This is a Coup: Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat
the Jim Jones cult "drank the kool-aid" under forced duress conditions - and now the whole U.S. has been turned into slave-wage conditions again. Union rates are around 6% so of course the Dept of Education has to be destroyed as that is one of the last big union sources: teachers. People wanted "trickle down" feudalism to work - they wanted to believe the lies since most people are raised to be brown-no$ers, to kiss the elite and hope to get more bread crumbs.
DOGE hacked a NYC bank account to steal $80 million that had already been dispensed by FEMA
The "divide and conquer" fascist tactic of "kick the dog" now means people in the U.S. will increasingly be hunting each other down - just as private prison stocks soared from Drumpf's regime stealing the election.
Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California Berkeley law school, of a constitutional crisis in the making. “It’s very frightening to think that they will disobey court orders. If they don’t, it will be a constitutional crisis unlike anything this country has seen, because if the president can violate constitutional laws and disobey court orders then the name for that is a dictatorship,” he said."the idea of the courts holding a cabinet secretary, an attorney general, a secretary of defence in contempt is just unheard of in the United States,” he said. “It’s so hard to imagine where we’ll be in four years. When you think about what’s going on in just three weeks, it’s certain Donald Trump is claiming expansive executive power beyond what any president has ever asserted. How much will the courts allow that? There’s no way to know.”
In 2006 I warned of progressives becoming ecofascists just as progressives in the past supported eugenics along with sanitation. I was called literally crazy by the "skeptical" scientist PZ Myers, a professor in Minnesota - and yet on the contrary I was predicting the future, 20 years in advance!!
My 2012 book gives more details. But obviously if someone is relying on their microwave mind control "smart phone" to provide "rage algorithms" of so-called "progressives" promoting Drumpf as the Dictator - then people eat it up since they are pumped full of rage. Their only response is the dopamine-induced click bait troll reply:
Crying too much?
The sadistic phrase is even considered Christian as in the "Warrior Christ" in the Crusades or whatever.
Well to compare homeopathy with using aborted fetuses for research is not very apropos.
I totally support Professor Myers debates and citizen activism against the growing reactionary neo-Nazi movement in the U.S.
But I contend that science is more a part of that Neo-Fascist movement than not a part of it.
Bush panders to these "back to the land" young Earth evangelicals because they are the most disciplined grassroots organizers in the U.S.
The Bush Dynasty is a direct descendant of the Nazis (just read the excellent 2004 NY Times best-seller "American Dynasty").
What gets forgotten about the Nazis is that their rise to power was completely dependent on elite U.S. and U.K. funding. The Bush Dynasty was at the forefront of that funding and was told that any ethical issues could be smoothed out by the replacement of Hitler with Himmler and a kinder, gentler fascism.
Professor Myers may not be aware that the U of Minnesota was the world's leader in eugenics (i.e. the "man crop") and many of the top professors at Minnesota supported Hitler's appointment at Chancellor. Eugenics was part of the progressive sanitation movement and eugenics was seen as progressive!
In fact while Hitler and the Nazis were pushing "back to the land" young Earth folk-KKKulture in Germany, the top scientists were getting tons of money from U.S. and U.K. investment bankers to develop the cutting edge technology in rockets, radar and aircraft, among other fields.
The monism of ecologist Ernest Haeckel was a huge inspiration for the "spiritual science" of the Nazis and I don't think that the holistic "back to the land" ecologists were such bad people. It's just that the Nazis, just like Bush, cynically used their naivete to keep his high-tech war machine well-oiled.
The same is the case with the subtle, genocidal policies of the Bush Dynasty. It's I.D. for the masses and nanotechnology, holographic plasma energy for the scientific elite.
Verichip recently volunteered to have all immigrants microchipped -- but hey it couldn't happen to us "non-illegal" people could it?
I'm sure that Professor Myers knows that Professor Odum, the real leader in ecology, was funded by the Atomic Energy Commission, in abeyance to the Nukes for Peace genocidal scam (continued today with depleted uranium). Certainly some of the ecologists had problems with this but let's keep our priorities straight.
Ecology never really came into its own as a science until DNA could be empirically measured and replicated, and that's not much in the preservation of ecology.
So Professor Myers attacks on I.D. are exemplary yet they miss the forest for the trees.
It's all quite tragic-comic in the end.
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OK -- I biked over to the community college next to a super cool African hip hop band that will be preceding a super cool movie in the park.
