Friday, August 2, 2024

Nate Hagens on Overshoot and abrupt global warming heat stroke: Redefining a "time unit."

 A "unit of time" is the problem since "unit" was defined by Platonic philosophy as irrational magnitude "twoness." Time, as per Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes, is actually a discrete nonlocal overlapping of future and past. Connes simply calls it "two, three and infinity" from simple music theory that is nonwestern.

 @JMW-ci2pq  I did my University of Minnesota master's thesis in 2000 on radical ecology, music theory and what I called "sound-current nondualism." Technically it was a "Liberal Studies" degree but that is just an old skool aristocratic interdisciplinary self-designed program. My advisors didn't understand my thesis - I had no critical feedback - and they apparently got pissed when my thesis was published online. hahaha.
So I was offered by a physicist who published music books to get my thesis published but then he, Charles Madden, admitted he couldn't understand it and actually his wife had wanted it published. This caused me to look at his "Fractals and Music" book and he points out the Taiji symbol is NOT a fractal since a fractal has to be commutative geometry based on symmetric spacetime.
In my master's thesis I had referenced some physicist claiming the Taiji was a logistic equation and now I realized this was wrong. Soon after I discovered Alain Connes' book "Triangles of Thought" and he gave the same concept of music that I was trying to explain. I realized that noncommutativity was the secret I had been calling "complimentary opposites." hahaha. Only I was still not sure if Connes was being metaphorical until I discovered his lecture on youtube, "Music of Shapes."
So now I have a plethora of free books and articles based on my research - my academia edu site has it all posted. Soon after my master's thesis I was digging through the basement book boxes at a used bookstore in Dinkytown by the University (Nate will know this area) - and I discovered total corroboration of my master's thesis!!
There is a book called "Cosmic Humanism and World Unity" by Professor Oliver L. Reiser. I discuss this in my books - but I soon published this online in 2001 as the "Actual Matrix Plan" conspiracy expose. Reiser was working with theosophists and the UN and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (yes even Einstein was a supporter). They called it the "music logarithmic spiral" from the daughter of Thomas Watson - Esther Watson Tipple. The idea again is that Western mathematics is derived from Platonic philosophy secretly based on music theory! A great source on this is math professor Luigi Borzacchini - he discussed it in 1999 on a math academic forum - and he finally got his research published in 2007. I had sent him a scribbled now in 2001 and he replied back that my math was good but I had no historical evidence for my claim. Then we corresponded recently - in the past year - although he is retired now. See my latest book for his replies to me.
So essentially as Sir Roger Penrose points out gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter and thus Penrose thinks civilization will not survive abrupt global warming. All our technology attempts to decrease the entropy of matter actually increases the gravitational entropy on Earth! How can that be? Penrose points out that gravitational potential energy is the truth of dark energy but originates from quantum negentropy as noncommutative nonlocal protoconsciousness that is also antigravity. See Professor Basil J. Hiley's 2021 Emmy Mind-Matter symposium response to Penrose - they are all together but you need to go through the website since their youtube talks are unlisted. Hiley points out that quantum biology has been wrong because of the wrong quantum foundation using a wave function collapse as the quantum measurement problem. Due to noncommutativity there is no limitation of the quantum scale and this is how quantum negentropy maintains and creates life from nonlocality! I have discussed this with Professor Basil J. Hiley for the past five years over several emails - last email he replied to me that he "loved my music article." And thus ended my career. hahaha.

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