Wow I'm trendy! vid on herding rabbits as pasture livestock
A group of domesticated rabbits is called a herd.
Rabbits can be raised as livestock for their meat, fur, or wool, and are a good option for small-scale farmers
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
of ‘pythagorean pathways’, which is generated by two letters P and Q representing octave P8 and fifth P5, respectively." Noll, T. (2007). Musical intervals and special linear transformations. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 1(2), 121–137. doi:10.1080/17459730701375026 url to share this paper: "Who says that sublimation by fire cannot be taught, Since only silent circuits can plumb the depth sublime?....This is called freezing spirit."" Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality ..."For human beings are nothing but the gathering of ch'i: they live whenever the ch'i concentrates, they die when the ch'i disperses. Nothing is more abominable to Chuang-tzu than "governing the world," since Tao in the form of yin-yang unity is the origin of everything and exercises supreme dominion over the human and cosmic worlds....the unity of yin and yang result in harmony, and that through this unity things are produced. A comparable insight is to be found in Heraclitus: "Harmony consists of opposing tension, like that of the bow and lyre." Thaddesu T'ui-chieh Hang, Taipei, "The Unity of Yin and Yang: A Philosophical Assessment" for Anaximander: the heavenly bodies uttered a flute-like whistle and the circles that carry the stars have "flute-like" pipes with breathing holes through which the fire bursts forth when they are not blocked up. It seems certain that the pressurized fiery vapour escaping from these [ancient Greek] must make sounds or notes that reflect the size and diameter of the pipe, rather like the sound of huge pan pipes played across the dark and misty heavens. The Void of Parmenides as Apeiron is the Siren that creates the energy of the Stars as the Hearth or Air that Feeds off the Light of the Universe To become a Pythagorean he studied your gait and emotions and if you passed then he studied you for three years. Only then could you be accepted to train in five years of silence but you still could not actually see Pythagoras yet. After five years then you were allowed to speak to Pythagoras but still only from behind a veil with him hidden. Xenocrates (4th Century BCE) followed Pythagorean tradition in defining the substance of the soul as 'number moving itself',24 and this on its own suggests that the fragment may be authentic to him.
Wow I'm trendy! vid on herding rabbits as pasture livestock
A group of domesticated rabbits is called a herd.
Rabbits can be raised as livestock for their meat, fur, or wool, and are a good option for small-scale farmers
Current policy or card for health, automobile, homeowner's or renter's insurance.
Valid license pursuant to the game and fish laws
Persons who only provide housing facilities for seasonal or temporary migrant agricultural workers employed by another employer are exempt from the requirements of parts 5206.1300 to 5206.1900. Farming operations that employ ten or fewer employees and do not maintain a temporary labor camp are exempt from the provisions of parts 5206.1300 to 5206.1900
AI: A "temporary labor camp" typically lasts for the duration of a seasonal project or a specific work period, which can range from a few weeks to several months,
Residential use includes seasonal, accessory structures or dwellings like hunting shack.A Dwelling Site is used for a temporary or moving SHELTER like a tent or temporary shelter as camping site.
A "temporary campsite," often referred to as a "pop-up campsite," typically lasts for a maximum of 28 days in a given year,
Class 1d property includes structures that meet all of the following criteria:
(1) the structure is located on property that is classified as agricultural property under section 273.13, subdivision 23;
(2) the structure is occupied exclusively by seasonal farm workers during the time when they work on that farm, and the occupants are not charged rent for the privilege of occupying the property, provided that use of the structure for storage of farm equipment and produce does not disqualify the property from classification under this paragraph;
(3) the structure meets all applicable health and safety requirements for the appropriate season; and
(4) the structure is not salable as residential property because it does not comply with local ordinances relating to location in relation to streets or roads.
The market value of class 1d property has the same classification rates as class 1a property under paragraph (a).
The range is any area located away from the ranch headquarters used by the employer. The following factors are indicative of the range: it involves land that is uncultivated; it involves wide expanses of land, such as thousands of acres; it is located in a remote, isolated area; and typically range housing is required so that the herder can be in constant attendance to the herd. No one factor is controlling, and the totality of the circumstances is considered in determining what should be considered range.
The range also does not include any area where a herder is not required to be available constantly to attend to the livestock and to perform tasks, including but not limited to, ensuring the livestock do not stray, protecting them from predators, and monitoring their health.
§ 655.235 Standards for range housing. An employer employing workers under this section and §§ 655.200 through 655.230 may use a mobile unit, camper, or other similar mobile housing vehicle, tents, and remotely located stationary structures along herding trails, which meet the following standards: (a) Housing site.
A temporary agricultural labor certification issued under this subpart reflects a determination by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary), pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1188(a), that:
(i) There are not sufficient able, willing, and qualified United States (U.S.) workers available to perform the agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature
AI: A shelter that "doesn't have footings and a floor" would most likely be a tent
Historically, houses without foundations have tended to be simple affairs, built around an earth floor, which weren’t designed to last.
Although a building may be able to support the downward thrust of its load without a foundation, it’s the sideways motion that creates the problem. As the ground changes temperature with the seasons, it expands and contracts, causing instabilities that make the building lurch.
This means that, unless it’s built on a rock so solid that there’s no variation, stability depends on having the structure’s base resting on a level deep enough to maintain a constant temperature. This should ensure that lateral movement is kept to a minimum.
The reasons to consider long-term stay provisions are that the
activity is already occurring and that legalization through the rezoning process would
provide an opportunity for the local government to ensure that adequate water and
sanitation facilities are in place. Legitimizing long-term staying at RV parks and
campground also may benefit those of modest means looking to obtain an affordable
form of shelter by providing a greater sense of security.
Thus, a growing proportion of RV camping nights are shifting into low or un-regulated contexts such as community showgrounds, roadside rest areas or local streets through a practice often described as freedom camping. Freedom camping combines a mobile form of accommodation (i.e., RV) and its freely chosen use for overnight stays in a public space (i.e., camping place) (Caldicott, Scherrer, & Jenkins, 2014).
RV camping framework (see Fig. 2) is the Camper Type with the categories of commercial campers (caravan park-based), freedom campers (low/no fee-based) or multi-modal campers (alternating between commercial and freedom to varying degrees).
The Six Month RV Shuffle!! Playlist via Nomadland RVers
you are only considered a resident if you maintain a permanent home and spend more than 183 days here.
He was considered an important witness particularly for the investigation into an arms shipment from Florida, via El Salvador to John Hull's property. Two weeks after his release he was found dead in a Los Angeles parking lot of an apparent cocaine overdose. While in jail he told friends and journalists that he was giving up his drug habit and also that he feared for his life. A number of mysterious circumstances surround his death. John Hull later told Peter Glibbery, "The CIA Killed Steven Carr" and threatened the same would happen to him if Glibbery did not change his story...