Saturday, October 5, 2024

What is the secret of Logical Inference as Vichara aka Self-Enquiry in Jnana or Dhyana or Vipassana meditation?

  thanks for the questions Kathryn Engel. There is a woman in my playlist on energy demonstrations - she communicates with animals and qigong master Jim Nance also does this. Jim Nance told me how - or maybe he told a friend who told me - anyway when healing a dog, the dog knew to leave its body by spirit so Jim could focus on healing the dog's body. Also Ramana Maharshi notably liberated a cow that he was close to, as in India the cows are also considered sacred. 

So by liberating - meaning just how qigong master Chunyi Lin heals ghosts (and I saw him do this) - he said ghosts regularly come to him to get healed. So he described it as the ghost going back into the Emptiness but Ramana Maharshi describes it as the light becoming so bright that the spiritual ego loses self-consciousness. So it is like deep dreamless sleep only it is pure formless awareness that Ramana Maharshi says can not be seen, rather it's a kind of ether-force both inside and outside the body at the same time. 

So in terms of the right side of the heart, in the Taoist Yoga alchemy and immortality training manual, the "yang qi" or tiger channel goes to the right side of the heart also. So for the meditation training the yin qi blockages are seen as red light or black light - and then are transformed and purified into the Yuan Qi via the yang qi. So this means even the golden "yang shen" immortal body still has red yin qi blockages in it and the yang qi spirit light is seen as blue light internally - Poonjaji discusses this blue light in his work on Nondualism (as he was the main disciple of Ramana Maharshi). This blue light is thus considered the soul manifesting and is also focused on by Shri Dhyanyogi and Muktananda and also Chunyi Lin and Jim Nance call the blue light the Buddha light. 

So in the Tibetan Book of the Dead it is explained that at the first moment of death there is a pure unification with the Nirmanakaya of the Universe as the Dharmakaya - and again this is a light so bright that the individual spirit can not handle it. So most people then become a ghost due to these "yin qi" blockages still being a part of their soul as it were. Whereas when the soul is "eternally liberated" then it no longer develops any karma blockages as with each thought the spirit empties itself out back into the formless awareness - the "Yuan Qi" of the universe. So for example when I saw my dad the night before he passed on - I suddenly got a holographic yin qi blockage in my heart as his own heart blockage. But that was the first time I had ever experienced a heart blockage like that. Once I experienced an advanced student of Chunyi Lin having strong heat emanate from his heart when I was standing closed to him - he is a professional psychologist, Patrick Doherty - he has a couple books published on his qigong healing in psychiatry. 

Anyway then while I was at the computer that same night I suddenly got this psychic message that my dad had just died and so I ran upstairs - but his bedroom door was closed and I didn't dare disturb him. So I just turned around but that next morning I opened the door - and when I saw his blue body on the body suddenly I felt the greatest love I had ever felt in my dad's presence. And I knew he also was feeling that same overwhelming love feeling from the heart - a kind of deep joy. When I later told qigong master Jim Nance about this feeling upon seeing my dad's dead body and knowing my dad felt that same love when leaving his body - qigong master Jim Nance said this is true and that it's a rare ability that I was able to sense that truth of the experience. 

So qigong master Jim Nance shared with me that in 2012 he had a deep heart awakening from his sabbatical of just meditating nonstop in private for a few months - after his decade of 12 hours of full lotus meditation a day while doing healing work and teaching work. So I realized he had also achieved eternal liberation because he said a person could have their third eye fully open as a qigong master but still not have achieved this deep heart awakening. In Mahayana Buddhism this is called emptying out the 7th level of consciousness or the spiritual ego while in Vedic Brahman yoga meditation or Jnana meditation this is called "eternal liberation" or "cutting the knot" of the spiritual ego connected to the heart. 

So in Haiti the anthropologist Wade Davis studied a phenomenon of people dying from a voodoo curse and he realized they died literally from fear - and this is a known medical condition when the right side vagus nerve to the heart is overactivated. The right side vagus nerve is our reptilian vagus nerve and normally for a human it is "unmyelinated" - and so it lacks the insulation to store up enough charge for conscious control. So as a deep autonomic subconscious control it creates a "fight or flight" reaction but also a "playing dead" reptilian reaction. 

This is why if someone is raped they will not fight back - and often the victim will be blamed for this when in fact it is due to their right side vagus nerve literally causing them to be frozen in a deep fear reaction as a deep relaxation response of the right side vagus nerve. So the kundalini reaction is called the "relaxation response" by Harvard medical Dr. Herbert Benson based on this same deep right side vagus nerve reaction that creates strong internal "tummo" heat in the lower body as the foundation of the yoga training. Benson studied this in the Himalayas with Tibetan yogis - and there is also video of his time there with the yogis - in my "energy demonstration" playlist. 

The difference is that in meditation the biophotons as spirit are turned around as a quantum coherence resonance that is noncommutative and nonlocal - creating an eternal time-frequency phase reversal of any energy blockage in the body, thereby the source of intense frequency increase seen as golden light externally and blue light internally. Science has proven the element gold is based on blue light being absorbed that also absorbs virtual photons as a negative frequency that is nonlocal and time-reversed. So the "Yuan Qi" or formless awareness as a force is inherently precognitive and also has the ability to create new matter and also is antigravity as levitation. 

For the eternal liberation the heart actually stops - for Ramana Maharshi it was 15 minutes - and for Chunyi Lin it was two hours - but the body is kept alive from the direct connection to the Yuan Qi itself - beyond this right side vagus nerve connection that has been cut off already - meaning the meridian energy is noW directly fused to beyond the physical death of the body via a conscious spirit resonance. This is called "Yuan Shen" or the "light of no light" (also called "clear light" in the Tibetan yoga tradition) since it is maintained via the Mouna Samadhi or Silence as a superluminal listening process - the logical inference of the formless awareness as our true Self-consciousness as Ramana Maharshi explains or as Poonjaji calls it - the "space between our thoughts."

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