Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Rolling the Eyes & transmuting Jing into Qi: The Outer Alchemical Agent into Inner Inseparable Yuan Qi Immortal Seed

 while nature [yin qi] and life [yang qi] in the body change place during the shutting and opening process, the latter sets in motion the generative force [yin qi] which is automatically transmuted into vitality [yuan qi] (which circulates up and down).

  By inner copulation of the positive [heaven]
and negative principles [earth] is meant the production of the microcosmic
inner alchemical agent [positive principle] by rolling the eyes from left to right in
conjunction with the passing of inner fire [yin shen] through sublimating
phrases at the cardinal points D and J of the microcosmic orbit, for
the purpose of transmuting vitality into spirit whose full development
causes a bright light, called the mysterious gate (hsuan kuan) to
manifest in the original cavity of spirit between and behind the eyes. 

p. 51 on rolling the eyes....

 My master Liao K’ung said: ‘Practise this every morning and
evening in order to avoid all risks (wei hsien) at night (e.g.
involuntary emission).’
This is like a blacksmith using his
bellows; the air from it blows the inner fire which, becoming intense,
transmutes the generative force into vitality. The latter is then
gathered and sent up and down in the microcosmic orbit.
The outer alchemical agent is produced by means of fresh air breathed in and out
to transmute the generative force into vitality.

 The macrocosmic sublimation of generative force aims at
gathering the alchemical agent during the (various) phases of the
circulation of fire (in the microcosmic orbit as explained earlier). In
order to gather the alchemical agent the practiser should roll his
eyes which stand for the sun and the moon. This is likened to the
sun’s orbit of 365¼ degrees; hence the macrocosm.
When the generative and vital forces start vibrating the practiser
should roll his eyes from A through D to F (see figure 2) to lift
positive fire which will cover thirty-six degrees in six phases or 216
degrees, and then from G through J to L to lower its negative
counterpart which will embrace twenty-four degrees in six phases or
144 degrees.
Thus each combined ascent and descent of fire embraces 360
degrees with pauses for cleansing and purifying at D and J. The
difference of five and a quarter degrees spreads between the four
cardinal points A, D, G and J for the microcosmic orbiting with
temporary pauses whereas the sun and the moon continue to orbit
endlessly in heaven.
The rolling of the eyes to gather the alchemical agent and the rise
of the gentle breeze (regulated breathing) show that both spirit and
vitality move together.
The Tan Ching says: ‘Spirit is aroused by rolling the eyes and
vitality by breathing which sets the generative and vital forces in
This is macrocosmic sublimation of the generative force but if
cleansing and purifying are omitted the generative and vital forces
mingle with each other and cannot be separated (for alchemical

 Hence Liu Hua Yang said: ‘A long practice will mature the
generative force to transmute it into vitality, for the generative force is
only immature vitality.’ He also said: ‘The generative force and vitality
are inseparable. Only a good understanding of the union of sun and
moon can lead to real achievement.’

Before the umbilical cord is cut, the (baby’s essential) nature
and (eternal) life are inseparable: this state is called prenatal.

 He should then concentrate on spirit (between and behind the
eyes) and drive it down into the cavity of vitality (under the navel)
where spirit and vitality become inseparable, like slow fire kept in a

for when spirit and vitality unite in the lower
tan t’ien (under the navel) they collect all spermatozoa and transform
them into immortal seed. When the latter is sufficiently nurtured and
matures it radiates. Spirit and vitality will then become inseparable
like iron and a loadstone.

 You should know that these hindrances are caused by negative
(vital) breaths remaining in the viscera. Since the practiser now feels
that negative breaths are strong whereas positive ones are still
he should now roll his eyes to let in the latter while driving
away the former in order to remove all obstructions which will then
vanish. Such obstructions are caused by perverse thoughts rising in
the heart (mind) which change positive into negative (vital) breaths
and prevent the three positive lights from manifesting and the
macrocosmic alchemical agent from developing.

 quickly close his eyes
and roll them from left to right nine times, and then pause to gaze at
the light of vitality that appears in that cavity. This exercise of rolling
the eyes is to be done four times, making 9 x 4 or thirty-six turns

practiser should now hold on to the right concentration and quickly
roll his eye once from cardinal point A to D, G and J (see figure 5)
while concentrating on the demonic light to suck it into his body in
order to transmute it into positive light. As time passes this demonic
light will be purified and transformed into the light of positive spirit
which will sustain the foetus in its full development.

 Unexpectedly a spark
of real positive (principle) appears revealing the mysterious gate
(hsuan kuan).

The Huo Hou Ko says: ‘To reach the mysterious gate requires
solitary vigilance the secret of which lies in the eyes.’

 the Mysterious Gate which is in space and manifests
in front of the original cavity of spirit (between and behind the eyes);
it is the real One Vitality, which is our ‘original face’, boundless like
the great emptiness. Hence it is said: ‘Prenatal One Vitality comes
from nothingness.’

 These turns pass through the four cardinal points A, D, G and
J for the purpose of sublimating the generative force already
gathered into vitality. But if cleansing and purifying are omitted the
generative force cannot be entirely transmuted into vitality.

Hence my master Liao K’ung said: ‘As the dragon and tiger
“copulate” and the sun and the moon unite, a mysterious pearl will
be created in the middle of the state of indistinctness.’
My eldest brother K’uei I Tsu said: ‘When positive and negative
(principles) unite to return to the centre (of the Mysterious Gate), if
vitality is young and tends to scatter, you should rotate the solar disc
(to check it).’

The Mysterious Gate and the Mysterious Cavity are the same thing; it is a gate
when it appears in front of the practiser and is a cavity when it lies hidden in the

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