Jean Charon in French (googlettranslate below - I'll edit it later)
well before this evening therefore I am going to try to talk to you essentially about
how physics current and in particular by the developments to which I have when b personally who is called complex relativity it is an extension of Einstein's relativity led to say on the association between matter and spirit it will be necessary to define exactly what is meant by that some of the relationships that I believe are
relatively important and which in modern physics plays an increasingly important role. more and more essential we will first try to recall quickly the problem will not change fall without the bread the problem of due to the relationship between subject and object as you know is an ace and a problem to its elders students without going back to istat and the others I think we can indicate that it is from descartes above all that this subject-object distinction has been done extremely clearly but in forms that have evolved that have varied we first have to subject-object relations it is if you want the relation subjective objective
and for some reason which will appear to you later on I rather call it
the imaginary and the real
then we first have one of the solutions
for the relationship between real and imaginary between objective and subjective at
first was that or itunes d one of the
aspects is that would have it could somehow produce the imaginary
as a kind of emergence, that is to say everything that would be
essential it would therefore be the real the objective what we perceive around us
and the matter by
consequently is what one can assimilate in a certain way the matter would have
she is here in spirit and spirit
would have been sort of a kind of an emergence of matter matter
by becoming more complex for a certain moment, new properties appeared which were
the properties of
the spirit but what he said what was essential there was the real and the imaginary
was something
important since it is he who in particular then made it possible to interpret reality
to describe the laws
of the lens the laws of reality but there was no essential difference
of nature between the real that were there that the fundamental substance if you
want and the imaginary which was therefore an emergence from the complexity of the real
this is what I could call is this
that we still call these platitudes it was the attitude of Descartes which is
I attitude that we call realistic is the attitude in a certain way that we can also call
in game reductionist
don't lend a word my particular pejorative sense I'm just saying that everything
what is essential here is really appearing as being matter spirit and emerging from a
complexity of this material and then we also had, in parallel, the opposite trend, which
is that the imaginary with always the meaning in balls there was essential it was him which was essential and it even involved the creation the creation the creation of the real of what is called the objective it is therefore our spirit here which would be the main thing is of a nature that remains to be clarified but he knows who is going creating the reality that surrounds us was you know the thesis two years ago centuries of Berkeley the philosopher that they have existed is to be perceived this has was also taken up by physicists
current and must say that a few years ago myself I joined completely in this attitude but
I did not
abandoned but you will see exactly how things have been clarified physicists have also said
are not but they are what we think of her this attitude elsewhere was it was
attitude that wasn't just a theoretical attitude you know when physicists take positions
philosophical ones as arrested as this one it is because ultimately the spirit you have has
always been a little
physical rank taboo and when the spirit now comes very strong let's say in
the representation that physics wants to do things and well it's because truly
physicists have discovered today that the better understanding of the mechanisms of
our mind was important to precisely descend even more
deep in the knowledge of matter and the knowledge of spirit and heard it can be said that
there is a
theory which has well illustrated this the importance of the mind also the theoretical as
a reminder from the bund strap
we say about the pioneers geoffrey xuan berkeley and i'm not going to go into the interest
of the bund stop but anyway
the main thing is that he showed he starts from the idea that in fact everything is held in
nature, that is to say in the whole universe and that it is not so important to describe
things very
small always more in detail but to see how such object is in relation with all that surrounds
for in the universe when I say the universe I really mean to the end of the cosmos we would
be a little bit
flown over like ourselves like an ant that would be on the trunk of an elephant it is to fly
then we can
obviously the ant can study the square centimeter where it is placed and say that's it,
it's gray and that's enough
hard that's like these like that but tell us I'll do something that's not the old ones the
main thing
is that the small part that studies it is related to something much bigger which is where
the elephant and what is
important is to see what are the relationships of what I am studying with everything else
of course physicists have right away
We say we are immediately opposed to this way of doing things, but
how is your father thinks that even with our current techniques we know very little of the
universe so how how
know the whole universe if we must define what is here by relaunching the relations that
what these are with
the whole universe how to do so I will always answered but she don't worry so much about
it is not worth going to examine until the borders of the cosmos to know how the relations
are done with the
rest of the cosmos or of life that you look at yourself you just have to look at what the
deep mechanisms of your mind are
also one of the first times really where we spoke directly to mind it's your mind it works
making read what the pleader does not wish for a reason of global coherence such as for
example nothing can
coming out of nothingness or else from the knives and definitions that we give an effect
can't precede preceded cause there were a number of principles that they are principles
which are characteristic of the workings of their minds and this to lens is often allow to
build to build a theory that will give us knowledge have in particular by
example of particles you have been many particles that you read physicists and that allows
them to see if
such and such that harry is verified or not then indeed this theory
enormously successful and what is extraordinary is that the successes are not qualitative
and quantitative
i.e. the lifetimes and the particle masses even of the new particles that had not been
planned were discovered therefore you see therefore his prose is directly the problem messi
our mind and the mechanics our mind is able to foresee things so precisely that the masses
and the tough are
quickly these particles which one discovers by the experiment is observed in the accelerators
to what extent is this
that it is not our mind, that is to say the imagination that creates the dream and
then at the same time especially during the last ten years came the idea
that in fact it was not necessary to choose between quiche given birth to akwa it is to
say is it the real that gives birth to the imaginary or imaginary that gave meaning are real
especially with someone called john wheeler who is a very well known physicist who works
a runs the
theoretical physics lab in austin texas he talked more and more about the
participation of the spirit in the thing observed is in other words the universe etc.