This is one of my rare moments not doing research so I'm not surprised that you all do not get my point.
Fetus. Embryo. Sorry I forgot how "charged" the language was! It's been over 10 years since I protested pro-lifers trying to block an abortion clinic and yes I've seen the bloody clumps posing as fetuses get flushed down a toilet.
Considering that Professor Myers recent blog entry was on how embryos change form -- displaying the various levels of evolution -- I don't think it's too far-fetched to realize that the form of a human develops fairly early.
Personally I prefer homunculus.
As far as science being Neo-Fascist -- well a former MIT professor has demonstrated this in his book "The Religion of Technology" (he got fired from MIT for political reasons) and now, professor David F. Noble is at York University.
I highly recommend his book but then me listing books that you haven't read won't get us very far will it?
Technospirituality is all the rage in MAINSTREAM science. The Discover Magazine science book of the year for 2004 or so was James Gardner's book "Biocosm" arguing that the universe is alive and that the goal of science is to "evolve" the universe.
Well that's all very glorious -- just like Stephen Hawking declaring all humans should get microchipped so we can compete with machines and that humanity has 40 years to escape planet Earth.
Again it's all very nice -- for those of us already plugged into cell phones and blackberries, etc.
But science has always been based on fascist imperialism, starting with the military engineer despot Archytas who was buddies with Plato.
Galileo got funded by the Medici Dynasty because Galileo stated he could cut down on labor costs (apparently not enough slaves were being used).
Newton personally supervised the mass spectacle hangings of derelicts who couldn't keep up with the social engineering schemes of colonialism.
There never was any "pure" science -- it's all based on patent law for the expansion of the empire.
Eugenics is very much a part of the designer engineering mentality that stem cell research includes.
Mainstream science has already considered the Green Revolution to be a bygone conclusion and now designer genetic engineering is all the rage, with custom-designed body parts.
Meanwhile there is a cancer epidemic from ENVIRONMENTAL causes and there are genocidal conditions for the TWO-THIRDS WORLD much avoided by mainstream scientists.
Ecology is the best of the science disciplines but unfortunately it is naive.
Cargill runs Minnesota and Cargill has worked closely with the Rockefeller Dynasty in promoting not only the Green Revolution but all molecular genetic-based medicine.
This approach is reductionist to the extreme of absurdity. The AMAZON is the most complex "brain" or "lung" -- body part -- of the planet.
Yet Cargill and Rockefeller fund molecular research while replacing the Amazon with soybeans.
Silica-brains are not just the future of the planet's main source of water and oxygen.
Silica-brains are the future of humans as well.
Yeah when I go on forums it usually takes a couple weeks for people to have that "quantum leap" to follow what I'm saying.
It's just that I read a lot because I'm underemployed or vice versa.
I recommend for your special needs the book by Robert Nadeau -- "The Wealth of Nature" (2004).
See Nadeau (and you should read his other books as well) researches "quantum chaos" which transcends the whole I.D. versus Darwin debate.
The Economist reviewed Professor Nadeau's book yet didn't even mention "quantum chaos" even though it's the central topic of the work!!
There's some serious denial about two things:
1) the Nanotech revolution which is based on silica-DNA biochips and quantum computing aka "digital biology."
2) Holographic photonics -- which is biophotons and biomagnetic plasma energy.
These are top research fields in science yet rarely get discussed in "pop" science forums because they are such a threat to traditional rational humanist analysis.
As I stated the Economist couldn't even accept the reality of quantum chaos because it's a threat to their linear-based supply and demand model that still underlies econometrics.
Sure no one can understand how hedge funds are determined and will most likely undermine the global economy.
But Hedge Funds are not nearly as complicated as the Amazon rainforest -- a much more beautiful and dangerous Hedge Fund.
Wow I got banned soon after that statement. Hilarious - I predicted the global crash two years before it happened!! But first..
First of all I'm a crank which means I'm a free online psychologist or shrink for scientists.
I assure you that scientists desperately need shrinks although I forsake that discipline myself since my own philosophy transcends the limitations of Freud and his followers.
Let me suggest some real "scientists" for all you "specialized" idiots:
Dr. Fritz-Alfred Popp and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.
Read "The Rainbow and the Worm" -- organisms are solid state liquid crystal macro quantum chaos systems.
Now these are issues I discussed already with over a dozen scientists from all different disciplines.
I've referred you to Professor Steve Strogatz who did his research at Los Alamos and has concluded that computers have taken over. He's not kidding.
