Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Anton: A science youtuber realizes that quantum consciousness is valid afterall! Superradiance corroboration experiment


 Actually Anirban Bandyopadhyay already published superradiance experimental evidence of tubulin and microtubules - he was the first to corroborate the Hameroff-Penrose model showing Ultrasound as a 3000 amplification of electrical conductance of the microtubules.


 go to the "Science of Consciousness conference" youtube channel to find Penrose's recent talks. Penrose explains that quantum nonlocality violates the Einstein equivalence principle. So the protoconsciousness is inherently noncommutative. Then go to the Emmy Network Mind and Matter youtube channel to find Basil J. Hiley giving a talk to Penrose - they are colleagues but Hiley emphasizes noncommutativity while Penrose admits he finds it strange and a nuisance.

   "generally speaking" is precisely the structural error that Professor Basil J. Hiley has corrected in his 2022 book chapter on quantum consciousness in quantum biology. "But what if Newton’s first law is not valid at the quantum level? Assume at this level these two expressions are not in fact equal, then non-commutativity will be the consequence.... Since the [star]-product can also be written as the exponentiation of the Poisson bracket then classical mechanics must contain some trace of this non-locality, suggesting that classical mechanics itself has some features that we have missed simply by using Newton’s or even Hamilton’s differential equations of motion." Hiley, B. & Pylkkanen, Paavo. (2022). Can Quantum Mechanics Solve the Hard Problem of Consciousness "Bohm (and also de Broglie (1960)) called this term the “quantum potential energy.” This new quality of energy enters as the coefficient of h[squared] [relativistic from de Broglie] and this is why Dirac missed the QHJ equation. Its appearance is intimately connected with the Baker bracket (Jordan product) and therefore the non- commutativity of (x✭ p)." The Moyal-Dirac controversy revisited B. J. Hiley "This in turn implies that a non-commutative phase space can be regarded as lying at the heart of quantum theory."... "Thus the ✭-product is non-local in that it involves integrating over a non-local region in the non-commutative phase space. It is this product that is used in M-theory."... an analysis that focusses on the non-local nature of the ✭-product, Hiley (2015) shows that the ( p, x) should be identified with the mean position of a “blob” in phase space (de Gosson 2013)." "On the other hand if the expansion of the Baker bracket is limited to O(h) then it reduces to the usual commutative product. It was for this reason that Dirac (1947) missed the appearance of the quantum potential energy. Whereas it appears in the appendix of Moyal’s classic (1949) paper, as we will show in section 5.1."..."To repeat, it is only when we go to order O(h2) and above that the Baker bracket does not reduce to the usual commutative product. Generally terms of O(h2) are assumed to be negligible and therefore are not discussed, but the bracket plays an important role when energy (Hiley 2015) is involved." Now back to the 2022 chapter in quantum consciousness: "This is not the place to discuss these proposal in detail but we feel it is essential to draw the reader’s attention to this rapidly developing field which has been held back in the belief that “wave-decoherence" is the fatal factor that destroys quantum effects in living systems. This negative outlook traps us in a totally obscure notion of “wave-particle duality” and all the conflicting images that throws up. We should instead direct our attention towards a dynamical structure conditioned by non-commutative geometry." If you want noncommutativity discussed in detail as the secret of a macro-mind-body integration meditation practice then see Eddie Oshins work at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in his coining of the discipline "quantum psychology" - I have an academia dot edu site that discusses all this in free papers and books - see my info on my youtube channel for the link. thanks

  Professor Jean Bricmont debunked Sabine Hossenfelder's mangling of the Bell's Inequality nonlocality experiments. Also Hossenfelder contacted Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert to correct Hossenfelder's admitted error on abrupt global warming. I'm glad Hossenfelder is finally addressing the ecological crisis - even if she is doing so too late and she had already admitted to errors on the subject. Most physicists ignore the abrupt global warming crisis as biological annihilation even though Joseph Fourier first published on the topic writing that the "effects of human industry" would heat up Earth - two hundred years ago!! Wow two hundred years of scientists being corporate brown-No$ers while ignoring the empirical truth that Fourier first established. 

