Tuesday, August 8, 2023

What does it mean to hear up to 10 times faster than Time-Frequency Uncertainty aka Fourier Uncertainty?

 actually physics professor Manfred Euler uses the analogy of a quantum double slit experiment as the two ears. So the noncommutative phase of hearing time and frequency is quantum coherence that is nonlocal and superluminal. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho points out that this phase difference between the right and left ear is at the microsecond wavelength. Let me get the quote. 

"I have already alluded to the importance of phase information in coordinating limb movements during locomotion and other aspects of physiological functioning, so it is not surprising that the nervous system should be able to accurately detect phase. The degree of precision may be estimated by considering our ability to locate the source of a sound by stereophony. Some experimental findings show that the arrival times of sound pulses at the two ears can be discriminated with an accuracy of a very few microseconds [ 1 ] . For detecting a note in middle C, the phase

difference in a microsecond is 4.4 x 10 -4 . Accurate phase detection is characteristic of a system operating under quantum coherence. Could it be that phase detection is indeed a key feature of conscious experience?"
So the inverse frequency of the microsecond wavelength is ultrasound. Now in Tinnitus research it was discovered that actually the highest frequency we can hear externally when listened to internally resonates the whole brain as ultrasound. Then Anirban Bandyopadhyay confirmed Hameroff and Penrose's quantum biology model of consciousness when Bandyopadhyay discovered that ultrasound resonates the microtubules as quantum coherence with the tubulin with a 3000 times amplification of electrical conductance.
So the latest research of Bandyopadhyay confirmed the superradiance in the microtubules - meaning there is a superluminal phonon signal between the tubulin. As Roger Penrose then argues this means for a pianist when they are listening and predicting while also coordiinating that with their finger movements - this is actually precognitive consciousness in action. Stuart Hameroff's most read paper goes into details on this - https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnint.2012.00093/full
This means that true "free will" is actually harmonizing with the Will of the Universe as precognition - aka being in the "zone."
Olivier Costa de Beauregard's book: "Time: A physical magnitude" is all about how precognition is actually the foundation of our awareness - so "protoconsciousness" as nonlocality is also precognition.
So in terms of listening being faster than time-frequency uncertainty "the product of uncertainties in time and frequency, Δt∙Δf , cannot be smaller than the limiting value Δt∙Δf = (1/4π), " but in terms of quantum physics the uncertainty is also h/4pi, which relates the uncertainty in energy and time. the equation become ΔpΔx≥h/4π"
Now the momentum is directly proportional to the frequency and the position is to the wavelength as inverse of time. But in terms of noncommutativity the time is nonlocal and so it is not a materialistic wavelength.
This goes back to PreSocratic philosophy and the error made in music theory - actually the coverup of noncommutativity that Alain Connes calls simply "two, three and infinity" - as his lecture "Music of Shapes" goes into -relating Heisenberg and music theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z52ZAPrRbqE
So normally in quantum physics it is assumed the quantum coherence "collapses" when a measurement takes place due to the inherent uncertainty but in fact due to noncommutativity the quantum coherence can self-amplify as antigravity into the macroscale. Antigravity and precognition and various other spiritual abilities all due to nonlocality.
So Alain Connes emphasis is this noncommutativity process has a geometric dimension that is also less than any positive number or effectively zero. But it is also "more dense" than the symmetric spacetime continuum of general relativity - and this is the point of Roger Penrose when he says how quantum coherence as entanglement is more fundamental than the "equivalence principle" of relativity.
So in terms of music - the problem is that Western music tuning is actually the origin of the wrong commutative geometry mathematics! Rather in the simple, "two, three and infinity" music tuning then there is also a precognitive guidance of information no matter what the "key" of the music is in or the "scale" between the root tonic and the octave (the symmetric incorrect assumption).
Rather then predicting a song's next note based on the previous notes - Basil J. Hiley uses the analog of a musical score where we can see the future already and know it - and so predict it. But Alain Connes uses the analogy of orchestration where a musician is transposing the different "symmetric scales" at the SAME time as noncommutative quantum phase coherence. I did orchestration training in high school when I studied with a former music professor - so you play the piano but the piano is transposing more than two clefs - more like four clefs at the same time! There is the alto clef and treble clef and bass clef - and maybe one other clef. haha.
But even that analog is not good enough - because it is the "primitive" nonwestern music that appears to not use polyphonic tuning that in fact has this infinite quantum coherence in biology - what Dr. Mae-Wan Ho calls "quantum jazz" of over 70 time-frequency octaves at the same time. The real issue then is when Planck created his constant he canceled out the "seconds" since Joules is in seconds and the energy of the photon is also in seconds - thereby creating just simply "frequency" without the time. And so the time was wrongly assumed to be a symmetric "seconds" unit in symmetric spatial spherical geometry that could just be canceled out for Planck's constant as the "average energy of light."
In fact the energy of light as frequency originates from noncommutativity as B.G. Sidharth points out - and also Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft in his article, "Light is Heavy." So the momentum frequency of light is NEVER a "center average" symmetry that rest mass has to assume for a "derivative" measurement as you referred to. In other words to "contain light in a box" to measure it's ZERO rest mass is a lie of the Calculus!
So the truth of reality is NOT the calculus symmetric spacetime continuum from real numbers because the Square root of two originated from the Major 2nd music interval as 9/8 that was "cubed" to the tritone! That 9/8 was from 9/4 as the Perfect fifth or 3/2 squared. But this again covered up the noncommutativity of time-frequency being nonlocal!
I go into the music theory details more in my other videos.
So light actually has gravitational mass due to noncommutativity as B.G. Sidharth points out! So all matter is actually made of light but this light has a secret nonlocal antigravity negentropy that is precognitive protoconsciousness or formless awareness.

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