Hi Jeremy: Thanks for inviting me on. I didn't mention that my teacher did experimentally demonstrate antigravity when he levitated up nine feet - after finishing his 28 days of nonstop full lotus (padmasana) cave meditation (no sleep the whole time and next to no food or water). This is Chunyi Lin who works with the Mayo Clinic doctors in Minnesota where he has a healing center.
So my claim is that this nonwestern achievement of levitation (that Jack has acknowledged recently in regards to Saint Joseph de Copertino, the most detailed example via the work of Professor Michael Grosso) - is due to noncommutativity if that nonwestern meditation is to be understood in terms of western science. I guess Jack is trying to claim that Joseph de Copertino was a time-traveler of some sort - and his was but not in the "classical physics" sense that Jack is claiming (see below for details).
Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes points out that all of western science thus far has been based on commutative geometry. The Weak measurement experiments also demonstrate a new "gravitationally repulsive force" - as I cited and Jack says he's interested in. Basil J. Hiley detailed in his Wigner Institute lecture on youtube that in fact the weak measurements are the Bohmian quantum potential due to noncommutativity.
So instead of Jack's claim that antigravity warp drive is from ET alien ufos (despite the strong proof of military disinfo promoting this view) or time-travelers using his invention (a tautological empty signifier claim) - my contention is that it's much more realistic to rely on Earthly based antigravity demonstrations - despite the fact that human levitation has been an extraordinarily rare achievement in terms of meditation, etc.
Hiley has been emphasizing noncommutativity but only recently. Hiley was the collaborator with Bohm but Hiley points out that both Dirac and Feynman were wrong to dismiss noncommutativity (based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as Jack referred to over and over) - Hiley gives the mathematical equation details that Jack claims I need to "provide." hahaha.
So as Jack agrees our situation on Earth is - [insert swear word here] but that's just another way of saying that commutative geometry has caused imminent "biological annihilation" (just googlescholar that term) - on Earth. Our ecological crisis is much worse than people realize - and I won't go into all the details because I could go on and on with details about our ecological crisis. But our ecological crisis is due to the practical application of commutative geometry math that started with Socrates (and Plato) - actually from Archytas, the military engineer and Philolaus (the musician). A good detailed description of this is "Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry" by math professor Ian Stewart. So it was quite ironic when Jack referred back to Socrates at the end of this livestream because that is precisely the origin of the structural cause of our situation of doom on Earth.
So basically in terms of Roger Penrose's emphasis on protoconsciousness being nonlocal and the true source of gravitational negentropy or antigravity from noncommutativity - Basil J. Hiley's claim, as he directly told Penrose a few years ago (it's on youtube but in an unlisted video obtainable via the Mind-Matter symposium website)....there is no need for a "collapse of the wavefunction" in quantum biology since the noncommutativity self-amplifies into the macroscale!! This is the secret of human levitation as antigravity via meditation (that Stuart Hameroff also promotes and explains via the microtubule-tubulin connection).
So maybe Jack's Warp Fusion Device being built at Los Alamos will work. On the other hand the legacy of nuclear power is full of mistakes and the CIA has "rogue" elements as Jack agrees. My contention is that those problems are not just in the past - they are symptomatic of the wrong structural math foundation. And so to continue to adhere to this wrong structural foundation - commutative geometry - and then extend it - will actually increase "gravitational entropy" on Earth. I know that Jack is insisting his warp drive technology is the "only" means to adapt to a future after Earth has been destroyed - but is that really a strong claim? Or is it totally insane. We've done such a great job at destroying life on Earth with technological progress so come hop into my antigravity warp drive based on extending that history of great success? No thanks.
I am making the "counter-claim" - that if we study nonwestern cultures (that DNA science now proves have existed for 200,000 years!!) we can find that antigravity has already been achieved on the macroscale - and Jack agrees that this is possible. He has tried to dismiss that tactic as just "New Age" and that he has already tried that in his previous research into consciousness (via the Esalen Institute, the CIA, etc.).
The CIA actually has a tactic of trying to assimilate nonwestern cultures - the CIA has infiltrated anthropology. Gregory Bateson's anthropology work is the prime example of this - his work for the CIA was not just the LSD experiments for MKULTRA - but rather it was on psychological warfare. In fact if you study the great research of H.P. Albarelli - his tome, "Coup In Dallas" - at the end of that book he details how the top level of the CIA is all focused on psychological warfare. Eddie Oshins working on noncommutativity directly discussed his ideas with Gregory Bateson - that was Oshins claims - that noncommutativity answered the problems that Bateson was trying to solve (in his great classic, "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity").
So again thank you Jeremy for allowing me to ask Jack questions - but in terms of building a warp drive machine - I would have to side with noncommutativity and nonwestern meditation. Roger Penrose, as the mathematical professor who taught Stephen Hawking, admits he is "not very good" at noncommutative geometry aka "quantum algebra" math. It is really only Basil J. Hiley who has done the hard physics research on noncommutativity yet even Hiley told me (in our numerous correspondences) that he, Hiley, has never focused on gravitational entropy. Hiley and Penrose have collaborated - for example it was Hiley who provided the word "Twistor" to Penrose when Penrose asked Hiley for a term name. haha. Penrose also thinks that global warming will directly threaten the future of life on Earth due to the increase of gravitational entropy on Earth. Hiley has discussed this also - without a proper understanding of noncommutativity we will definitely continue this wrong foundation of science into destroying all life on Earth. Is that the proper means to building a warp drive machine? Not when we already have examples of "warp drive machines" via noncommutativity already!
So when Jack talks about time travel based on Costa de Beauregard's retrocausality - as incorporated into Jack's warp drive technology - this is a different kind of time travel then found in noncommutativity based on the protoconsciousness of Roger Penrose. Protoconsciousness is the term that was published by Bernard 'd Espagnat - in his classic book, "Veiled Reality" (but also his papers). I realize Jeremy that you have been disturbed by the focus on "consciousness" in quantum physics and what that implies or means. It is or has been a definitely confusing topic for sure but I recommend, again, Basil J. Hiley for details. He published about five articles on the mind-matter relation. His recent one was in 2022 with Palvo Pyllaken who was interviewed recently by Tim Ventura. thanks
Nick Rhodes
EcoEcho Cultivation the actual dude that is closest to jacks intelligence is drew. This was the best episode I've ever seen.
Well, He brought up Louis Kauffman's work, and Basil J. Hiley, and the
Alain Connes Music of Shapes stuff which was interesting and I will have
to look deeper in to. But there are definitely some things we all need
to learn about Podcasting and media presentation of deep ideas before
large audiences and with guets who havent done the research you have.
Esepcially with this deep math stuff on non-commutative algebras, which
Drew has not exactly explained how any of this helps us build a warp
drive yet... Even though it is helpful for our baseline interpretation
of nature through physics. His teacher's method of teaching quantum
first was interesting. How to simply that for middle school level? We
need to train the next generation of scientists.
I like Drew
He doesn't get emotional; he's relaxed; he doesn't call names; he doesn't ad hominem; he's logical; he's a critical thinker; he has his ego in check;
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