 Actually Stuart Hameroff has already done experiments with ultrasound. The greatest increase in electromagnetic conductance of the microtubulins is via ultrasound as proven by Anirban Bandyopadhyay's corroboration of the Hameroff-Penrose model of quantum consciousness. Ultrasound is based on piezoelectric collagen - so if people just practiced tai chi or yoga with standing exercises that cause a parasympathetic rebound this will activate the microtubules of the brain also. I have a free training manual as my first upload - oldest video - for details.

 Hameroff had to deal with an internet "meme" or sound-byte spread by Tegmark. The internet is all about catchy slogans and buzzwords - yet Tegmark had to admit publicly he was wrong and his previous claim had no merit. The problem is the "correction" is always in the fine print on the back pages of the interwebs. hahahaha. Besides quantum physics is the foundation of reality but it's been greatly misunderstand - ever since Pascual Jordan's noncommutative quantum biology was first introduced in the 1930s. Only Basil J. Hiley has truly followed up on this - the colleague of Penrose - yet Penrose admits the foundation of his protoconsciousness reality is also noncommutativity. You can see Hiley presenting to Penrose and Hameroff at the Mind-Matter Sympsosium in 2021 on the Emmy Network youtube channel. 

 read "Transcendent Dreaming" by psychology Ph.D. Christina Donnell who trained in Tai Chi and Andean shamanic meditation - her book is her detailed precognitive healing dreams. Penrose emphasizes that precognition is the foundation of protoconsciousness - see his latest talks on the Science of Consciousness Conference youtube channel. Precognitive dreams are MORE vivid and more lucid than being awake! 

  As JohnJoe McFadden (coauthor of the Royal Society science book of the year award "Life on the Edge") emphasizes - the way there can be quantum coherence in warm biology is all due to "vibrations" - and this is also the emphasis of the Hameroff-Penrose model that Penrose calls "negative resonance." Negative resonance means the superradiance is actually due to precognition as protoconsciousness and thus negative frequency is also noncommutative. This is the truth of ancient nonwestern meditation also - but it got covered up by Philolaus and Archytas when Plato promoted their commutative geometry of irrational magnitudes as materialistic idealism - the Platonic Ideal. oops.

 If you read Hameroff's most read science paper on the secret of Free Will - that solves the Hard Problem. But it's when you realize that Penrose's "Negative resonance" is actually noncommutativity as precognition then you get into really wild paranormal nonlocal properties first realized by Olivier Costa de Beauregard.

 Hossenfelder was debunked by Professor Jean Bricmont only he also does not believe in the paranormal. You would need to study Olivier Costa de Beauregard and Professor Basil J. Hiley for why the paranormal is real - also Eddie Oshins who worked at SLAC when he coined "quantum psychology." Oshins focused on noncommutativity just as Hiley does (and Penrose admits is the truth also).

 On the contrary ONLY Penrose is emphasizing that gravitational entropy was very low at the Big Bang and thus time is inherently coherent and asymmetric also. I don't think you've really considered Penrose seriously. Ageism is very common yet Penrose is very astute and Penrose continues to learn - he is learning from his colleague Professor Basil J. Hiley for example. Penrose admits the foundation of reality is noncommutative. This changes the meaning of quantum negentropy just as Pascual Jordan realized - mentioned in the 2016 quantum biology book "Life on the Edge".

 Fractals are still commutative geometry while Penrose has published how the foundation of reality is noncommutative. So you are not even engaging with Penrose's research. This is like when Lawrence Krauss interviewed Penrose recently and Krauss bragged he understood Penrose since Krauss had read Penrose's last book! Penrose's last book was 10 years ago and since then Penrose has changed his research a lot while giving many recent youtube talks and papers published. Since Penrose is in his 90s then someone like Krauss had ageism -- just trying to dismiss Penrose without even really engaging with Penrose's claims. Penrose has admitted to this problem of him being considered a fuddy-duddy but when you watch that Krauss interview Penrose is clearly just playing along with Krauss to be nice. As the saying goes you can't argue with stupid.

