Sunday, May 12, 2024

Nahua indigenous people spread pederasty from Pacific region of southern Mexico to the Pacific region of El Salvador (Pipils)


 Sigal, P. (2005). The Cuiloni, the Patlache, and the Abominable Sin: Homosexualities in Early Colonial Nahua Society. Hispanic American Historical Review, 85(4), 555–594.













 The Politicization of Pederasty among the Colonial Yucatecan Maya

Journal of the History of Sexuality
Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jul., 1997), pp. 1-24 (24 pages)
Published By: University of Texas Press




 Sigal, P. (2002). Gender, Male Homosexuality, and Power in Colonial Yucatán. Latin American Perspectives, 29(2), 24–40.




















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