this the idea finally that who was retained who was retained in particular
by the relative of complexes and that the universe
is the superposition of the real in real plus
an imaginary in other words the universe and
the superposition of two things which are of a different nature which do not mix
not and who are the universe effect these the him various we sometimes say the being
moreover, that is to say what is what what is consequently is equal to a superposition of
the real and of
the imaginary this 1 is something finally which when
we think about it and we feel good and we don't break in coming to the details
philosophical arguments in its although there is something there are two different natures
of what the what
is around us, that is to say that there is something that we see that we perceive that is
the real objective
and then there is something that is our mind and that works
Valérie had already said we could turn a brain for a century, we'll never find a state of
mind there
and it's true the mind is all the same something that seems to work in the invisible we
can't define it so we see that there is something
something that is qualitatively very different and in particular that does not get stuck
if I may say so
way to be described as one describes the real then whatever it is that helps that
the universe its superimposition of the two was quite attractive enough already as
approach and complex relativity is precisely going to be the slaughter that will
formalize this idea there and do you see what is very curiously complex
so for this i think you have enough math project
to know when I said complex and complex in the mathematical sense you know that the there
are complex numbers the
names that know and which are the real numbers but we have we have informed of the complex
numbers which are formed a
complex numbers for example is written as a+ ib with iq equal roots of Moses
short pants to do math if you want but this legal threshold roots of wazin marks the fact
that those
she is still surprised she is for example 5 it can be it can also be this for the x something
that is roots of
neighbors i.e. it is precisely a number the operation a wazin site is impossible to do by
therefore its mark a name which is made of two different natures and this in
the blood from the moment when a wind or even wanting to describe the universe as
the superposition of something of two different natures and which will have to be done all
the same from the mathematical point of view because in
physics we have to describe things it is formalized in a mathematical way that's okay that's
what's going
be very useful to us so I'm not going to go home I have to
moreover that I watch because I would like that no comrade of troops time because I would
like that we
discuss together on and I would dare I tried to stick to the essentials
complex relativity means the space around us
in fact is not made only of all that you perceive all that you see around you which is the
real but something that is imaginary and you don't see but
who is there and we will explain why we don't see it good I write anyway and
it's about the only relations that I would write we will say that you know that we report
for when we want
describe things physicists report the things they want to write at spaced-time coordinates
we go
call r the strings a space if you want chipped time then instead its coordinates get
only like real numbers that would be done if you were to describe real things 5 10 and
that's where you
go write them this way there a real part plus an imaginary part and the same thing
for the time to wait I had my real party plus an imaginary time this must not
surprise too much because as you know all general relativity would have been is already
written with a
mixture of these things there was in general relativity the one considers a
space which is the space of the real moreover which is made of an imaginary space and a
real time that is the
real is what you must although you see these look around you
we were you looking at the sun for example which is 8 minutes from you sometimes we look
like ten years and there
aura there we are talking about a time dimension we do not see what that means but if look
when you look at the sun it is eight minutes in your past
because the light but at eight minutes for you to come so therefore when you look around
you it's
only in a time in time you look in time in space space as things are at
the moment that you live you never see them you would never have when I see this gentleman
who is there
light to come from him to me but a certain time consequently he is not at the moment when
I live he is
a little bit anxious so I never look at space if you want and always imaginary when four
of you
look around you and the opposite time you always look in the direction of time it seems
a bit paradoxical but it's like these that
it happens in all the discussion of relativity manages and well we will simply say that
there is here around us
there is also a real space and an imaginary time that exists everywhere
suppose that here, for example, is the real which is there while I write as
like jacques Becker that's the heroine well he if you have the imagination that
is the complementary you were here to imagine but look a little bit at this
what happens as soon as you have indicated this complementarity look at how
fight things in your mind in your mind on the contrary you have a lot
information but they're all there available at the moment gray givet they're there it's
really do you see the space of
our brain the space of our mind which is where you see it in the moment you live you see
it you and you
have all this space that is really real our brain on the contrary you only live
that the moment that you live you live there that at the present moment the past and the
future in your head in your
spirit you see but it is something of an existence it is something that one can call
imaginary if
you want it's something that doesn't exist you see when you look at how things go in your
well in fact you have noticed that the coordinates if you want
to describe what is happening in your mind is effective where it should be complementary
to what is happening
happens in the real when you look in your mind you look in the space of information which
is there all available at the moment that you live
there's no time like being that commit information to achieve what you feel
in the present moment and on the other hand the time you never had the moment would like
us yesterday nor tomorrow that is
something which is completely virtual which was smoldering in the stocks so that when we
make this distinction there we see that we already have
a possibility of describing something that one does not describe before it is consequently
it is not only the real
but but does this correspond
in nature is what physics does not want to embark on one on some
thing of this type there are nevertheless to have more arguments to say but
it's something the universe effects in this way then we had confirmation of the universe was
actually done that way with black holes black holes you know that's what happens when a
star nears death when near death she was
it was about a million km and then then the central fire this state it condenses canton
therefore on
itself and it becomes very very dense because precisely of the million kilometers of radius
kahn had it has
soon 1 km radius only then the density increasing
einstein had already told us that something should happen at some point if the density
is therefore
always case while becoming more and more dense the star curves the space around
of her and that's what a dying star does and at some point it becomes so dense and it runs
the space around her so much that she will truly burst this space she will burst the space
where she is and she
is going to disappear so she makes like a circle of all their spaces and she disappeared
on the other side as if she were here
and you suddenly and the past here so we suddenly it's a so
a black hole because one makes a turn in space and one of avocados then
obviously this first shows that this idea of having two spaces side by side