 We get a little of that each night during slow wave dreamless sleep and in nonwestern meditation the logical question is who are we during these moments? We are not just a biological machine that "turns on" in the morning when we wake up. So obviously our true consciousness is NOT our awareness of spacetime - and from that logical inference is then a logical inquiry pursued. Feynman tried this out but as he became aware of his dreams then he gave up since he dismissed his dreams as meaningless associations. In fact our dreams are based on our subconscious learning but in nonwestern meditation when we become conscious beyond our dreams - then this is called Turiya or a fourth state of awareness. Hameroff discusses this in his article on Free Will - his most read science paper - calling it the "Zone" for extreme athletes whereby external perception of time slows down while internal frequency of energy goes up. Of course the athlete appears to be moving faster by other external observers - so you get a relativistic quantum effect in the Zone. Penrose discusses this also for extreme musicians as well like classical pianists - saying that precognition is inherent to protoconsciousness as nonlocality - it's on the "Science of Consciousness" conference youtube channel. 

 Unfortunately as Penrose points out the gravitational entropy is the opposite of entropy of matter and so our technological progress to decrease the entropy of matter is actually increasing gravitational entropy against the origin of quantum negentropy from gravitational potential (dark energy). So Penrose says that we probably won't survive abrupt global warming crisis that is also called "biologica annihlation" in the googlescholar peer-reviewed articles. Quite ironic that Anton as a science youtube has neglected to even discuss the biological annihilation that is accelerating on Earth? Why? Because commutative geometry is the religion of technology as former MIT History Professor David F. Noble explained so well in his "Religion of Technology" 1996 book.

 lucid dreaming is a start - obviously for males certain dreams demonstrate physical reality still controlling the dream state. To maintain awareness beyond dreaming while in deep dreamless sleep is called Turiya or nirvikalpa samadhi. Ramana Maharshi points out that most yogis can leave their body to travel into astral realms and this is a type of lucid dreaming also while maintaining awareness during deep dreamless sleep is not focused on. So Ramana Maharshi taught that nirvikalpa samadhi should be maintained as the focus and that any astral realm should be emptied out into its source of formless awareness. What this means is the light of the astral realm keeps getting brighter until self-consciousness is lost again and the spiritual ego of the astral realm merges back into a formless awareness that is just really bright light with no self-consciousness of spacetime. So it's the same as deep dreamless sleep with no awareness of perceptions and no awareness of spacetime - only it occurs in really bright light of pure formless awareness. Ramana Maharshi calls this Mouna Samadhi and Maharshi admits it relies on using the spiritual ego of light to turn itself around back to its source - just as Maharshi's student H.W.L. Poonjaji used the metaphor of a mirror - you see yourself in a mirror but who is looking into the mirror? You need to turn that image back around to its source. This is actually based on logical inference as a listening process and hence Mouna or silence - and is called "negative resonance" by Roger Penrose. 

  Always meaning you are not aware of Schroedringer's 1945 book "What is Life?" when he coined the term "negentropy" that Penrose also takes about. The problem with the claim by Schroedringer as Oxford biology professor Denis Noble points out - life is more based on water than it is on a crystal. It's more of a liquid crystal since water is actually a macroquantum molecule with high level of negentropy (meaning as it expands it also increase in order). You would need to read the book "The Demon and the Quantum: From the Pythagorean Mystics to Maxwell's Demon and Quantum Mystery" - by Professor Marlan Scully and his son Robert J. Scully for further details. The key point to realize is that Superradiance relies on photon negative resonance that is noncommutative as negentropy. This means the "quantum potential" is a time-reversed, negative frequency signal as a new quality of energy. How this works in biology as a vibration is proven by how human hearing is up to ten times faster than Fourier time-frequency uncertainty. quantum physics wrongly assumes a linear operator of time to frequency that cancels out negative frequency. But the complex number actually originates from a noncommutative nonlocal time-frequency that enables negative frequency as negative resonance of virtual photons.

