To propel rockets using mass particles such as ions, atoms and molecules (aka fuel), momentum exchange is the basic concept behind thrust. So why do massless photons create thrust? Honestly, we don’t know because we don’t know how to falsify what we currently know. We have this empirical formula for photon momentum, p = h/λ where h is Planck’s constant and λ is the photon’s wavelength. And the group velocity that causes the EMDrive thrust, can be traced back to this empirical formula.
Benjamin Solomon
that quantum vacuum fluctuations (virtual particles) could be the dynamic medium that guides real particles in pilot-wave quantum physics theories. In fact, the researchers start the theory section of the paper by describing their theoretical model as “a nonlocal hidden-variable theory, or pilot-wave theory for short.”
A longitudinal resonance acoustic wave medium thrust
...Bell went on to say in the preface of his 1987 book that the pilot wave eliminated the shifty boundary between wavy quantum states on the one hand and Bohr's classical terms on the other: said simply there was a real quantum dynamics underlying the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
Measurement of Impulsive Thrust From a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum - Harold White, Paul March, et. al. 2017
Incorporating de Broglie relationship into the alternative model for Compton scattering demands a proper justification....We are rather forced to think in terms of de Broglie wave from the beginning. ...The suggests some kind of resonance has to take place in the system....it postulates existence of a new interaction force.Elements of the wave-particle duality of light, by Borys Jagielski, 2009 Masters thesis in physics, University of Oslo
De Broglie’s 1924 proposal that matter could behave in a wave-like manner was also examined. These wave-like characteristics of electrons were shown to exist in 1927 by Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer [15]. De Broglie himself had supplied a basis for the ZPE explanation. He suggested that the famous equation E = mc2 and Planck’s E = hf, could be equated. In these equations, ‘E’ is the energy of the particle of mass ‘m’, and ‘c’ is the speed of light. This gives a frequency, f = mc2 /h , which is now called the Compton frequency. De Broglie felt that this frequency was an intrinsic oscillation of the charge of an electron or parton. If he had then identified the ZPE as the source of the oscillation, he would have been on his way to a solution.
Haisch and Rueda point out that the electron really does
oscillate at the Compton frequency, when in its own rest frame, due to
the ZPE. They note
“… when you view the electron from a moving frame there is a beat frequency superimposed on this oscillation due to the Doppler shift. It turns out that this beat frequency proves to be exactly the de Broglie wavelength of a moving electron. … the ZPF drives the electron to undergo some kind of oscillation at the Compton frequency… and this is where and how the de Broglie wavelength originates due to Doppler shifts.” [16]
Thus the Compton frequency is due to the ZPE-imposed oscillation of the
particle at rest. The de Broglie wavelength results from both the
motion of the particle and the oscillation, appearing as a "beat"
Zero Point Energy, Light and Time
Barry J. Setterfield
On the quantum "self-teleportation" probability of a human body: 2017 pdf link:
Quantum Theory and Human perception by Diederik Aerts 2014
More on Spin
Quantum fields are not fields - American Association of Physics ...
by M Sassoli de Bianchi - 2013 -
Dr. Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi on Self-Teleportation of the Human Body
Let us start by considering the main reason why a quantum entity cannot be considered a particle; we will then show that the same argument applies, mutatis mutandis, to the field concept.
On the quantum "self-teleportation" probability of a human body: 2017 pdf link:
Let me explain. An elementary entity, such as a proton, an electron, or an entire hydrogen atom, spends most of its time in a non-spatial (non-local) condition, unless it is incorporated into a macroscopic structure.
It is perhaps this in-depth-direction that has been traveled (at least in part) by those individuals that have tried, in the ambit of so-called inner (re)search , to access more universal forms of quantumness, at the price of learning how to silence all possible forms of decohering disturbances.
Think for instance of the practice of sensorial isolation known as pratyahara , the fifth element among the eight stages of Patanjalis Yoga(Ravindra, 2009). We can think of it as a gateway, created by a specific inner technology, to pass from the experience of (spatial) “external” states to (non-spatial) “internal” states, with the latter to be further stabilized and deepened by the successive practice of concentration ( dharana) and abstract meditation (dhyana). It is maybe no surprise then to observe that inner researchers frequently report of the encounter with rich and abundant life forms and cultures, in the course of their inner (in-depth-direction) journeys, some of which are also described as being more advanced than ours Diederik Aerts et. al.
