Friday, September 6, 2024

Spiritual Vitality (Shen-Qi) in Taoist Alchemy: The Absolute void eternally radiates golden light via retraction of the genital organ

 Essential) nature is spiritual vitality in the heart that manifests through the two channels from the centre of the brain 

  Under the heart and above the genital organ is an empty space where spiritual
vitality manifests to form a cavity. When spirit and vitality return to
this cavity, spiritual vitality will soar up to form a circle (of light) which
is not void

  Voidness that is not empty is spiritual light which is
spirit-vitality that springs from the yellow hall centre (huang ting or
middle tan t’ien, in the solar plexus).

  the Taoists the elixir of immortality or spiritual light; which all
point to the prenatal One True Vitality.

  For this cavity (between and
behind the eyes) is the foundation of (spiritual) stability and the
centre of all things, having neither outside nor inside, which cannot
be held on to by mindfulness and sought by mindlessness, because
to be mindful of it is clinging to the visible and to be mindless leads
to (relative) voidness.

  When this stage is
reached his vitality develops further, his knowledge increases and
his spiritual disposition becomes all-pervading. Unexpectedly a spark
of real positive (principle) appears revealing the mysterious gate
(hsuan kuan).

 Spiritual fire sublimates spirit which will return to the state of nothingness.

 Mindfulness should give way to mindlessness so that the heart
(the seat of nature) is empty (of all stirrings), becomes incorporeal
and spiritual and beyond birth and death.

  If you want to get rid of
wrong thoughts you should hold on to correct awareness and they
will cease of themselves so that your heart will be like the bright
moon in space, immaculate and containing no foreign matter. As the
heart gets used to this condition it will be free from all illusions
culminating in the death of the heart and resurrection of the spirit.
For if spirit is not settled the light of (essential) nature does not
manifest and if intellect is not frozen passions cannot be cut off.

this state of serenity when the inmost vibrates of itself you should
immediately take advantage of its vibration to gather the microcosmic alchemical agent. This is called ‘leading the fire’ (to
gather the agent).

 it is called the cavity of spiritual vitality which
contains both the elements of fire and water in the generative force.
The ancient medical science calls it the ‘gate to life’ and the Taoists
call it the ‘cavity of vitality’. My master Liao K’ung said: ‘When blood
reaches this cavity (under the navel) it changes into negative
generative force which finds its way into the testicles.’

This spirit’s fire derives from the spiritual power in the eyes,
and if supported by postnatal breathing through the nostrils, can
sublimate the generative force and sustain the inner vital breath.
My master Liao K’ung said: ‘The generative force can be fully
sublimated within a hundred days and will then fill the lower
This does not mean merely replacing the dissipated generative
force as that force should be retained and developed so that you can
recover the supply which was latent in you at the time of puberty.
The fullness of prenatal vitality in your body is revealed by your
genital organ which retracts (during the training).
This original spirit is the spirit of no
spirit which can use spiritual fire to destroy its (physical) form to
return to nothingness in order to achieve immortality. This spiritual
fire is the spirit’s golden light that then appears.

  For this golden
light manifests in front of you while your essential body (fa shen) in
the great emptiness gradually comes closer to it. When the light of
this body joins and mingles with the golden light (in front of you) you
will realise your essential body which will then enter your physical
body; the latter [physical body] will absorb that spiritual body and in three years’ time
will be sublimated into pure vitality [yuan qi].

