Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Hindu Sound book review by william corlett and john moore: the Hindu Sound a la Jon Chapman (Oxford prof)


 william corlett and john moore the hindu sound


 This is what I called "sound-current nondualism" in my master's thesis in 2000 - and THEN I tested out my theory by the intensive qigong training to finish the year of 2000!!

 cool!! Yes we can create spacetime through sound-current nondualism or noncommutative nonlocality!

 this is explained well by Eddie Oshins!

 Wow - the final page of the book combines the "clockwise" (creation) and counterclockwise (destruction) as the secret meaning of OM from M as Shiva and A as Brahmin and U as Vishnu (maintenance).

 So by combining the two you get the 720 degree Moebius strip noncommutative Donut nonlocality secret of the "Three gunas of no guna" secret of nondualism.

Hi Professor Jon Chapman: Have you listened to Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes talk "Music of Shapes" yet? He explains the truth of music is noncommutativity. This is the difference between overtone/undertones versus the commutative symmetric harmonic ratios that were incorrectly created by Philolaus and Archytas as geometric magnitude. thanks, drew hempel
This is a fascinating talk but he doesn't mention noncommutativity! The very beginning gets off to the wrong start by wrongly assuming music theory as based on commutative harmonic ratios. Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes have proven the truth of music is actually noncommutativity with a geometric dimension to zero - see his talk "Music of Shapes." Noncommutativity as nonlocality is the truth of quantum biology as music medicine via meditation as explained by Eddie Oshins of SLAC. thanks














































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