Now, if ordinary laboratories are equipped with technological tools, consciential laboratories are equipped with paratechnologies, i.e. inner technologies. These include the different methodologies the consciousness employs in its work of self-research and development, as well as the possibility to create and maintain in situ an adequate (subtle) energetic field, properly informed, which can enhance the effects of the work done. Quantum Self-Research
This macroscopic quantum behavior is crucially dependent on the spin of the considered entity. However, the spin is not a property that can be fit well into the wave-particle explanation, it is neither a wave nor a particle,
Quantum Theory and Human perception by Diederik Aerts 2014
according to some ideas in today's physics community real quantum particles are considered quasiparticles of an aether described by the quantum vacuum (Wilczek, 2008), but independently of these ideas, when we define quantum by means of the characteristic of its behavior, these quasiparticles are quantum. And, if we go a step further and define quantum by means of the nature of the mathematical structure involved in the modeling of the phenomenon, they are quantum too, because they are defined by the mathematical formalism of quantum theory itself.Art Hobson, physics professor emeritus, likes to post the same comment on youtube - not sure why he has not gotten spam filtered.
Then if microscopic entities are assumed to obey Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP), as we know they do, one is forced to admit that the concept of "microscopic particle" is a self-contradictory one....Therefore, whatever its nature is, it is a non-spatial entity, and if only for this reason it cannot be considered a particle....But a field is also an entity defined in space, possessing specific actual properties in every point of it (like for instance force vectors).
Hobson rightly observes that the replacement of the concept of particle by the one of field cannot solve such a problem, but what we think he fails to consider is that both the particle and field concepts are inadequate because of the measurement issue.
A quantum "field" can certainly be understood in the abstract sense of a "field of potentialities....In ultimate analysis, what quantum mechanics teaches us is that not all of physical reality is contained within space, and that we need to drop the preconception that so-called microscopic "particles" and quantum "fields" would necessarily be spatial entities.
More on Spin
The above constitutes a very simple no-go argument showing that it is impossible to directly associate a quantum spin eigenstate (and a fortiori, of course, a superposition of spin eigenstates) with an angular momentum vector having a specific direction in space, not even if instead of a single direction we accept to associate to it an entire collection of indeterminate vectors lying on a cone. This means that not only a spin eigenstate cannot be understood as an entity belonging to our three-dimensional spatial theater, it neither can be understood as a higher dimensional classical-like entity characterized by multiple directions, that would simply “cast a three-dimensional shadow” onto it (in a sort of view à la Edwin A. Abbott) (Fig. 2).
Ph.D. Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri
So basically he is saying that only when you combine the external electromagnetic field created by the piezoelectric microtubules interacting with the water then is it possible to create this superluminal virtual photon field - that has an evanescent mode (reverse time) from the subharmonic within the tubulin - and this evanescent tail - the pilot wave - then extends outside the microtubule so that it enables a macroquantum supercoherence state.
Also then the water in this coherent domain contributes electron energy to molecules while also emitting biophotons and then the virtual photon energy is captured and also worked as a signal with the molecules.
Superradiant Coherent Photons and Hypercomputation in Brain Microtubules Considered as Metamaterials
Several studies have suggested the theoretical possibility of considering human brain as supercomputer using superluminal evanescent photons eventually generated inside its microtubules to manipulate quantum bits in brain. In a previous work we have shown that in the water trapped inside brain microtubules could exist the conditions to allow a spontaneous QED quantum vacuum phase transition towards a macroscopic coherent quantum state characterized by a phased oscillation, at a rescaled frequency, between the water molecules states and an auto-generated electromagnetic field associated to a suitable electronic transition in them. As a result a self-trapped field of superradiant superluminal photons is just generated inside microtubules, characterized by an evanescent tail whose penetration depth is greater than the thickness of microtubules cylinder. In this way the interior of the brain MT cylinders can be considered as a resonant cavity for such superradiant photons whose refraction index depends on the rescaled coherent oscillation frequency. On the other hand it is already theoretical known and experimentally proven that a near perfect tunneling and amplification of evanescent electromagnetic waves is possible in a waveguide filled by a metamaterial. In this paper, basing on the consideration of some structural analogies between man-made metamaterials and some natural biological structures, we just propose the idea to interpret the inner medium of the brain microtubules cylinder as having the properties similar to those characterizing metamaterials and so able to specifically enhance the propagation of evanescent photons inside the neurons.