that one sees to the other that one does not see is something that already has a support in what is therefore observed in physical phenomena but what has been the most
is to realize that the theoretical studies that have been done on this on the structure
of black holes have
shown that indeed on the other side it was not at all the same thing as
this side i.e. they actually had this reversal of space and time on the other side
when you pass on the other side of the real than in the domain consequently
you to rush in the black holes and well on the other side time and space have exchanged
their roles by
relation to what happens in the real other also chosen which is extremely interesting is
that we can
show that if you have a star that has passed to the other side
therefore we can try to ask the question but how to see it
your here when we're here like and I don't go into mathematical details if I may say
is stopped
we only see them in the form of a mathematical point, that is to say when we succeed we
do not
don't see she's punctual what you see is to kill the bear is very interesting what do we
I said toumba for the spirit of before said that for seconds the see around here when we
look in real and if we
describes things in real life we can't see the noises we don't know where he is here we
can't see him from
the other side we just don't see when some kind of point of contact would you have but
which is mathematically punctual therefore and therefore
in other words you see absolutely nothing of the structure that has is here finally and
it is perhaps the thing the
more important we can study how it's cool see i talked about here the time that is here
ain't that time it's a different time when I'm here in the airlock and
the imaginary you see that I watched
points and 1 t til da out of the iss that absolutely never changes because that's what
which is called a physical invariant it's your aging so we can try to see how cool it is
these times relative they think i just mean by that you are here you have a time elapsing
not you know how it flows in the ear flows in the same direction you age and therefore you
go from
I have the youngest and the time around you the time that is used in physics it is necessary
to have that in
physical that these two different things to aging and time it is very important the time here
of the gothard and she did not have
consequently this time there on the aging that we designate by rate generally it is in the
same sense a
it's raining gold when you looked at my time what happens in the imaginary
she realizes that the opposite is happening the time that is their tea herbal tea therefore
on the
aging that him your aging if you entered from the other side well this time time goes by
to lombers but beware that an extremely important consequence because
here with this time flowing in the same direction as aging you have which is a principle
which is a very
important which is the principle of increasing entropy to say all the things with this time
go continuously towards the
mess and greens also green orders and especially forgetting them
things disappear things get destructured on the contrary here you see what spontaneously
what is happening here
it's that you have information between there you have spontaneously decreasing entropy which
is too much
piquant center we say that is to say in particular memorization memorization of
indelibly if i may say talian something that would memorize things 5 million years ago ten
million years in this structure if it still persists well it still has the memory of this
finally this information is still there and also organizations are healthy and
spontaneously instead of things going towards disorder things going towards order but what
is it to bring the
much more orderly information and that's exactly what you're doing in your head when you say
you reason when you reason you take the
information that is a certain level of order and then you bring it up spontaneously you
increase the entropy year of that information
and you bring them to a higher order therefore we find that
in this space there we see spontaneous possibilities of memorization
and of good order here are the bases if you want complex relativity which
was urging 20kg quoted first mostly trying to see what was going on
when we just saw things about black holes but we sure ain't done black hole know
that we are fans are made of particles these particles which will be the atoms to speak
only of that of
things stable particles of matter this talent that forms us what
the other particles of the fights in the accelerators which last only a few thousandths
of billionths of
second it's not the one that forms us was we formed from atoms which made if we from a
a nucleus which is
formed of nucleons it is one of the categories of particles which are more generally
called hadrons
this is the nucleus of the atom and then revolving around this nucleus you have
as you know an electron which is part of a category of particles called charvet leptons
and if
we are lucky because there are only 3 there is only the electron which is the only stable
one and then there is the
house him and the rate finally it's only 3 discovered for the moment but while for the
hadrons if we hold
account of those who use geneviève mines or billionths of an account there are a lot of
them so this is what we are made of
there is a category of particles game by them called ppt in charge and i am going to talk
about the electron which was
particularly interesting for us because in all the experiments of physics one is obliged
to consider it
as a mathematical supplement it is something which has a threat but which is punctual or
what do we
come to say is that if we have something that is situated in the imaginary it
will appear as punctual if we look at it from the real one, but here is a
particle which, moreover, in a paradoxical way, is one of the physics of
means that she was that she had mass and that she was and that she was punctual
hence the idea of wondering if she hadn't been a little tired is not the
structure a bit of a black hole microscopic black hole lasting of course but couldn't we
model this particle say as if it were a micro black hole that would be on the other side in
space and time besides which should be on the other side so here I do not go into the details
in fact more but
the modeling was therefore not only done by the gendarmes was complex but also by others
others finish his and these lead so there I have to ask for the
trust this drives a model extremely satisfied the model is
released three years ago and then now been clarified in the form it's will be a model what
good is a model it's
still interesting that you see what it looks like and how we made the model because after
all it's going to us
interest this model we said here
it's a small universe because as I drew it in the imagination it's not
simply a billiard ball which binds to appear in the imaginary then summer it is a small
universe very small in the
place where we know each other and our great universe is said to be closed, that is to say
that if you walk straight ahead
we you will end up coming back to your starting point a firm universe and that's what it means that we can't
get out of it your universe which is completely closed if someone entered this universe of the electron well
they would they couldn't get out of it on the other hand modeling you know
for it to be natural, you have to assume that nature, if you will, does not do things so
differently when she makes them big small we will therefore assume to try to see if this micro universe what is this
that can contain bail can contain like our great universe they will tell contain matter
material usually denotes not a raw density and then also there is going to be
we photons this is the case of dante universe you know that when universe is
filled with what is called thermal radiation at 2° 7 of which there are photons and then
there are notaries
who have the specialty here of having and a clean mass zero him both hands
i.e. he only exists by speed only by the fact that they have the speed of light but who cares
