Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Alchemy of Yuan Qi as Antigravity Levitation in the body via the small universe meditation

 Hi Irma: Thanks for the wonderful question. - the Cosmic Original Yuan Qi aka "female formless awareness" as I call it - emanates out of the pineal gland and pulls the skull up with a sense of magnetic antigravity joy. The Yuan Qi originates out of the heart but is both inside and outside the body at the same time - or rather it's beyond space and exists as a pure time-frequency nonlocal antigravity force-information. The Yuan Qi is also stored in the lower tan t'ien or elixir field - when the lower tan t'ien fills up it is then behind the navel (as my training manual details).

Yes so I feel this as we meditate - as the energy or Yuan Qi is activated - then my spine gets pulled up straight. Qigong master Effie P. Chow calls this a "silver chord" through the center of the body - the silver in alchemy is I guess from the mercury combined with the lead - or the two shen spirits combined. In alchemy the wood (liver qi) is yin qi and normally the yin qi goes out of the eyes when the eyes are open - aka "wood floats" so then we need to mix lead (the yang shen) into the wood to keep the wood sinking. The yang qi is metal from the lungs and normally metal sinks - with substance leaving the body - and so mercury (the yin shen) combines alchemically - with metal so it rises up. And so this is done through the small universe practice.
Ideally we want to rotate the eyes on the heart - counterclockwise and rotate the eyes on the kidneys clockwise - and so you'll notice in the small universe meditation that Chunyi Lin pauses longer on the heart (purification) and kidneys (sublimation). The rotating of the eyes then mixes the yin and yang shen with the yin and yang qi. The left eye has yang shen and yin qi and the right eye has yin shen and yang qi. This could be reversed for females because females are yang internally while males are yin internally. hahaha.
Thanks for the awesome question - I'll repost this info on my blog - I was thinking about this in meditation a bit also.

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