So temperature is not the same as heat and this is why it's crucial to consider the entropy as based on photons and not on rest mass. This is the big error made about abrupt global warming also.
"in the middle of the 19th century, a full account of the entropy of radiation had to wait for Max Planck’s theory of heat radiation.16 According to Planck, the entropy carried by a beam of radiation is dependent on its frequency spectrum, angular distribution, and polarization. A given amount of radiant energy carries the greatest amount of entropy when it is low frequency, isotropic, and unpolarized....Most studies of the second law applied to Earth, however, consider only matter (atoms and molecules) to be a part of the climate system, whereas radiation (photons) is considered a part of the surroundings. In that view, radiation is treated as an external and reversible heat source or sink, and the irreversibility of radiative processes does not enter discussions of the planetary heat engine."
see free read online: Thermodynamics of the climate system, Physics Today 75 (7), 30–37 (2022);
So if you study for example the experiments of Sir John Pendry he has proven that negative frequency is the key to converting virtual photon energy into real photon energy. As Professor Basil J. Hiley explains this quantum potential energy is a new quality of energy - or force - since it exists before classical amplitude. It's based purely on time-frequency of the photon.
Quantum Paradoxes: Quantum Theory for the Perplexed by Yakir Aharonov and Daniel Rohrlich (2005): "Why does the color of light change? "only the intensity of the light from a kiln changes with temperature, not the color....If we integrate to obtain the overall energy of the radiation field, we find that the integral diverges...The factor kT [Boltzmann's equipartition average] includes the average of both kinetic and potential energy. These are equal for electromagnetic radiation as they are for harmonic oscillators....Since statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together imply this divergence, statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together contain a contradiction." "So why does the color of light change? We can guess that it changes to avoid the divergence. .. Planck's Law - implies that the color of light changes with temperature." pp. 13-14.

yes I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota by doing intensive qigong training with Chunyi Lin, the qigong master teaching through the community college. Chunyi Lin has since done several western science studies - published in peer-reviewed journals. One was done by Mayo Clinic dr. Ann Vincent on external qi healing - she published the results were "especially impressive" since people were healed of chronic pain of five years not healed by western medicine.
So I had what Chunyi Lin called an "enlightenment experience" - he actually levitated up nine feet spiralling while in full lotus meditation after he finished 28 days of nonstop full lotus meditation in a cave at Mt. Qingcheng around 1995. So yes one of his teachers was a Shaolin qigong master who also taught Robert Peng.
You can see my first upload for my free training manual - the "oldest" video on my channel. My papers on noncommutativity as the secret of qi energy are found on my academia edu site - all free. Or just go to Eddie Oshins quantum psychology website at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
Basil J. Hiley said that noncommutativity does not rule out the paranormal. Stuart Hameroff also has said that nonlocality would explain the paranormal. Penrose while arguing the truth of precognition believes that classical reality takes over for normal consciousness. 
 Penrose emphasizes that mass originates from frequency as quantum nonlocal negentropy. This is in contrast to the symmetric commutative geometry that assumes virtual photons are just a renormalization mathematical trick. So for Penrose the "dark energy" of the universe is potential gravity originating from a time-reversed retrocausal precognitive protoconsciousness (negentropic information that is nonlocal). Penrose says this requires a new understanding of quantum physics. If you listen to Professor Basil J. Hiley's presention to Penrose on the Emmy Network Mind-Matter symposium 2021 - out of Finland - Hiley is pointing out that the noncommutativity does not require the collapse of a wavefunction or quantum measurement problem that Penrose says causes consciousness. In other words the quantum coherence can self-amplify into the macroscale thereby creating paranormal or spiritual effects. This was also the view of Paul S. Wesson who had a 5D black hole model of the universe but in his final years he realized that de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony best explained it. the problem with de Broglie, as Hiley points out, is that de Broglie was trying to convert back to a Euclidian spacetime. So rather the Twistor model of Penrose is now his "Palatial twistor" model that is noncommutative but Penrose admits he is not good at the noncommutative quantum algebra math. Hiley has proven that his Bohmian model is actually noncommutative also - so this is the rewrite of quantum physics that Penrose has been looking for. Penrose also had a disagreement or debate with Gerard 't Hooft a few years ago - on a livestream - two Nobel Physicists debating but the moderator cut them off! Essentially 't Hooft also relies on a noncommutative model but Penrose insisted there needs to be matter to create the gravitational singularity for the black hole - while 't Hooft was assuming the matter was already converted into photons - with the Hawking radiation as a kind of negative frequency quantum nonlocality as the truth of the singularity. So Penrose points out that his student Stephen Hawking was a bit sloppy on his math and Penrose helped out. But I think that Penrose and 't Hooft basically agree in their conception of reality - what 't HOoft calls the "eternal black hole" and what Penrose emphasizes to be inherently without size since it's just photon radiation energy based on time-frequency!

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