Monday, September 16, 2024

Tubulin can HEAR!!? Marco Ruggiero research on Buddhist monk chanting on Solfeggio frequencies 

 We demonstrated that human neurons are also capable to respond to ultrasounds (Branca et al. 2018)

 Branca JJV, Pacini S, Morucci G, Bocchi L, Cosentino A, Boni E, Ruggiero M. Effects of ultrasound and selenium on human neurons in vitro. Arch Ital Biol. 2018 Dec 31;156(4):153-163. d


He is so close - yet not quite there. hahaha. He's stuck on the "fractal" commutative geometry math.

  Fourth, tubulin in the context of microtubules can function as a Fabry-Perot
interferometer able to detect the interaction between sound and electromagnetic waves (Ruggiero 2023). The Orch OR theory hypothesizes that tubulin forms into oscillating dipoles in microtubules. These oscillating dipoles can interact with each other to form qubits, which are the basic units of
quantum information.
Ruggiero M. Study of structural similarities between tubulin, TMC1, AND FTSZ proteins as they relate to mechanosensory transduction in the context of the orch or theory of consciousness. Int J Radiol Radiat Ther. 2023;10(3):65‒72. doi: 10.15406/ijrrt.2023.10.00358

Recent evidence obtained in murine atrial cardiomyocytes suggests that the behavior of
tubulin, a constituent of microtubules, is influenced by audible sounds. In the present study,
the sequence and the structure of murine and human tubulins were compared with those of
human TMC1 (Transmembrane channel-like protein 1), a sound-sensitive protein that is
responsible for forming the pore of mechanosensory transduction channels in the hair cells
of the inner ear of vertebrates, and with those of bacterial FtsZ (Filamenting temperature-
sensitive mutant Z), a bacterial protein homologous to tubulin. The results show that mouse
and human alpha-tubulin are 100% identical, whereas sequence homology of human TMC1
and human tubulin alpha 1A chain is scarce, with only 17.31% identity. A higher degree of
similarity was observed in the presence of aromatic amino acids as well as in the propensity
to form alpha-helices. Based on these results, it is hypothesized that the response of tubulin
to audible sounds is mediated by the external alpha-helices as it occurs in TMC1. The
sequence homology of human TMC1 and FtsZ from Lactobacillus johnsonii, is moderate
with 23.40% identity, however higher than that between TMC1 and tubulin. The overall
presence of aromatic amino acids in FtsZ is scarce, but helix propensity is significant. These results are discussed in the context of Orch OR, a theory that postulates that consciousness
emerges from quantum computations occurring in microtubules of neurons via information
processing mediated by aromatic amino acids of tubulin.

When I searched an email for Marco Ruggiero I got that website - and it's all about acoustic medical research products. Fascinating.

 Unlike Ultrasound, the PiezoWave2T MyACT produces slow pulses that do not produce a thermal affect. In addition, the PiezoWave2T MyACT’s slow sound pulses produce soft tissue compression and not soft tissue vibration

 Yeah I think the Elvation Marco Ruggiero is a different Marco Ruggiero than the above research scientist - just a coincidence.


Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD, worked as post-doc at Burroughs Wellcome Co. (1984) and as visiting scientist at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH (1987). He was appointed Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Firenze, Italy, in 1992 where he worked until 2014. He published more than 240 scientific articles co-authored, among others, by scientist such as EG Lapetina, SA Aaronson, JH Pierce, PH Duesberg, HH Bauer, JJ Bradstreet, D Klinghardt. One of his articles in PNAS was sponsored by Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane. His current research interests are in immunotherapy, quantum biology and microbiome medicine.

Hi Dr. Marco Ruggiero: Thanks for your fascinating mantra monk tubulin sound study! I have several books on this topic. I have corresponded with Stuart Hameroff a bit - I got an email reply from him around 20 years ago at first. I did my master's degree in 2000 and have done independent study since then. Lately in the past five years or so I have corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley several times. He said he loved my music article on noncommutativity as meditation.
So in terms of the mantra - there was a fascinating article by quantum physics professor Larry (Lawrence) Domash on the mantra activating the 1/2 spin nonlocality of the neurons - the process being the mantra tying down the left side language processing of the brain, thereby "opening up" this nonlocal force-information to resonate through. What is fascinating in terms of the brain is that the right side is frequency dominant and the right side vagus nerve connects to the left side of the brain but the left side vagus nerve does not connect to the right side of the brain.
Another key point to realize is that in tinnitus research it was proven that the highest pitch humans can hear actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound! Andrija Puharich, a military medical paranormal researcher, realized this ultrasound activates the vagus nerve, splitting the water, creating a time-reversed nonlocal force via the quantum beats that are precognitive. This is basically the same as the recent superluminal acoustic phonon water claim in the microtubules - the research co-authored by Jack Tuszynski.
In terms of noncommutativity this is something that Roger Penrose acknowledges in his palatial twistor model - noncommutativity as the foundation of reality and as such it also applies to protoconsciousness. Penrose admits he is not good at the quantum algebra noncommutativity math though. This point is made by Basil J. Hiley in his talk with Penrose (that are long term colleagues going way back to Birbeck college days). Most scientists find noncommutativity to be strange and a nuisance - what Penrose admits to.
So you can see Penrose and Hiley and Hameroff speaking all together around a table in 2021 in Finland for a mind-matter symposium. Hiley's talk emphasizes noncommutativity and then his 2022 quantum consciousness article argues that noncommutativity fundamentally changes how we understand quantum biology. Why? Because noncommutativity is not limited to the microscale and so the nonlocal quantum coherence does not need to collapse at the macroscale!
I have several free books on this subject, etc. including a training manual - based on my background in music training.
So basically when I was a teenager studying music intensely in Minneapolis, I noticed a logical error and this turned out to be noncommutativity. Only Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes corroborates the truth of music as noncommutativity - see his "Music of Shapes" talk for a start.
So you may have heard Harald Atmanspacher's talk at the Science of Consciousness conference? He promotes Basil J. Hiley's noncommutativity model of reality also. I just plugged his book again also. So that is the Harald Atmanspacher talk.
But what I discovered is that Eddie Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center also realized that noncommutativity was the secret truth of what he called "quantum psychology" and Oshins also taught Wing Chun as "neigong" or internal martial arts. So Oshins taught the truth of mind-body integration in nonwestern philosophy is noncommutativity.
Considering that all of modern science is based on commutative geometry, this also explains our current ecological and social justice crisis since commutative geometry relies on exponential growth for the elite.
Thanks for your time,
drew hempel, MA

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