his sister are
details there are in our universe therefore photo materials between good we said we will
mobilize these as
if it was a very small universe we will therefore no longer lend its characteristics and
simply we will add because this century are those
recognized at the microscopic level on value area added some features that are compatible
with its call quantification and one has to write the system of equations it is a system
very sophisticated who have grown this fairly large Molinières differential equation to a number of
parameters and we said good now here is the description of the electron
now it is a question of knowing then if there exists first this model if it
exists let's not forget it is a question of seeing now if if that with the model and verifying because if it is verified
by construction that of yesterday it memorizes and it organizes all the information that
enters in the eu
it's very very important so therefore the only problem is really whether this model fits
check is this to speak as physicists is a good
approximation of the universe or more exactly a better approximation than previous models
it's laeticia never speaks now especially they never say who will describe the absolute does
not describe
the things they make models the problem that arises is a physicist at a given moment is to
say is what the model that
I propose is a better approximation than the old models so there are fortunately not only
if they want it to be a better model but they gave the criteria for it to be a better model
therefore evaluate is such a new model one can reach me to him is what such a new model must
considered a better approximation I say to be if you want letters of absolutely always an
approximation it is not
the absolute is a representation so there are three criteria first there
Obviously everyone needs the model to be fully compatible with all known experiments
that's obvious that's the first thing if here there is only one experience and cyril if it's incompatible with one
only experience although observing well it remained the second criterion
this is what the model can make it possible to unify, i.e. there are four
great interaction in physics which are the strong and traumatic the gravitational lfm
it's the four great attractions of nature if we can bring back these four interactions that seem to be
completely separate partitions of the water moons if we can reduce them to 3 2 one is
well then if the model v that's a better approximation than the
previous model many models have
finally unified especially in recent years have unified two such interactions that are ugly
electromagnetic and the weak this model there and there again I do not know I
cannot go into detail but not this model in itself but its
association with the hadron model these are the other types of particles I was talking about
with not allow me
to unite these same the greatest successes in the at it was complex allows to unite the four
interactions it was
good to really do what is called a unitary synthesis of the interactions but this is still
not enough
because this unification you know is still we can always discuss it
does it unite well what it is less well do you see is it unite perfectly we can discuss it
there is a third criterion that applies to it
absolutely essential the model a model always makes
parameters and in particular some of these parameters called constants
fundamentals of nature that we absolutely cannot know why the
oms such value it is necessary to measure them I will take for example the speed of light
the light circulates at 300
thousand kilometers per second why 300 and why not quiet or 3 million kilometers
we don't know anything about it we looked and we observed that it is to be five thousand
kilometers per second therefore in the models have done
enter the speed of light surely enters all the models and we make it enter but this value
then we will see there are other constants
like that he doesn't have so many there are roughly 7.8 and that's a criterion then
josh rex or for that matter who gave this third criterion for evaluating the value the
approximation of models said - the
model will use its fundamental constants or rather more the model
will make it possible to calculate its numerical values instead of always turning to
experience for measurements and saying to oneself
good bah why this its values it is this value never funny more it will allow to calculate
its constants
the more it will be a better occupation of the universe and this model there that is the
absolutely fundamental result that allows us to consider this model as the
best approximation we currently have of the universe this model has calculated 6 of the
fundamental constants
the most essential the solution they have on computer of this model allows
to calculate the speed of light the constant of Planck the elementary electric charge and
3d other constant which
are the mass of the electron the mass of the mute house the hand strictly and in
its relationship with the with the original materials round it allowed to calculate
also the mass of nuclear power in other words I don't want to go into details here but
it's still
important to say what it is about knowing what ground we are on if I may say is it shifting
speculative or can we say that it is currently something
thing that matches which is a dillon model which is a good approximation of the universe
and well and we can say
and I believe that it is entirely my mind that the model of this particle
point she electrons as a micro black holes if they wanted to cost rather as a model
confirmed on the imaginary, that is to say possessing a micro universe which has a space
and a time where which memorizes
spontaneously and which orders the memorized information this is currently the best
approximation that we have of representation of these particles then
that's it's very important because that means that it says right away
consequences that are not simply important physical consequences but there are also
consequences that concern us all that means
say that you have in your body electrons around each of your teenagers which are particles
which memorize and
which organizes the formation when I mean is that these particles are born with the
beginning of
the universe the 15 billion years and that they are eternal practically as confirmed by
a physicist and well to
that moment it means that they were born at the beginning of the universe and that from
the beginning of the universe gradually through the experience they
made around her they continuously accumulated information and ordered information as
I would have
also added that since it was a point particle and that it exists in the other category
particles of hadrons something called quacks which also have
this specificity of the punctual ones one thus extended the modeling of the
point particles from electrons to qwark and the thing to paste exactly from
the same way so that what we must currently affirm is that the whole
matter all matter at present is one
material that potentially carries the property of memorization and
organization of information comedian it's it's a result
important because it means that
[Applause] if you now consider the real
a new one and you take a
point particle for example in l'oreal in reality is there in
the imaginary there is there she has both things if you want she is a point
in the real but here she has a structure is ugly on the other side a
universe a micro universe with things happening in the a so by
therefore she's really real no more imaginary is there really I'm going
caricature and I mean again if you want because you have shampoo one with which is a
point we could
also assume there are point sets if you will there is too consequent body here which is
in reality something material is also there and associated with it is a microphone
universe where precisely here it is the imaginary where information is
able to sow morizet and get organized
then immediately the first thing that was done was to use its in
physics why in physics because it is important in a problem which is a famous problem
