Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Five Sets per Week required to just MAINTAIN muscle: Increase muscles by 10 to 15 sets per week: Henneman's Size Principle


I ordered the Total Gym fitness machine to start training

High Intensity activated by your Brain will build muscle faster....


50% of 1 Set maximum will take less sets a week - about 5.

After 45 minutes you just stress out the muscles....

It's the NEURONS that have to be trained for being faster - explosiveness and speed.

as resistance increases then more neurons are activated...

The neuron-muscular system changes dramatically at first in training.

 Six sets of ten repetitions with 120 seconds of rest between each set - increases testosterone the most.


If you do just four MORE sets then testosterone probably reduces....

Muscular hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle mass. This usually manifests as an increase in muscle size and strength. Flexing the muscle between sets will help build hypertrophy.

 25 reps by body weight x 6 (sets)

pull ups, squats, push ups, dead lifts....

  For your body to start developing muscle, you need around 1,700 – 3,000 mg of leucine[8],[9] at any time. That's the equivalent of 15-25 grams of whey protein powder.
1 tablespoon of whey powder

One egg provides ~500 mg of leucine 

10% increase every week in work out intensity (number of reps, number of sets, volume of weight)

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