Read "Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis" (2005) -- that will cover all the arenas of science from the development of natural numbers into non-symmetric time reversal.
Professor Steve Strogatz' promo for the book is that "There is a conspiracy between nature and number, atom and arithmetic."
It's obvious that science is destroying the planet so all your little quibbles about the differences between silica and silicon and biomagnetism verus biophotons versus bioluminesence vs quantum chaos versus nanotech --
It's all for naught my friends.
Here's some terms for you:
1) Quantum diffraction gradients. Well the military certainly thinks Dr. Andrew Parker's "In the Blink of an Eye" is worthy for creating neural network analysis of complex adaptive evolution.
Have you read it Professor Myers? What about all the other specialized idiots?
2) Stochastic adaptive resonance. Increasing the "noise" to "explain" ecology while making artificial intelligence ain't going to help anyone 'cept the machines.
3) Synthetic Ecology and Nanobiomotors. Richard Dawkin's anyone? For the connection between soybeans and asymmetry just read Richard Dawkins and his promotion of synthetic ecology.
Scientists have always been Freemasonic promoters of imperialism.
Sorry Professor Myers but if you want to attack the religious right then you need to deal with the well-documented RELIGIOUS basis of science.
Logarithmic-based mathematics is the structural manifestation of Freemasonry.
Imperialism is the result of science.
Now what right do I have to critique a liberal atheist scientist?
Well I have the EXPERIENCE. I studied conservation biology and have done conservation policy. I work at a nonprofit for environmental policy.
Scientists are naive if not corrupt. The sooner people wake up and realize that the Pentagon has the capacity to hold 75,000 in underground cities and that you scientists are not on the survivor list (unless maybe your in top clearance status) the sooner scientists can confront the true knowledge pyramid.
Professor Philip Regal -- maybe someone you know Professor Myers -- well he couldn't get his book published that exposed the Freemasonic control of science -- going back to the Medicis.
Dr. Lawrence Soley? He exposed the corporate control of science at the U of Minnesota. Result: Fired.
Have you read his "Leasing the Ivory Tower"? Classic.
I myself have been sabotaged, assaulted, censored, arrested, etc., all for documented the facts and using the facts to persuade scientists and their rulers to change some of the imperialist policies of the Academy.
For example I got the U of Minnesota to join the Workers Rights Consortium.
I got the U of Minnesota to divest $1.5 million from Total Oil for their use of slave labor in collaboration with the worst military regime in the world: Burma.
I encourage all of you to be proactive like Professor Myers is but also to dig deeper to find the "rotten root" at the foundation of the problem.
Science is based on "deep disharmony" (math professor Luigi Borzacchini).
OK let's review the logic.
Science IS imperialism because science is based on logarithmic mathematics that are structurally and inherently in deep disharmony with left-hand directed carbon-based molecules.
Imperialism arose from science.
That's my thesis. Very straightforward.
It was started by Archytas.
Now it's arguable whether King of Wessex was an imperialist. I would say no.
Did the British have an Empire? Yes -- but how was it defined:
"The title of this book, End of Empire, may seem pretentious, After all, the book is about the end of the British Empire only. Perhaps it is too much to ask for a title to be modest, but why should it not be accurate?
"The answer is that with the end of the British Empire came the end of all empires. To conquer distant lands and rule them from a home base was widely regarded as legitimate before the twentieth century."
That's the preface to "End of Empire" by Brian Lapping. (St. Martin's Press, 1985)
You're lucky I've been carrying it off and on for the last couple weeks and finally dug into it today.
Did King Alfred conquer distant lands and rule them from a home base?
I don't think so.
Did the Greeks and Romans? Yes. Did they do so with logarithmic-based technology? Yes.
The Pythagorean Theorem is found world-wide, etc.
NO -- Only the Greeks tied the Pythagorean Theorem [sic.] to PHONETIC AXIOMS.
In otherwords ONLY with the Greeks was the Pythagorean Theorem [sic.] expressed as OBJECTIVE RATIONAL TRUTH.
Science and Math in China -- the other main source for advanced technology -- was created in isolation by Taoist monks and was not motivated by patent law.
The Greeks tied science to aristocratic state support through the Academies of Plato and Aristotle (who advised Alexander's imperial conquests).
So in contrast Diophantine tried to build on Theon's use of differential calculus to prove the square root of two.