Space And Time Separation, Time Travel, Superluminal Motion And Big Bang Cosmology Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri1,2, Amrit Sorli1 1Foundation of Physics Research Center - FoPRC, Italy 2University of Calabria, Italy, Cosmology, Vol 18, 212-222.
55) physicist Jean Charon, as Berendt states,Both the electron and the black hole [i.e. extremely dense matter with zero beats] are characterized by totally curved space and by curved time. This means that the time of electrons and of black holes is opposite to our 'material' time, which moves on a straight line from past to present to future. This, in turn, may imply that if entropy grows in the 'material' world, then in the world of electrons (and black holes) precisely the opposite force might grow, the force of negentropy.89
Berendt refers to physicist Jean E. Charon,
"Each particle...has its own spin, and all these spins vibrate together in the whole-number proportions of the overtone scale. This then is the prime model of mind and spirit."
The World Is Sound, p. 125, citing Jean E. Charon: L'Esprit, cet inconnu (Paris: A. Michael, 1977). See also Jean E. Charon, The Unknown Spirit (London : Coventure, 1983); Jean E. Charon, Complex Relativity: Unifying all four physical interactions (New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1988); and Jean E. Charon, The Real and the Imaginary: A new approach to physics (New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1987).
Thus the superluminal (FTL) transmission velocity increases with barrier length. This strange behavior is called the Hartman effect, which was confirmed in several experiments....Evanescent optical modes with their imaginary momentum are strange particles....Evanescent and tunneling modes are virtual particles. They are observed in electromagnetic, elastic fields, and they appear also at macroscopic extensions....The tunneling process seems to represent an exception of special theory of relativity.
..direct sound from a source interferes with a strong reflection from a hard surface....Thus, the superluminal acoustic effect we have described is likely a ubiquitous but imperceptible phenomenon in the everyday world.
Since 1931, the nonclassical process of tunneling was conjectured to have a zero-time delay in the barrier. These theories have been rejected and denied. However, photonic and recent electronic tunneling experiments have proven the zero-time prediction. Tunneling is due to virtual wave packets in electromagnetic, elastic, and Schrödinger wave fields up to the macroscopic level. In this article we cite theoretical and experimental studies on zero-time tunneling, which have proven this striking behavior.
creates a passive dielectric medium with a negative group delay time due to polarization shift. A rotational strain of the polarization vector by one of the adaptors is coupled with a drastic negative group velocity.57)
Throughout his lifetime, Maxwell always wrote his equations with the vector potential A playing key role. After his death, Heaviside and Hertz gleefully eliminated A. But we know with Quantum Mechanics that A has physical meaning. It cannot be eliminated (E.g., the Aharanov-Bohm experiment).C.N. Yang youtube lecture,
The Aharonov–Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday–Aharonov–Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (V, A), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero.
If the electric charge through gauge invariance creates an electromagnetic field, wouldn't this isotopic spin also generate a field? And that is the motivation...
C.N. Yang
58) Yakir Aharonov:
There is a non-local exchange that depends on the modular variable....I'm saying that I have now an intuitive picture to understand interference by saying that when a particle moves through two slits, it always goes through one slit or the other, but it knows which other slit, the slit through which it did not go, whether it is open or not, because there are nonlocal equations of motion.
Yakir Aharonov, 2011 aka frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength so phase velocity is negative frequency as reverse time momentum, superluminal (since de Broglie discovered frequency is directly proportional to momentum based on relativistic quantum).
Zitterbewegung has historical connections to the subquantal interpretations and Louis de Broglie's "French school" of quantum mechanics....So while the gravitational field component may be small the field effect due to noncommutative coordinates may be appreciable. For this reason the zitterbewegung motion can be tied to spacetime without a mini-black hole source for the field.