 the spiritual [body] is prenatal vitality [yuan qi]
produced by the first six methods of practice (Chapters 1 to 6) and is
our essential nature.
To remedy this negative state requires
concentration of true inner fire which is done by fixing spirit in the
lower tan t’ien, the source of foetal breath, by drawing the pupils of
the eyes close to each other in order to bring the cavity of vitality into
focus and by using the bellows to bring quick fire into action; as a
result of pointed concentration a mass of true inner fire will soar up
causing spiritual light in the cauldron to illuminate the whole body the
four elements of which (see here) are thereby sublimated. It will
eliminate this malefic negative state and restore the brightness of the
elixir in its cavity (under the navel).’
This cultivation of (essential) nature and (eternal) life requires
constant attention and the slightest carelessness can obscure the
inner light and cause the drain of the elixir with the result that all
previous efforts will be sterile.
consciousness which stirs his heart (the house of fire) and dislodges his spirit from its original cavity (in the centre of the brain), This is due to the vitality [consciousness as yin qi] in the heart which stirs his spirit and makes him so restless that he is unfit for spiritual training...
As time passes his spirit becomes stronger and he will even
forget about sleeping; his vitality will be full and cause him to forget
about eating; his generative force will be full freeing him from all
sexual desires and causing his body to be strong and light; his heart
will be pure and spiritual; his vitality will be genuine; his spirit will be
perfect and divine; thus he will enter upon the path of immortality.
This resting breath is far more advanced than the foetal breath.
The above precaution is to prevent the drain of vitality without
which the spiritual seed cannot develop. If the spiritual seed is
defective how can you extinguish fire [yin qi] when it should be put out. If fire [yin qi]
cannot be stopped at this stage it will be impossible to break through
the great gate (of the original cavity of spirit in the centre of the
 In this event inner fire should be
gathered and lifted to produce spiritual fire which will emit the golden
light, and then the light of ambrosia will be full and bright. But you
should not gather and lift fire at this stage for too long as it may
cause dizziness. If the immortal seed is fully developed the golden
light will manifest;
The above method is to raise the inner fire to arouse spiritual fire
so that the golden light appears. It should not be practised frequently
in order to avoid dizziness and waste of vitality that radiates, for the
aim of the practice is to realise this prenatal vitality and also the
manifestation of this light which is spirit that lies between (and
behind) the two eyes.
If stirring thoughts cause the spiritual
body to vanish, this is due to neglect; and if the heart does not
wander outside and never strays from the spiritual body, this is due
to absence of neglect.
After the ‘spiritual gem’ has returned to its source (in the lower
abdomen) a pointed concentration on it will, in time, cause a golden
light to appear in the white light between the eyebrows. This is the
embryo of the immortal seed produced by the union of the
generative force, vitality and spirit into one whole.
These white and golden lights are like the positive and negative ends of an electric wire; and the union of generative force, vitality and spirit is like the current
without which there is no light.
this is the spiritual foetus which, after remaining
inert in the lower tan t’ien centre (under the navel) for about two
years since the breakthrough, now begins to breathe
If the practiser does not
leave this state he will get bogged down in the spiritual body, will be
tied up by serenity and will not achieve the transcendental powers
which enable him to appear in myriad transformation bodies.
You should lift the spiritual light to the brain (ni wan) which
will emit the light of vitality within which flying snow and dancing
flowers will be seen. This is the absolute void taking shape.
Shortly after dwelling in this serenity a golden light will emerge
from the body like a large wheel, manifesting in front of the practiser
who should drive the light of his spiritual nature in front of it, and
imagine that the golden light shrinks into a small circle about one
inch in diameter, like a gold coin. He should then roll his eyes to
collect and suck (the golden light) into his spiritual nature which will
enter the original cavity of spirit (tsu ch’iao, between and behind the
eyes). After this he should practise the ‘obliterating’ meditation3 in
order to return to the state of stable serenity.
The practiser should now lower his eyes to look
down so that his spiritual body will manifest with his physical body at
its side. His spiritual body is similar in features to his physical body
but traces of negative vitality in the former will cause demonic
hindrance by all sorts of states to tempt the positive spirit.
practiser should now hold on to the right concentration and quickly
roll his eye once from cardinal point A to D, G and J (see figure 5)
while concentrating on the demonic light to suck it into his body in
order to transmute it into positive light. As time passes this demonic
light will be purified and transformed into the light of positive spirit
which will sustain the foetus in its full development.
It should not
be allowed again to leave the body, which now should be closed and
