please see Roger Penrose, "Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics," 2011, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. section 8, "Conflict with principles from Einstein's general relativity" and I quote Sir Roger Penrose:
"My own position is not [italicized] to put the blame on the vagueness of quantum ontology, and to accept, provisionally, the 'reality' of the quantum state....The space-time curvature provides an awkwardness for the very formalism of quantum mechanics, in various different ways....I think the most powerful case for the existence of such a clash comes from the Galilei-Einstein principle of equivalence, in relation to the quantum principle of superposition....the rules of quantum field theory forbid [italicized] us from forming superpositions of states from different vacua. ...the illegal superpositions of different vacua can be subsumed into an 'effective' energy uncertainty. ...that can be estimated from an examination of the coefficient of (time cubed) in the phase factor arising from the different gravitational fields in the two mass distributions. ...the expected length of time that the superposition could last before spontaneously becoming one mass distribution or the other."
Uncertainty in quantum mechanics: faith or fantasy?
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