The wave function of the massless particle oscillates back and forth as if in a potential well....The gauge-like field induces the fermionic spin to the massless field, so the electron observed is a quasi-particle, similar to spin density fields....The relativistic quantum field theoretic perspective on zitterbewegung suggests that the motion is connected with the virtual production of particles in the vacuum state....The particle then really has no proper time, but emerges from this interaction with noncommutative geometry.Lawrence B. Crowell, Time Paradox, Zitterbewegung and Noncommutative Geometry, 2010, Prespacetime Journal
In the fermion's rest frame, the period of oscillations between the two eigenstates of chirality precisely equals....Hestenes contended that the 'chirality' interpretation of Zitterbewegung is more natural, as the origin of the effect resides in the geometry of spacetime....This perspective suggests that contrary to the common belief, causal structure need not breakdown at the Planck scale, but the very notion of spacetime geometry needs to be refined.The noncommutative geometry of the Zitterbewegung, 2017, Michal Eckstein, Nicolas Franco and Tomasz Miller
Penrose had considered early on that spin might be more fundamental than space-time and invented spinor and twistor algebras for a combinatorial description of space-time geometry (13, 14). Bohm and Hiley generalized the twistor idea to Clifford algebra as a possible basis for describing Bohm’s implicit order (22). Recently various spin foams have been formulated as extensions to Penrose’s spin networks for the purpose of constructing a consistent theory of quantum gravity (23, 24). In Hestenes’ geometric picture, the zitterbewegung associated with the spin of the Dirac electron is qualitatively shown to be responsible for all known quantum effects of said electron and the imagery number i in the Dirac equation is said to be due to electronic spin (25). Second, in Bohmian mechanics the quantum potential is responsible for quantum effects (26). Salesi and Recami has recently shown that said potential is a pure consequence of “internal motion” associated with spin evidencing that the quantum behavior is a direct consequence of the fundamental existence of spin (27).
Huping Hu ∗ & Maoxin Wu, 2007the interactions between the moving nuclear/electronicspins in neural membranes and proteins and the varying high-voltage electric fields there directly feed information into mind in the dualistic mind-brain approach of spin mediated consciousness theory.
Spin-Mediated Consciousness: Theory, Experimental Studies, Further Development & Related Topics (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2188613_Spin-Mediated_Consciousness_Theory_Experimental_Studies_Further_Development_Related_Topics
The non-local nature of the electromagnetic potentials is essential for the Aharonov-Bohm effect to occur....the set of numbers at one point (the potentials) implicitly encode the fields throughout all of space at the same time....it must be understood that this is a shorthand way of saying that the charge is interacting with the electromagnetic field not just at its position r but at every point in space at the same time....Role of the Non-locality of the vector potential in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, A.M. Stewart, 2014
If this electron is entangled with another particle somewhere else in the universe, then it is possible to have a quantum state in which the electron's spin is inherently unknowable in all directions simultaneously, including directions unaligned with any of these three axes.
Quantum Spin - Visualizing the Physics and mathematics (youtube).
To sum up, within this conception it is considered that even microsystems can be endowed with “internal states of consciousness” (or “protoconsciousness”, whatever this may be) that are elements of a basic, not publicly accessible, reality, rather than of empirical reality.”Bernard d’Espagnat, “A tentative new approach to the Schroedinger cat problem,”
65) Quantum biologist Abicumaran Uthamacumaran
"The Universal wave function is a self-organized pilot wave acting as the binary quantum switch, cohering and decohering any measured system and its sub-systems in temporal evolution."
"Moreover, Couder et. al. (2014) corroborated that deterministic quantum fluid dynamics can experimentally validate Bohm's pilot wave theory at the millimetric scale."
"Electric fields can affect gene expression and epigenetics implying a top-down causation effect. Thus, limb regeneration, wound healing modulation, selective tissue patterning, and tumor morphology reprogramming are possible through manipulating these bioelectromagnetic networks."
"The fractal neurons allow quantum vibrations of MTs [microtubules] to increase from MHz [ultrasound] to GHz through the action of psychedelics (i.e. quantum energy (electron) resonance)."
"Hence cosmic inflation, cancer cell stem differentiation, epigenetic transitions, and hallucinatory patterns are analogous symmetry breaking systems."