But Diophantine did not use the phonetic Attic alphabet and therefore failed.
The key to the success of the phonetic Attic system was it's basis of symmetrical, equidistant values -- each letter equaled an equidistant value for the Number.
This may seem too simple to worth mention but the highest discovery in science is that THE ATTIC PHONETIC LOGIC IS WRONG.
In otherwords noncommutative geometry, created by Alain Connes, has proven that One plus One does not equal Two.
Alain Connes, the top French mathematician, has stated that music theory provides the FORMAL LANGUAGE to understand quantum chaos.
How so? Because under true Pythagorean harmonics (Eudoxus and Archytas created the Pythagorean Theorem -- not Pythagoras!!)
Under true Pythagorean Harmonics Number is based on complimentary opposites of ASYMMETRIC value.
So in music theory C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4.
This violates the basic symmetric property of the Attic system that created the Pythagorean Theorem.
For example the Golden Ratio: A is to B as B is to A plus B.
The Law of Pythagoras is the slowest converging nonlinear dynamic AFTER the golden ratio -- but actually it's BEFORE the golden ratio if you understand the paradoxes of asymmetric time reversal.
1 is to 2 as 2 is to 3 (Golden Ratio as the Law of Pythagoras).
A is to B as B is to A plus B (Phonetic system)
2 is to 3 as 3 is to 4 (Law of Pythagoras).
This is just the same ratio -- RESONATING as alchemical energy.
This can occur through an asymmetrical sine-wave (traditional the OM symbol and the Tai Chi symbol and the Tetrad).
The asymmetrical sine-wave alchemical transduction in current physics is now called:
AUTOIONIZATION (based on the Auger Effect and also the 4-wave amplification technology)
Autoionization is being used for free energy plasma technology based on discrete laser dynamics of resonating natural numbers.
last night I cracked up a copy of my Dumpster-Dived two volume college textbook:
"Western Civilization" by Professor R. E. Herzstein (1975, Houghton Mifflin, Boston)
Now here's a history lesson for you and very specific. King Alfred DID NOT RULE AN EMPIRE:
For the same reason I gave -- an empire is defined as ruling over distant lands and was done through logarithmic-based technology.
"Despite the Carolingian use of Latin terminology for administrative and fiscal purpose, there is no similarity between the centralized Roman administration of the second century and the essentially barbarian Kingdom rule by Charles the Great in 800 A.D." (p. 107)
Seemingly no connection right? Well --
"Like Charlemagne, to whom he has often been compared, Alfred was vitally interested in religion and education...." (p. 114)
OK Charlemagne ruled a hella lot more territory than Alfred and Alfred took after Charlemagne (sure Alfred was better educated but nonetheless NO ALFRED BRITISH EMPIRE).
Now let's be nice about it:
Professo Herzstein refers to the FRANKISH EMPIRE even though he details why it was really nothing compared to Roman Rule in the 2nd C. and that it was really a Kingdom (see above quote).
But what does he call Alfred's smaller rule?
"English Kingdom"
sorry but the English Empire was not created until the East India Company in 1600.
Sparta was much more aligned with Persia in its culture -- versus Athens. In Sparta the women had equal rights and the men trained as warriors. In Athens the women were kept locked up in their houses and the men pontificated the objective axiomatic truth of the alogon -- the square root of two. This truth was proven with Attic phonetic logic using continuous fractions.
In Alexandria the truth of the Pythagorean Theorem was proven with a form of differential calculus that DID NOT use the phonetic Attic, "equal-tempered" gematria system.
Athens, then with its superior catapult technology, derived from being able to double the cube precisely, then wiped out the matrifocal Pythagorean-based shamans of Persia-controlled Anatolia.
Now if you just read Professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology" he details how the modern engineering institutions of Europe and the U.S. were created by the top Freemasons and organized on Freemasonic principles.
But regardless of some Simpsons episode conspiracy the point is that western science is STRUCTURALLY Freemasonic because of the Power Axiom Set -- the "objective" attempt to have a precise symbol for infinity.
This is exactly why in Carl Boyer's "History of Calculus" (Dover) it's detailed how the logical paradoxes of calculus were supposedly solved by Dedekind with the concept of the set-theory derived "Dedekind Cut" as a right-brain point.
In fact though Bertrand Russell proved that Set Theory is logically inconsistent and then Wittgenstein had a hey day with Russell -- turning philsophy back into religion.