which is the problem
shame campus hull this time we relativize t complex the real part
here gone good theme if you are not we can associate it the hope campus kull but
now before it was absolutely impossible so we look at things in l'oréal well if we
all wanted to be represented
heavy and campus kull of a real it corresponded to say one thing and at the same time
continue discontinuous
continues like a wave is discontinuous even when we jostle it was not going
not we were really from the moment we have two spaces if I may
say and you say a thing that she is not only a single body not real that she is also not
only imagine but that she is the two on that day we were immediately leads to consider the possibility of generation of the number finally in the imaginary here and consequently we were we were led to associate besides it's a thing that has quantum mechanics and has really become like something that
imposed more and more is that everyone knew that there is always a famous psychiatrist and
well that's your
psycho who is associated with a corpuscles we have always said it is a subjective shame now
we understand
why we have had to call it a subjective wave and not an objective wave is that in reality
it is 11
generate in the imaginary part then I just go for anyway
get to what interests us the most is the particles biology and things like that I would
still like
that you can clearly see because it is absolutely fundamental to change a
close that these represent on the formal level this by justifying it in terrine if I
then say quantum mechanics and leads to 8 p.m. exactly according to the interpretation of
copenhagen to what is called a strict program, that is to say that it is
a profile that is not statistical therefore on a formal level things are that its peers
of the same
way but in terms of interpretation in case of our conduct this is significantly different
I would even say quite different when you take
we will present them here in part one
corpus kull do they have if you want them to move good that's
particles you are going to bombard we are going to take for example the experiment that
we call
the experience of the holes of the day you are going to pass this particle in
a screen that is pierced with two holes
so here shrink's one was an extended flat shadow if you will who here goes
will go through the hole and will do so I intend to screen what we will see
here if he passes an electro several voters you will see what are called rings of
diffraction I apologize will use at
paper and it's important what quantum mechanics says
and there we are in the subjective it is very important she says I will represent according
the distance to my screen, for example, where will the electrons go who go who
are going to pass through the roofs then we find we find that there is a
probability that we occupy 6 2 who is the envoy see what was happening it was you had an
electron screen which
move like that and then here okay so if we extend despite there being holes here okay
the greatest probability of finding it is here i.e. so you go
have or priorities who will do this
then see you have for air equal zero that is to say in the center of the screen it is
there you have the highest probability and then then you had rings i drew the rings at
say there is the electron don't tend there don't tend to find me here some distance then
nowadays we are going to have a new ring tend to find there again a hole then then and that it believes you
like this until the end with
the interpretation of complex relativity which is a wave which is which and
where the electron has associated with it that's the big difference in the eyes
it's your shrink in classical quantum mechanics serves us as our observers we are the
observers a physicist observers we want to know where did I find the electron case seems to
weird victories so as to form them in circles for example while I sent him in a good year
he preferably goes to certain places and in others he does not go where
it goes much less then here one to associate with the particle which makes it possible to
do what to foresee if it is a disgrace who will try the observer when it is said
that it is a subjective shame in the daily mechanics of traditional hymns i.e. it is a wave
which is
associated with me observers to allow me to find where these camps will go since these
billiard balls of
bahts yesterday if you want his electron here nothing to do we can't say that we were long
6 and u nantes
subjective associated with each particle and therefore
what the psi 2 is going to represent well it's going to be what I'll be brief but it's really interesting to reflect on these one can say that the psi 2 which alas probably probability of going here or there will represent 6 2 will represent the others first, that is to say what we put on the path of the electron is what you put material is still material accordingly and the others no longer there it can make some more leap the culture of the electron I explained to you what that means and
then it
there's an absolutely sensational paper by john Wheeler on this, we were, what are these, the
the laws of physics but the laws of physics in the
context of relativity their stupidity and complex laws did not exist at the
initially the electrons are content as ourselves a group assumed that we are in this room and
that we
let's have no social law at the start we will spend ten days 20 days
another day we will end up establishing laws between us for example I must not beat round
neighbors I must not
the shutter I have to kill it even less and we will the group will establish a certain number of laws and its laws well they will eventually become the laws of the group that some will strictly respect that others
much less because we all have the freedom to disobey in the race for
law that is to say acqua to the laws it is to the mental habits finally to the habits that we
have taken between
us and to the conventions that we call between us and them in order to function
at the end wheeler shows that physical laws were created exactly the same
way at the beginning of the universe there was no physical point but since the particles
have dialogue possibilities is
practically together they are exactly like the group that is here and little by little the
physical laws have been
generated therefore by a kind of consensus between the particles by
example and particles decided that gravitation remains to attract individuals did not know
how to repel to youth and
conventions of this type what we have here therefore we will say that
electro when it comes out of 2 to it can go so I insist here it can go
anywhere any distance he could even go to finish it he looks like he's choosing to go
himself there is therefore a choice is a choice but a choice within the framework of a certain number of things which is going to be drawn by the form of this clause which will indicate that there is ten years ago as a group the laws if you will of the behavior of electrons lead to the fact that the most of the electrons contained from their own culture and from what exists as like as a material context on their way and well and they go electrons go in groups behave this way these had separated a little bit maybe subtle but it's very important because it shows two things if you want it shows that first each electron has its own its own culture, which means that it is already imbued with the laws that have imbued with years louis who have loved morizet for millions of billions of years but also
it proves a
another thing that is essential it is exciting have a lot of time to talk about it this
evening what is the fact that he has
a freedom to choose when it all comes out of blood he knows how the
group will behave he knows where the directions that are going to be more than we are
the most used but it nevertheless has or possibility of not behaving like
the rest, that is to say that he has both the culture he knows how things will behave
in a group but he has
also a freedom of choice since it can be found both this distance there and aq at infinity
he chooses
he completely chooses his direction so this is let's say the level of a