A biophysical approach to cancer dynamics: Quantum chaos and energy turbulence pdf published 2017
The curse of physics has depended in an evident way on the mathematical techniques available. A spectacular example of this is the role played by the harmonic analysis in the quantum mechanics; to such an extent, that one never knows at all if the limits that are attributed to it as inherent are really of experimental or technical nature, being both so united aspects.The Left Hand of Chaos by Miguel Martinez Iradier
The same Planck's constant, the quantum of action, is not simply energy per second but an energy per cycle per second - the cycle is generally missing. And, naturally, it can be said the same for the Heisenberg's uncertainty limit, that it is not more than a technical limit of the spectral analysis. This way the frequency, the most purely temporal phenomenon, is emptied of any content and becomes a mere integrant part of the formulas.
A particular bond in the smelly molecule, Turin says, can resonate with the right energy to help an electron on one side of the receptor molecule leap to the other side. The electron can only make this leap through the so-called quantum tunnel if the bond is vibrating with just the right energy.When the electron leaps to the other site on the receptor, it could trigger a chain reaction that ends up sending signals to the brain that the receptor has come into contact with that particular molecule. This, Turin says, is an essential part of what gives a molecule its smell, and the process is fundamentally quantum.
“Olfaction requires a mechanism that somehow involves the actual chemical composition of the molecule,” he says. “It was that factor that found a very natural explanation in quantum tunnelling.”Quantum frequency non-local entanglement as smell - clinched
The strongest evidence for the theory is Turin’s discovery that two molecules with extremely different shapes can smell the same if they contain bonds with similar energies.
Turin predicted that boranes – relatively rare compounds that are hard to come by – smelled very like sulphur, or rotten eggs. He’d never smelt a borane before, so the prediction was quite a gamble.
He was right. Turin says that, for him, that was the clincher. “Borane chemistry is vastly different – in fact there’s zero relation – to sulphur chemistry. So the only thing those two have in common is a vibrational frequency. They are the only two things out there in nature that smell of sulphur.”68)
While that prediction was a great success for the theory, it’s not ultimate proof. Ideally Turin wants to catch these receptors in the act of exploiting quantum phenomena. He says they are getting “pretty close” to nailing those experiments. “I don’t want to jinx it, but we’re working on it,” he says. “We think we have a way to do it, so we’re definitely going to have a go in the next few months. I think that nothing short of that will really move things forward.”
The Demon and the Quantum : From the Pythagorean Mystics to Maxwell's Demon and Quantum Mystery... the seemingly spiritual nature of information, and even, perhaps, new insights into the existence of Mind! The common denominator of all this is the fact that information is a real physical quantity. Information is more than something just in our mind, it is the essence of, and in many ways more general than the concept of entropy.
Robert J. and Marlan O. Scully, published by Wiley, 2010, 2nd edition
The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc.....
viXra:0702.0048 [pdf] submitted on 25 Feb 2007
Of Rhythm, Sound, and Metric: a Vierbein Representation of Fine Structure of Hydrogen, Spinning String Metric, and Elementary Particles from Excitation of Spacetime
While the idea of unification of gravitation and electromagnetic theories via Kaluza-Klein metric is known for decades, there is known disadvantage that 5th dimension is not yet observed in experiments. In the meantime, there are known experiments suggesting analogy between condensed matter physics and various cosmological phenomena, therefore it seems reasonable to expect to observe this 5th dimension via condensed matter physics. However, only few attempts have been made in this direction. In the present article we argue that it is possible to find neat linkage between Kaluza-Klein metric and condensed matter physics via spinning string metric and Aharonov effect. From this viewpoint, elementary particles could be described from excitation of quantized spacetime. We start with alternative description of fine structure of hydrogen in terms of four -velocity (vierbein). An obvious advantage of the alternative interpretation of hydrogen fine structure and spin outlined here is that it could be used to find direct observables, in particular using superfluid experiments. This vierbein representation implies that elementary particles could also be described in terms of phonon metric. Some prediction of elementary particles is also discussed, in particular in the context of Meessen's framework. While for known particles our prediction is essentially similar, for new prediction beyond Standard Model the present article suggests that there is 'shifting' of time- component of the modified-Minkowski metric due to Kaluza-Klein effect. Further observation to verify or refute this proposition is recommended. Other viable observation method is also considered, using Cherenkov radiation. In effect, this proposition of describing elementary particles from excitation of phonon metric seems to support the known condensed- matter analogue of chromodynamics theory with gluonic interaction, albeit from different viewpoint...... then it seems to correspond to Winterberg's superfluid Planckian model.Authors: V. Christianto
At the event horizon time stands still and so waves oscillate with wavelengths that become infinitely short....
