Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Noncommutative Wick Rotation Primitive Time secret of superluminal signals and antigravity: Prof. Günter Nimtz replies

  I was kindly sent a book chapter and the latest article from Physics professor Guenter Nimtz, in my query for his comment on a Raymond Chiao paper... and Nimtz mentions "Wick Rotation" as a probable explanation for this "zero time" superluminal quantum signaling he has demonstrated!! 

Wow - this caused me to reply with my noncommutative understanding - citing Professor Lou Kauffman!

On timeless macroscopic spaces Günter Nimtz and Horst Aichmann EMAIL logo From the journal Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A (Feb. 2023) 


 And so I sent him Kauffman in reply!



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