electron which if in an electron which
would have gathered if you want little information it is an electron only to call an electron
of the mineral if
you want them to be obviously the most numerous but what we have just highlighted is that the
electrons to distinguish from each other since according to the experience they had lived he was able to
to memorize always more information and to order always more information then there it is extremely
interesting because when we study this mathematically will command the
make a physical one notes that indeed the number of information
that an electron can accumulate are also quantified
i.e. the number of information that can initially collect it can
it is an information number looks like the number 16 at the
power n at the beginning c n equals 1 i.e. by
consequent in the dish in fact this small it represents the state of internal quantization of
the electron
that is to say it carries photons within it but these photons are not as in
our real space they have they only have a spinki state and the minimum state
there it is more beer that they carry in them and it is very curious because we also see
appearing what is going
memorize and finally in the electron it is the light remember everything that could be said
about the light the
light which play a fundamental role in the world in all the theories also to chemical
the body of light newton himself newton who when he wrote his optics
said I present you in this book of light but I will call it the
phenomenal light it is the light you see around you but alas obviously it was his
of newton's alchemy he tells us there is another light that plays a role
much more important in the phenomena of the living and the thinking and I will call it the
new light
halle and well the support finally of all the information the support which goes
is what will spontaneously organize things like an electron that will
to carry the information it is finally the light the light the same as in
our outer environment in the environment the real but locked there in a spa of its own time
which has special properties where
the les there this light can carry more and more information and not only the
plan carry more and more but also it will spontaneously
arrange in relation to each other exactly what you do in your mind for example you take the
language and you organize his words to make sentences and you have the electron is able to
do this
so it depends an electron on the beginning of the world if you senegalese but as it goes
go up and it works by its n equals 2
well that's 2,156 information it's still very little then it jumps it jumps by multiple
of 2 you have an equal cat n equals 8 n
equals 16 stop there but there you see that the information showed
very quickly I have some shoulder for an equal 4c 65536 we handle in already 500
5436 discrete information i.e. in truly independent conformation
each other which in fact in the equations which deal with all this are what are called
initial conditions of the constants of integration when you
are at n equals 8 then there do you have 4.3 billion
billion and for an equal 16
you have 1 85 10 to the power of 19 then
well I must say that the temptation is great
really be is great to match this with voters who have different characteristics
from the point of view what am I going to say psychic since ultimately it is
that since it contains information that they organize here and elsewhere
for for 16 generally what we tend to say
is that this would correspond to the mineral left moreover the electrons which are the most
widespread it is the
mineral our ancestors this event obviously the most numerous remained
at the mineral stage but then you have and why not you have here a lot
more information 256 why not we can say the agsp that a little bit and I
I was dreaming we could only correspond to the plant but see you noticed that there are
still seals and soa
differentiated in evolution if he meant good then let's continue why not
then there we will match this is the animal for example and then
obviously for example it's all to do here is a human here we can to call it a super human to resume to resume the frame is rigid from teilhard since
was talking about undergoing thinking which is what I would like to indicate is that you
see electrons leplay more numerous it shows i showed long shrink they
had that they are therefore able to have a certain culture that takes into account the hours
two of the other cultures that means that they have learned from the laws they are
therefore subject to physical laws if you will but within these laws
physical they have thus are capable of a choice of which I am completely independent and well
the experiment of the electrons and
when I said lemon electrons so that they can that we saw that all the amati hand brought
capable of accumulating information quartz for hadrons as time passes and
well they accumulate information and one can think that of course it goes there
have some kind of jump if you want these electrons which will moreover be able to translate
into always
same way by some shame if so but i want entry point the following way here is the psi 2 always
is here I will indicate here the possible actions possible actions
then you have a small 2 which has this formula to the group and under conditions
given we are going to continue the electrons there are some which have precisely a lot of
billions of information well that we can know collectively what type
information They were such and such actions have more probability
that others in a circumstance of standing year of it is accomplished one can put here all
the possible actions
and then there are others that are less likely to occur but do you see what if that's the
culture prejudices content of what each of us has noted that a strong but
i'm not talking since we were born since to be that electorates plus for billions of years
they have a number of actions
possible they have learned to know how not to speak of a know-how from elsewhere when we look
at the living
when you see there the hardest structure the smallest living structure if you don't want to
recognize something in it
sees a know-how, that is to say a subjective finally well it's really I believe to put bad
will into it then
next do you see what they have accumulated I'm talking about electro culture
they will have they can with a certain probability accomplished such and such an action but
very important too
they are still they have complete freedom of choice that is to say that they
have the possibility we know that their culture would indicate by
example that this or that action is a priority but they can still short of saying exactly
one action of their choice
they have freedom so this these ideas
there I think that would like I think that at the current level where we are at
research it is necessary to distinguish where things are at who is saying things
that we can affirm is that the current best approximation of the
point particles and therefore is anti cultivate form our matter it is definitely a pattern
that is
able to memorize and organize information, that's something I believe we must
must affirm with certainty now from there there is one does not
realizes an impact that goes to the fair reflects on physics
indeed currently there are many things which are discussed but
you have to go there all the same very carefully he goes because of course this requires
resume say to reconsider the very close of knowledge and
domain it poses problems we have just seen it as the problem of
freedom 12 as for example the model of the electron such as I wanted
provides to the rites and it is a robot it
is associated if you want a certain culture but a rest can in culture you can put him in the
in the
time the memory of quantities of information and even leave him a
some random function so hilali it performs with some
probability such and such an action which goes for example to such and such a place but we
have specified that it is a result
fundamental which disturbs quantum mechanics since besides innocent of a it is
that in fact he does not strictly obey his fingers he still has a freedom and this to a robot