This phenomenon, called undulation, is familiar to everyone who has been watching streams of water on a rainy day. There one can often see standing ripples appearing on the flowing water. These are not standing waves—they are not waves at all, not oscillations in space and time, but only oscillatory patterns in space: they have zero frequency.... The latter occurred in a so-called black-hole laser [32] that uses two horizons, a white-hole and a black-hole horizon (the white-hole horizon is the time reverse of the black-hole horizon). The two horizons act as both the mirrors and the amplifying medium for Hawking radiation trapped inside. However, the dominating part of the radiation belongs to a wave of zero wavenumber, an undulation, that can be excited by any perturbation and the condensate used was highly non-stationary...Hawking radiation is a much more general phenomenon than originally anticipated; it belongs to a wide class of wave processes in moving media.
In terms of classical physics, the notion that a measurement at one place can immediately influence a measurement far away, that the entangled particles “conspire” to have opposite spins, seems absurd. But Bell’s theory shows that the entangled particle spins cannot be predetermined and must communicate over a theoretically infinite distance to maintain opposite spin.
You sort of add together the two possibilities. So you're combined state is added together with complex numbers....I've used the letter U here. What does that mean? That's the Schrödinger Equation, the evolution of quantum mechanics. It's linear. That is to say if you have a superposition of one thing and another thing...the superposition of the 2 together....That's what unitary evolution of the Schrödinger equation says. That's half of quantum mechanics.Sir Roger Penrose, lecture youtube
The other half is making a measurement of the quantum reduction state. It's a little paradox - it's self inconsistent. People don't usually emphasize that point. The thing is is that when you make a measurement, you then say, Oh well then the superposition of two things, one of them happens of the others. The probability is given by the square modulus. That's what it's called R, the reduction of the state, that's what the thing does when you make a measurement.
If you take Einstein's view...then you say gravity is really just like an acceleration. So you use a frame of reference which falls freely under gravity and then the gravitational field is gone. Now this gives you two ways of looking towards your experiment. They almost come out the same, except there's a funny thing called a "phase factor" which has a rather irritating term which involves the time cubed.
The point is though is it tells you the following. If you were doing these two different ways of doing gravity, they give you what are called two different quantum field theories. You can't stick with one or the other....But suppose you have the gravitational field of an object, which has been displaced into two places, and its gravitational field is the thing I'm going to worry about. Now it's gravitational field will be different than that one [the two cat non-local positions]...this means you're not allowed to make these superpositions. So the superpositions are not consistent if you take the Einsteinian view for gravity.
So this tells you there's a basic conflict between Einstein's theory of general relativity, beautifully confirmed. Quantum mechanics has an enormous number of confirmations, on a small scale and so also gravity on a large scale. You want these to come together and make sense as a theory as a whole.
Making the measurement you violate the Schrödinger equation. See following the Schrödinger equation you have these superpositions, this thing and this thing happen together, at the same time. But the measurement part says, no it's flopped to one or to the other. Usually say someone looks at it. I'm saying, that's not the point at all. Because of what I'm saying, it happens spontaneously.
That's not what most quantum physicists say. I'm saying it does spontaneously become one or the other.
You have this little tiny mirror, about the tenth of a thickness of a human hair. You put this little mirror into a superposition of two slightly different places. You can do this by hitting it with a photon, banging it a million times [microsecond]. That will be enough to displace it, so the nuclei in that mirror are displaced a little bit from where they were before. Then you work out the calculation, you deduce that this slight displacement between the two instances of that mirror, will make it spontaneously become one or the other, in seconds to minutes [depending on the details].
The Orchestrated Objective Reduction does involve this idea. People say isn't it crazy because it's in a warm wet environment. I'm saying it's even crazier than that....Not only that you sustain this quantum coherence at this level, but that you can actually get it up to the level at which you need something new in quantum mechanics. This is the only place I can see where there could be a non-computable physics going on.
