Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My discovery of "snow fleas"!! They like moist environments like my rain drenched tent sleeping bag


 They aren’t fleas and they’re not especially fond of snow, but other than that, snow fleas are aptly named.

 While snow fleas are the size of actual fleas, don’t worry about infestation — they’re not interested in either you or your pets (please don’t take that personally).

Still when they're crawling on your sleeping bag - it's a bit disturbing! I've had fleas before - well my cat did and he slept with me. Honestly I never noticed the fleas....


yes I saw this for sure - I killed several but they tried jumping away first....

They have also been known to take up residence under commercial mushroom farms.

Hey I'm flattered! Actually I'm sure it was the black mold that attracted them...


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