Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Andrew Blackard reveals the Fascist Bush Skull & Bones EPA cover-up of coal-power Mercury pollution being 10 times worse

Sadly you cannot replicate the mass-balance calculation that I made because I am also the database engineer who was ordered by the EPA to delete the real mercury releases from power plants out of the public right-to-know database back in 2002. The actual mercury emissions from coal plants were replaced by industry-friendly numbers provided by the EGU industry group. :(
Wait... the EPA ordered you to do WHAT now? Give us the backstory on that. Sounds like it should be the topic of its own video. Reply
 @d.m.collins1501  That was during the Bush administration and the EPA was wrecked. To make a long story short, don't buy a home anywhere near a coal-fired electric plant. I no longer have access to the real data but the mercury emissions could be 25-50 times what is disclosed to the public. Selenium emissions to ground water is a bad problem too. Research Triangle Institute in Research Triangle Park, NC is responsible for falsifying scientific data to add the fake mercury emissions numbers into the public database. Sadly a classic case of the prostitution of science today.

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