The West could not deal with Wittgenstein's radical results of research (exactly the same problem with Godel's insistence on practicing self-enquiry -- the repeating of I-I-I-I in a logical quest of inference -- see Rudy Rucker's "Infinity and the Mind" book for Rucker's visit to Godel).
OK I get it SPELL EVERY THING OUT! Your special needs are my treasure chest of happiness.
See Plato wrote how Socrates died AFTER the war with Sparta and the proof for the logarithmic equal-tempered tuning for the Pythagorean Theorem is in Plato's writings.
It was applied to catapult technology by the "tyrants" that expanded the Athenian city state into an empire.
Which brings me to your 4:5 does not approximate the cube root of two. Well in music theory the ratios are reversible. So whether it's 4:5 or 5:4 doesn't matter.
Your third question -- is quantum chaos any better than patent-based catapult technology?
No it's not -- but it does display how science has always been based on faulty logic derived from the Harmonic Series of Pythagoras.
Considering I could barely fork down my curry goat at the swanky Safari Somalian restaurant -- well I'll try.
See "Pythagorean Theorem" really didn't come from Pythagoras!
It's a big scam! In fact the Biggest Scam (which is why it's so successful)
The Pythagorean Theorem is the founding lie of science.
Dr. Peter Kingsley documented in detail in his Oxford U Press, 1996 book "Mystery, Magic and Ancient Philosophy" and then in his follow up books.
Anyway so the Pythagorean Theorem comes from Archytas, Eudoxus and Hippocratus (not the doctor).
Pythagoras, in contrast, was a matrifocal shaman and he and his followers were driven out by the Athenian imperialists, under the guise of "democracy."
Sound familiar? In fact U of Chicago Professor Marshall Sahlins, of "Stone Age Economics" fame, had a recent article about how
cosmological lies were the main propaganda to promote Athenian Imperialism as democracy.
Christianity was founded by Constantine whereas previously it had been in competition with Mithra as just another cult.
It's just a Solar Dynasty religion -- read Acharya S. -- her recent book "Suns of God" is amazing.
Another great political strategy, of course, is to assimilate the religious beliefs of the poor.
NeoPlatonic Christianity started with Augustine and then took off with John Scotus Erigena, the 9th C. philosopher administrator for the Carolinian Empire --
-- oops I mean Frankish Empire --
-- ooops I mean Frankish Kingdom.
Gee where was I.
Professor Joscelyn Godwin is probably the best expert on the true Pagan traditon that's continued through Christianity
of which Nazism and Freemasonry are top examples (and the Da Vinci Code of course).
Basically civilization is just a big lie.
There is truth though -- but it's formless.
"I am that I am" is the axiom for 1:2:3:4 resonating to formless empty awareness.
somebody gotta use this baby machine.
One question do you really believe we are in The Matrix???
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In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion.
House Republicans unveiled a draft budget resolution on Wednesday that calls for $4.5 trillion in tax breaks that would disproportionately benefit the wealthy while proposing $2 trillion in cuts to Medicaid, federal nutrition assistance, and other programs.
The final rule is expected to add up to $5 billion in annual overdraft fee savings to consumers, or $225 per household that pays overdraft fees.... The rule closes a loophole that exempted overdraft fees from lending laws, but is expected to face challenges.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that it would refund $1.8 billion to 4.3 million consumers who were charged illegal fees by credit repair companies.
So when she recently heard that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) had finalized a rule that would keep medical debt off personal credit reports, she knew she had to advocate on behalf of it. “It would just open the doors for so many people like me,” says Castaneda, now 47 and divorced. Although the rule keeping medical debt off credit reports was finalized on Jan. 7, it may be on the chopping block as Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) turns its sights to the CFPB.oops!
Vought said on X on Feb. 8 that he would be notifying the Federal Reserve that the CFPB would not be taking its next funding draw “because it is not ‘reasonably necessary’ to carry out its duties.”
“The federal government awarded Elon Musk's company a $38.85 million contract on Monday as the billionaire works to slash other... Since Election Day, he has become $154 billion richer. Not a bad return on his investment.'You'll never believe who is still getting new government contracts while all the contracts at the Department of Education and USAID and other agencies are being nuked from orbit,' attorney and researcher Will Stancil wrote on X. He received the tip about the contract from a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employee and included an image of the contract award information. Speaking with reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday, Musk insisted there is no conflict of interest if his companies receive government contracts from the same agencies where he is looking to conduct cuts.
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