does not have the freedom it is absolutely necessary to have the freedom that it is connected
to something which
transcends space and time so that in physics the notion that is the most fundamental new that
they introduce is the
notion of two to be it is very curious because physics in rejecting everything
that there are still some honest your sayings to be that transcends the
representations that one gives in space a time in the sense that this is not in space and
time and
we would be a certain way it's very curious who wanted we would be a certain way for
something now called the subconscious connected to something that transcends space and
and where would come from the bottom of the individual freedom that we can each have
no I do not insist on this time the mass and this not only it is a
question which physicists are now very very seriously looking into, but also it is in
which psychologists look at as or not those goods or particulars in something now called
systemic psychology where
we consider that
that we are formed of particles france between particles are able to dialogue to exchange
and which have in them
finally three categories of information that can be considered
two main categories but three categories the information that we have stored since what is
our birth during this one all the particles of nervous system in
particular have them all more or less in common and consequently the dialogue which
can engage between the particles around this information that they all have in common and well it is a
dialogue which is going to be relatively facilitated which we called the conscious and then
below you are going to have a
area that is often called the subconscious which is simply the
information from the conscious that they have nevertheless been forgotten I can say and you
have the unconscious that at all times
particles that you are made of were born with the beginning of the world so elton had in you
information that is not information that you have learned since your birth elsewhere if you
did not have this information we would immediately stop breathing your heart from beating so
there is so there
knowing how to do it will do unconscious corresponds to any sioui neurovegetative system and
which obviously has a great
importance in psychology and then we have it we just saw it there is
also somewhere something that we will call the conscious sure
that connected something that transcends space and time so therefore impact
of these ideas there without any doubt on the level of psychology impact also on
the plane of biology vinça you see it seems very clear from the
when it is assumed that particles of matter are capable of storing
information and to organize them besides to learn to know how to do always ascending and
well one can
to think that the passages from one level to another of the realm of the particular living
is not done randomly or as a result of interactions let's say between
billiard balls which would have been particularly successful here there is
more really of chance there are really conscious structures which in a
first stage as we do it ourselves even if we do it like that it is because in fact our
particularly the fund as cfo like that well we are looking to group together we were looking
to group together forever
increase, let's say, the quality and quantity of the information that we are going to acquire
about reality and from this same
way therefore we are going to have levels of the living being which has passed from the
vegetable vegetable animal mineral
the animal to the human and the progression will continue with a sense of very
vague but also very precise which is the continual increase given other leads, i.e. increase
of both the
of information that can be stored is also possibilities I would almost say of reasoning it is
to say the possibility of organizing this information so biology will
appear on the evolutionary plan in the needle will give we will give
birth to what is already called psychoevolution now translates an evolution which is based
on a
matter that one recognizes as being psychic and then with regard to the functioning of the body
human or of the body of any string bon bah during our body our body
for record because it does not interest me regularly it is obvious that here those who have
let's say all the possibilities of playing in an essential way is our
it's our matter seynod particles it's it which continuously dialogue together finally
this is where we see the importance, let's say, the potential that we have
ourselves to fix something that is out of balance because in fact it is
just as these particles are like a group of twenty groups that we formulated ourselves as
what to be thinking then the drugs if you want traditional what is
it's ultimately something that's mineral that you just added and
indeed it has been done I obviously leave to try to throw the criticism at all the norma copé
but we feel good
and this I believe that in medicines is spreading more and more we feel that finally we have
in us or
has us and that there are undoubtedly ways to restore harmony we can intervene what really
on the closer of what is wrong and henri kaki who are they are themselves
what is wrong and which can therefore become what they are worth and and e so we feel that
there is without any
potentially doubts the very very important developments with regard to
the medicine of tomorrow I would not hesitate to say that our current machines where many of
same sites will appear in very few tens of years very few years as medicines of
Molière good and the last a pact I believe that
we will perhaps stop there the last very important impact also it is the impact in philosophy
there I I I
do not insist but there are indeed very very interesting things in particular on the fact that we speak we
a we are led to treat and finally be as in set theory
that is to say we consider that it is the whole we call one and then you have something which
matches set 0 which would then match loose forced to go too fast
two oval exits don't speak it's not very interesting to talk about it in such a brief way but
we have something if it
wanted there is something of letters that corresponds to the point of reference of all beings but of which we
cannot speak who the personal nor temporal because in fact the being I the
specified earlier it is something that transcends space and time but we are connected with its somethings
something that transcends space and time finally joined here all the oriental philosophy that
tells us
that the personal soul and the universal soul finally but it is a universal in
must it's wrong if you want on the thresholds of the place and it does not make sense
to talk about the immortality of this soul because not because immortality is meaningless but
it is
simply that if it doesn't exist, the notion of mentalities doesn't exist because it's outside
of space and
time siv together same staff here there are no cfos space for gold staff here turns by
therefore it is something that you have to design that you have to approach differently
likewise we must absolutely not think that this will lead for example that all
this context would lead to an evolution which would have a certain purpose because
that the choice that each and to the particles that each of you have a choice book you have a
so we have already tried to see if this
freedom that would have been done that we are not a robot that the particles are not rests
but take
this freedom in being precisely something transcendent is what would not exist a
underlying determinism or an underlying finality that was at the level
help it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense because as soon as you go through both a
determinism it wants
to say that you are looking at something which is situated in the past with causes which will
lead to effects or else a finalism means that we are not towards
an objective, that is to say that we look at something in time, but this makes absolutely no
sense and
so the whole philosophical approach the whole anthology needs detrez here
