Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A review of Haley Reinhart's octave vocal cracking prompts a conversation

 We know there is "throat singing" (see Tuvan or Mongolian both undertones and overtones) and Tibetan monk chanting (undertones). Ironically I discovered one study saying that meditation was necessary to properly due this type of singing. Why? Well for one thing the right side vagus nerve needs to be activated to deeply relax the throat. When I used to meditate a LOT then I was able to do deep throat undertone chanting very well. So then the question is what causes the right side vagus nerve activation? A study on throat singing stating meditation is necessary first indicates that it's actually an overtone activation. Dr. Andrija Puharich's paranormal research discovered (He also did ear research) - that the vagus nerve is activated by ultrasound. 

Then tinnitus research discovered the highest pitch we hear externally actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound! The Quantum biology research of Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose cites how ultrasound in the brain is the strongest activation of the microtubules - 3000 times increase in electrical conductance as quantum coherence of the tubulin in the neurons. This means a superradiance phonon signal or superluminal acoustic "negative resonance" from the future! Aniriban Bandyopadhyay's research group provided that data. 

They also discovered there is a resonance network in the brain - so it has the octave and Perfect Fifth (Fourth). I recommend watching Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes lecture "Music of Shapes." Connes is the only scientist to recognize the truth of music as what he calls, "Two, Three, Infinity." This means that when Westerners learn music tuning as "Perfect Fifth PLUS Perfect Fourth=Octave" this wrongly assumes a symmetric logarithmic ratio for harmonics. Rather the truth of acoustic resonance is an asymmetric time-frequency that is nonlocal - meaning the future and past overlap as "negative resonance" with an "active information" guiding from the future as precognitive signals. 

An interesting psychological analysis of this is "The Haunting Melody" by Theodore Reik.... So another fascinating analysis is the "BioSonics" research of Dr. John Beaulieu. I have a free training manual as my oldest upload - that has lots more details with images, etc. Or see my free book "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" for even more images and details. My 2012 book "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" also gives more references.

  yes my information is a self-selective process. I realize most people are not able to process it. I trained in classical music since age five, on piano, starting adult music theory at age 16 with private study from a former University music professor (ear training, orchestration, music composition, theory). Then I tested into year 3 of music theory for my 1st year of college. 

I was then accepted into UW-Madison music composition for a degree. I had a difference in views - as you can see my views are radical about music. I ended up doing my master's thesis on what I call "sound-current nondualism" at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2000. 

I finished the degree doing intensive nonwestern meditation to test out my music theory concept - training with qigong master Chunyi Lin who is a yoga master trained at Shaolin and in cave meditation. He also works with Mayo Clinic doctors. Then I spent 20 years studying science to discover noncommutativity as the verification of my music theory insight (that I first had at that first music theory class at age 16). 

I have several books on this - all free information - go to my academia dot edu page linked on my youtube channel. I have corresponded with several quantum physics professors about this - especially Basil J. Hiley who said he loved my music article. So again I just assume people can not process this information - it is too radical because people are too brainwashed at a young age. hahaha. But a Fields Medal is harder to get than the Nobel Prize and Alain Connes with a Fields Medal does corroborate my research. Basil J. Hiley cites Connes also as Hiley emphasizes noncommutativity as the truth of reality.

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