Saturday, February 15, 2025

My 2006 article predicting our AI "chaos revolution" right now


Deviance is Divergent—Art and Eugenics

By Drew Hempel, M.A. (anti-copyright)

The best way to learn about higher dimensional conspiratorial knowledge through the eyes of science is to study the Schizophrenia Bulletin, a biomedical journal giving first-hand accounts of telepathy, auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions about Big Brother microchips. Technology is now so advanced that no only are microchip implants enabling lost senses to be restored but this explosion of “biochips” includes increase of sex-drive, back of the head electroshock antidepression and schizophrenia treatment, and even rational control of the slow-wave deep sleep cycle.

The model for implementing the next industrial revolution of nanobiomotor engineering is called Adaptive Resonance Theory or ART, a new neural network algorithm enabling analog artificial life divergence. By divergence Freemasonic scientists mean this is an “open systems” technology that is “self-organizing” and therefore a macroquantum “order out of chaos” higher dimensional knowledge. ART is already being implemented to monitor electromagnetic pollution, to control robotics, to model linguistic cognition, to enable artifical intelligence that successfully adapts to an ever changing environment. Nanoengineered silica biochips controlled by resonance are being introduced to transform the whole environment as part of the Artifical Intelligence Evolutionary Hypothesis. For example the new book “Nanotechnology and Homeland Security” by two of the discipline’s founding fathers details how this atom by atom mechanics, nanotechnology, greatly increases surface area and enables macroquantum photon communication to fight biowarfare, to desalinize ocean water, to convert water into hydrogen fuel, to integrate all blood streams via satellite.

One of the main components of ART is the strategy of self-organizing eugenics. Although the term “Aryan” is not tolerated by scientists due to the Nazis, eugenics still remains an intact discipline from its widely promoted “progressive” practices of the 1930s. One of the main channels of using resonance for eugenics is the fact that radiation causes mutations passed on to the next generation. Another component of resonance eugenics is that an increase in amplitude is caused by the subharmonic of a frequency. The most efficient waveform to create a subharmonic is the sinusoidal waveform and as a phase velocity it can go faster-than-light. As the temperature of the planet increases from industrialization the resonance frequency doubles for every degree increase, according to some studies. Project HAARP, using Extremely Low Frequencies therefore acts as a subharmonic to increase the amplitude of the resonance so that radiation eugenics can occur. In macroquantum “order out of chaos” science this is called “universality”—creating a strong link of many weak ties or a greater amplitude out of a lower frequency.

In 1975 the Freemasonic-U.N. “World Institute” thinktank set up by the L.B.J. administration and by elite corporate roundtables to oversee global technology development published their resonance-modeled manifesto: “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” by professor Oliver L. Reiser and C.I.A. mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich. I have dubbed this report “The Plan for the Actual Matrix” and “The Real Matrix.” Recently Cambridge University has publicly acknowledged research to transform the core of planet Earth into a superconducting hologram by utilizing ART—called in this report “the Music Logarithmic Spiral.” The Freemasonic New Age community has been promoting this “global brain” Matrix plan first elaborated by H.G. Wells and now detailed through Peter Russell, James Hurtak, Jose Arguelles, Drunvalo Melchizadek, Ken Wilber, Ervin Laszlo and the Moonies. In otherwords the targeted audience to accept this plan is both the liberals and rightwing with films like the Matrix, Star Wars and Star Trek being the main venues to create assimilation.

Each human brain is considered a “neuroblast” for the new global brain since quantum computing can be optimized by channeling the awesome power of the analog neural network system inside everyone’s head. Portable M.R.I. machines are soon to be available that can translate thoughts and images directly so no confessions for “terrorism” (i.e. land-based radical ecology) are necessary. Brain scans in the airports will single out “terrorist” brains. Satellite-connected human brains will enable a new macroquantum chaos supercomputer system to transform the whole planet into a superconducting holograph. Only then will the “consciousness” of Earth withstand the threats of super-volcanos, comets and asteroids, nuclear holocaust, supernovas, etc. This plan is reinforced by the National Research Council and the National Science Foundation but mainly is monitored through the black-ops military technology like the big black plasma-engine triangles.

What drives the power of technology is deviant divergence (i.e. the gender-based commodity fetish guided by mathematics). Chaos mathematician Steven Strogatz recently stated that the “table of elements” of math is a “conspiracy of nature and number, atom and arithmetic.” This conspiracy is the foundation for all of mathematics and is completely based on resonance—the Riemann Hypothesis. The Riemann Hypothesis predicts all prime numbers from which all other numbers are derived but it is completely unproveable. The ART eugenics is therefore deviant to the greatest extreme and is also derived from the Harmonic Series which is an open-system and divergent. In otherwords no one is in control!

The divergent Harmonic Series looks like simple arithmetic—1 is to 2 as 2 is to 3. But in fact the number One is the Male principle as the I-thought and the number Two is the Female principle that creates the energy of unlimited consciousness. Three is the first Male number since One is really the infinite I-thought as sound is to silence. But in fact, since this is Harmonics of Resonance, the proportion 1 is to 2 is actually the music interval of the octave. The ratio 2 is to 3 is actually the music interval of the fifth. The complimentary opposite of the fifth is the fourth or the ratio 3 is to 4. The Fourth and Fifth are attracted to and push towards the Octave—just like the male and female principles of the commodity fetish. Normally people do not think of the numbers 1:2:3:4 as being attracted to each other in a resonance of complimentary opposites. The Octave-Fourth-Fifth is Rock and Roll from African Blues music. Music is the most powerful means of mind control, as the Freemason Plato discussed in detail. Blues and other non-Western music is a radical attempt to liberate the brain from the Matrix and blues music leads to deeper levels of natural resonance known as “the small universe” technique derived from Tai Chi.

The basic message of today’s technology is that humans live “within” Nature and that everything is consciousness. By understanding the basic principles of natural resonance we can bend spacetime, do self-healing and create permanent bliss without spending any money! Of course this “hyper-reflective awareness” is called schizophrenia by the Matrix Freemasonic scientists so secrecy is advised.

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