I'm saying the argument is that we need something which is different from conventional physical theory. But which is also a big enough effect that it could be relevant to what we are seeing. It's not that consciousness is some mysterious particle running around and we finally collect them in our heads. It's this process of the reduction of the state.
That gravitational field warps spacetime a bit. Now if it is put into superposition, now you see the two channels deviating and the spacetime does not fit together properly.
The point is in Planck's Unit, (Planck's Constant over 2pi) is put equal to 1 and the gravitional constant is put equal to 1 and the speed of light is put equal to 1. That is perfectly alright. It is a measure of spacetime splitting - how much volume is there in that....In current quantum mechanics this is a purely random process. What I'm saying is it's something much more subtle. Something that is not computable. It looks random but it's not necessarily random. It's a moment of proto-consciousness - it's the building block of what consciousness is made. I'm not saying this is conscious - it's just an element of what you need to build consciousness.74)
Roderich Tumulka, 2017
That quantum particles may have trajectories "guided" by a wave was proposed as early as 1923 by Albert Einstein and John Slater but not published. The equation of motion was considered, without spin, by Louis de Broglie in 1926 but later abandoned because he incorrectly believed that the theory made empirically wrong predictions.
John Bell:
Two-slit experiment with electrons Pilot-wave theory: while each particle track passes through
just one slit, the wave passes through both; the interference profile that consequently develops in the wave generates similar pattern in the trajectory guided by the wave.
"And so influenced that the particle does not go where the waves cancel out, but is attracted to where they cooperate. This idea seems to me so natural and simple, to resolve the wave-particle dilemma in such a clear and ordinary way, that it is a great mystery to me that it was so generally ignored." John Bell76)
So then written for a Masters of Science physics degree, mentored by Antony Valentini, this pdf is very clearly written! Amazing philosophy of science found on de Broglie's pilot wave model.
The author, Philipp Roser, notes that the Stern-Gerlach Experiment demonstrates how spin is actually from the Pilot Wave field, and not the particle.
Oh he presented his research as a video talk!
As we saw in Step 1, the nonlocal influences in the EPR-B experiment only concern the spin orientation not the motion of the particles themselves. Indeed only spins are entangled in the wave function (27) not positions and motions like in the initial EPR experiment. This is a key point in the search for a physical explanation of nonlocal influences.77)
On New Physical Reality (on Psi--ether)
by PS Isaev - 2001 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
Physics of the XXth century was first of all the physics of Ψ–ether. Introduction. ”. ..... verify this, let us turn to the theory of wave guides. Let us consider .... The particle remains localized in the wave, as de Broglie supposed, and thus, the princi-.On New Physical Reality (on Ψ Ether)1, 2 - Springer Link
by PS Isaev - 2012 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
particle physics. It would be desirable to elu cidate how the mass of
elementary particle arises. One of the answers can be found in the
monograph by de. Broglie “Electromagnetic Waves in Wave Guides and. Hollow Resonators.” He said that all the considered waves are characterized by the “propagation factor”.78)
The point makes a chord between two notes [of the quantum drum]....The two eigenfunctions will be nonzero, ...if you look carefully at the two shapes [isospectral but not isomorphic] It is impossible to make a chord because the corresponding eigenfunction only means to 1 of the 2 pieces So it is zero in the other piece [and vice versa]. So this chord will not be possible. Now if you understand this example, you understand the finite invariant which is behind the scene, which is allowing you to reconstruct the geometry from the spectrum....Our geometric point will emerge by correlation between different frequencies. A point in the space will actually give you the correlation between the different frequencies. That is how we shall think about the point. It is not enough to give the scale [of the spectrum] but you also have to give which chords are possible.
"There is a fine structure in spacetime, exactly as there is a fine structure in spectrals [frequencies].... The idea is to replace a geometric space with an algebra, as an inverse of the Dirac operator, by sending a wave with a constraint on the vibration of the wave, can not vibrate faster than 1, the commutator of the Dirac Operator is less than 1....The spectrum of the Dirac Operator...space is not simply a manifold but multiplied by a noncommutative finite space. There is behind the scene, there is a square root and when you take a square root there is an ambiguity and the ambiguity that is there is from the spin structure....Finite space which is there is essentially the simplest finite space which has dimension zero, as far as the [frequency] spectrum is concerned...."
Alain Connes on Music youtube lecture
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