Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Qigong Master Jim Nance has a newsletter out, so I remember some healing he did

when I asked qigong master Jim Nance if I could meditate with him - after he said he was going upstairs to continue full lotus meditation - he replied, "Maybe later." So I thought - cool maybe next week at class, afterwards, I can join him. Then I got on my bicycle and went a few miles - and I had not eaten yet that day. So I dumpster dived a bagel and then went to my room and sat in full lotus to meditate. Suddenly the center of my brain got super hot - and I thought this is very strong - maybe it's the full moon? I said no it's not the full moon and this is way stronger than the full moon. It was so strong that I had to stop meditating. But I still couldn't figure out what caused it.

So the week went by and I forgot about it but when I returned to class - before it started Jim asked me into the hallway. He looked into my eyes and asked:

"Did you feel anything?"

And then suddenly I remembered what he had said to me the week before: "Maybe later" and it hit me what had happened. I was too shocked to answer his question. When he saw my shock he knew I had felt something so he didn't say anything more and we went back into class. haha.

But later on when I repeated to him what had happened - he said - "Oh that was just your Higher Self" manifesting.

But an earlier time when I had also described to him what had happened - he said he had been practicing on me - as at the time he was not declared a qigong master yet - it was shortly before. Also he said at first he used too much energy.

Here is his new newsletter for his healing!

He shared another story to a later class - Level 3 - that I took. This was around 2003 or so. O.K. so he said this lady was at the hospital with her son - I think he had been in a car accident - anyway so her son needed healing and she had called Jim for a phone healing. So then he sent the energy to heal the son but the phone got so hot that the lady threw the phone down scared. And so then when Jim asked to see if the son was doing better - she was too scared to pick the phone up. haha.

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