Sunday, October 13, 2024

"Quantum Potential is where all the energy is stored" for "a single particle" as "buried in the noncommutative mathematics"

 Basil J. Hiley on the secret noncommutative nonlocality process

Quantum Potential is where all the energy is stored: ...The imaginary...the osmotic velocity [momentum] is still present... what you've got is this additional's sort of the basis of the hydrodynamic model but why hydrodynamics for a single particle? That's the puzzle! Or is it just buried in the noncommutative mathematics which is what I believe it is. Well that's another story....

Basil J. Hiley at 21 minutes into his talk.


Was it political? The rejection of David Bohm was based on a deeper Platonic bias

 "I didn't know what structure he [Bohm] was getting it [quantum potential] from... and it turned out he was getting it from the Clifford algebra......the osmotic momentum is just the imaginary part"

The first noncommutative quantum algebra Bohmian paper: 1984

overview of Noncommutative quantum nonlocality physics 

 Bohm, D. and Hiley, B. J., Generalization of the Twistor to Clifford Alge-
bras as a Basis for Geometry, Revista Brasilera de Fisica, Vol. Especial Os
70 anos de Mario Sch¨onberg, 1-26, (1984).

Generalisation of the twistor to Clifford algebras as a basis for geometry

In this paper, we generalize the Penrose twistor theory to a Clifford algebra. This allows basic geometric forms and relationships to be expressed purely algebraically. In addition, by means of an inner automorphism of this algebra, it is possible to regard these forms and relationships as emerging from a deeper pre-space, which we are calling an implicate order. The way is then opened up for a new mode of description, that does not start from continuous space-time, but which allows this to emerge as a limiting case.

The link doesn't work anymore? Dang.

 "you don't have to have a metaphysical idea of a's a noncommutative structure...they wouldn't stay with noncommutativity to find out what it meant ontologically."
the process - 1965 - David Bohm and Basil J. Hiley

The spin vectors actually change direction... and it is outside the's the quantum potential...

The probability value can take negative values, not allowed in classical physics but if it's a noncommutative structure you've got to start thinking again

 the star product is a nonlocal product in the algebra itself - NOT in Hilbert space - and therefore before the quantum uncertainty measurement problem. X and P are not the position and momentum of a particle - so what are they? It's a cell in phase space .. they are the mean values of this quantum blob.

So you've got a noncommutativity structure with classical physics underlying it...

Basil J. Hiley references "Jan's talk" - on Bell's inequality and here it is!

So as long as it's NOT random therefore it is allowed in the "realist" Bohmian information active transfer that is superluminal! Very fascinating. It means "prohibition of control of signal transfer" -

Intrinsic Complexity is not Pre-Determined....but emerges from Self-referential Recursive noncommutative nonlocal processes.

Jan Walleczek book including his talk - and Basil J. Hiley's talks at 2017 event


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