further sublimated
in order to enter the spiritual body which
comprises (essential) nature and (eternal) life in their prenatal
condition. The physical body is then further sublimated so that it is
neither existing nor non-existent, neither form nor void, neither within
nor without, neither coming nor going, and neither beginning nor
ending. This is done with the same care that a dragon nurtures its
pearl while remaining hidden and motionless, and because of which
a sitting hen refuses to leave her eggs; this condition of quiet and
stillness should be held until it reaches its highest degree.’
his continual
sublimation will result in deeper concealment of the spiritual fire in
the light of vitality so that the positive spirit will be kept in its original
cavity (tsu ch’iao)
The all-pervading One penetrates the centre (of Reality in
the brain
i.e. the tsu chiao)
this is the (tsu ch’iao) cavity in the centre of the
brain which is linked with the two eyes and also with the heart (see
Since the light of (essential) nature [WHITE-Yellow] in the original cavity of spirit
(tsu ch’iao, between and behind the eyes) is now concentrated
below the navel, the positive light of vitality [Golden] in the latter centre will
soar up to manifest before the eyes, thereby causing both lights to
unite and remain constant, while the space between the eyes and
the navel will emit sparks of red golden light.
When he turns his eyes down, this true seed in the original cavity
of spirit (tsu ch’iao between and behind the eyes) will descend from
the forehead to seek an outlet through the nose, which is open, and
if the latter is not shut by a clothes-peg, it will drain away by the
nostrils, and all previous progress will be nullified.
Simultaneously the original cavity of spirit (tsu
ch’iao between and behind the eyes) will emit bright moonlight, and
when the two lights unite, the positive spirit which is serene and
radiant in the upper tan t’ien (in the brain or ni wan) will mingle with
them to become a vast voidness.
Fire, Spiritual: It produces the golden light which replaces a white
light which has appeared in front of the practiser when his lower tan
t’ien is full of the alchemical agent which reveals to his eyes the
beauty of positive vital breath [yang qi as yuan qi].
I was thinking of Figure 4 - p. 44 it shows the Heart as Earth. So normally the Heart's Fire is the inner fire as the spirit or yin shen of yin qi aka the "red dragon" for passion and thinking. So as spiritual fire as meditation with eyes closed then the yin qi returns to the lower tan t'ien to build up the yang qi - and therefore Fire goes into Earth and thus Heart becomes Earth (in contrast to Heaven).
So it's the negative principle as yin qi of Earth - and when restored it creates the Yuan Shen as the Yellow Court of the middle tan t'ien - the heart as Earth as the positive generative force being "crystallized" or Formed" - and only when that is then restored to infancy level does the golden light of the yang shen manifest...
"If you wrongly search for negative spirit by closing your eyes to
look into the (relative) emptiness of the void it will lead to (the realm
of) birth and death, which is in the province of consciousness; you
will then achieve nothing until you die."
So that again is just the "relative void" as inner fire of the yin qi seen internally. This is the stage I am at now - since I fell out of enlightenment.
"the production of postnatal negative spirit results in
the mind stops wandering outside, consciousness will melt away,
and the five aggregates will be empty of externals so that spirit and
vitality will gather and stay within and no longer scatter without."....
"speaking of obscure
things, and boasting that he has achieved supreme truth, without
realising that all this comes from consciousness which stirs his heart
(the house of fire) and dislodges his spirit from its original cavity (in
the centre of the brain), "
 "When a man is awake, his consciousness is seated in his
eyes, but when he sleeps at night, it is lodged in the lower abdomen.
So when he sleeps his breathing disturbs all six senses and arouses
the generative force which will drain away; hence his involuntary
"the genital root dilates and vibrates in the state
of thoughtlessness and unconsciousness; this is caused by vitality in
the scrotum which stirs the testicles and widens the duct by which
the generative fluid drains away."
So that is from a sympathetic nerve triggering....It has to be reversed by the standing active exercises and exercises taught in the Taoist  Yoga book.
"Then suddenly I sank into a state of indistinctness
wherein my consciousness and awareness of things seemed to
vanish. My body seemed to roam on the top of the clouds. This
revealed prenatal vitality that nurtured and developed the immortal
So that is what I experienced but then I also experienced the dizziness as a spacetime vortex!
 "the divine mirror which
will remain tied to consciousness if he does not know how to free his
heart (the seat of the fire of passion) from worldly attachments. If he
gives rise to the thought of seeking immortality to delight in it, the
demon will seize the occasion to enter his heart. "
So again the heart has to go into the Earth!
"the method of overcoming the demons by circulating his
consciousness through the four cardinal points A, D, G and J (of the
microcosmic orbit). The demons will vanish as soon as the negative
breath [yin qi] is transmuted into positive vitality [yuan qi from yang qi] . "


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