cls is also quite exciting because there we would be on fundamental problems but these
problems see you come
now to place oneself within the framework of the knowledge of science in a way
moreover, interdisciplinary because it affects practically, we can say, all the disciplines
of knowledge
well well here I think that now I will stop there then I will ask you to ask some questions
[Applause] the s what and questions by
therefore no player will gladly answer if I can between the
the imaginary and the real when you left on the density then is it a parameter
important something that becomes more and more dense passes in
the imaginary is that the density is an important parameter for that yes because
that if we pursue the idea - it's dense the more is real ah no no no no the
things become denser in the real there is from the moment the density passes a certain
at that time real space if they wanted to do things so much in the imaginary to the agreement do you believe [Music] density a density is a density of matter it is the ratio of the mass on the occupied volume one if we suppose things bother me a star for example if it decreases
its radius with
always the same mass basically the same mass in the webs it becomes more and more dense ayew
and its parameter
important but finally who is not who does not have a particular importance by
compared to the structure of the imaginary if you see them
oh yeah so wait i'm arresting you
because and we it's true that I didn't talk about it in fact we call and have
finally especially at the beginning the electrons were considered as the really carrying
particles of spirit
the only ones and we called it we think that and we were the name that had given the
gnosis of the first century AD to a spirit-carrying particle of people think about what one
the particle te
lean 2 sp then and we it simply means electrons and it means when we talk about it we
speaks not only according to the traditional model, that is to say with all its traditional
field properties
electrical etc but also the fact that an object could say almost cros and it's not good to
hollow because it's a micro universe welcome it's a part it's a particle that has
memorization and organization of information yes I cut you that's what I
know what I wanted to try to ask you the notion of precisely what it was in relation to the
and that it was somewhat your intimate position in relation to this clause having
took this word at some point more compared to your different what you showed us in
different two works well yes I think that the notion has
generalized if you will from the moment that any particle of matter is a carrier of spirit 1
that is to say that it applies to electrons as well as to the components of other types of
to say the quarks which will compose the consequence is more general and moreover I must say
that the fact that
the universe is presented to us presents to us a particular particle which
will be for all in spirit is all the same a bit embarrassing if I may say so because we don't
see why there would be some who wouldn't have that they haven't
of mind so I think that in this form it's quite happy in the end
that this generalization and then be made precisely at the beginning of your
exposed you did a little historical recap take it out to bring us to current modern designs
what you could go a little further and extrapolate for the future is there maybe something
which could bring current scientists current research to a state that could perhaps be called
in 50 is there already something an embryo of two think and more I think
that what is going to happen is precisely to detail a small
little more in several disciplines if you want the impact that these notions
there can have with the overall result that what is called
roughly the spirit if you will where the spiritual is going to play an increasingly
more important in relation to the material it was wrong we used that the 21st century is
worth know this very spiritual
or wouldn't we be you won't be added besides t he i believe he will be fit and extras are
fortunately but i believe my shadow that will we will
go science to this spiritualize in a way but it's more than that
spirituality because it is not going to drop matter pushes the ccfi that is really more
associated with the
the smallest high spiritual level of matter and what is very
important as soon as we start wanting to examine what we ultimately are and how we function
on this level, what
had completely stayed out of scope almost there I was going to say physics but almost August 2 the session
because even when we do biology we don't bring in the spiritual ultimately cost if you did
apostrophe six months ago and I had a wine in front of me changed from college to
france who had just released his book the neuronal man where he says what is the point of
still talking about the mind since the
material is enough to write everything so that really that I am convinced that these this
approach will completely
to disappear is not to go towards the spiritual when clothes not only
the greens the subjective but to consider that the universe is made of a superposition of
subjective and and
daurel objective help if they
considered that we can consider that scientists will perhaps
change their way of seeing metaphysics including a continuation not by your theory between
the passage of
real to the imaginary one to the other so maybe not felt any
change this notion to this bridge of the las but what interests me is what particularly
interested me dance you said it's a passage to le mans we
had talked about memorizing electrons you talk about electrons like biologists talk a little
about nuclei
it's very interesting and can you not develop a little bit the reason or the way in which
these memorize you say the light but here it is and well in fact all the
theory is already very advanced of memorization which is you are right to
underline which is extremely important because it is not enough to present a model the overall one must also show how
things are memorized is then all the killing existed this it was called the
tss hadn't been made for that, what I've heard from my 30-year-olds is in theory kate and,
moreover, developed mainly in france by boys
band there which is called haste and the fusion ni spin kill and it's
exactly what will happen and you have you therefore have the
electron particle which contains photons of light and photos of light usually have a spin
which is
a screen 1 but here these photons it is for that when we can call a light which
is special it's not the light that is special it's the space and time of this universe eyes
here the spin
the action if you spin can go up they can go up it can be shown that precisely it can go up
r26 4 816 qu
he wants to say that then all this translates as modeling failure
memorization well by systems of equations and its systems of equations
good for those who are mathematicians translate according to the number of equations
this is the number that I indicated to you earlier here 16 256 65000 et cetera and 10
power naky sy so let's run an absolutely huge system of secal equations interesting is that
turn equations contain calls of the integration constants so we
must introduce constants of integration which are precisely the elements of memorization and
where there are
values to memorize so that to stop these equations can function it is necessary
add constants that we can call an arbitrary we can add cantons of integration and as many
finally that iliad equation which are there then there is a thing to be said which is very
interesting which one can underline
also this story with pribram who takes care of the holographic model of the brain when you
have you had strong i am
moreover launched a moratorium and you know that in its holographic model
who noticed that in lot g you can take a very small part
of the stopped g ring it contains all the image all the practices no that's the same thing
the system of equations which describes this memory if you will is such that each small
part of the space pane here if we extract it and analyze it is we
will obviously find all the equations that would be verified and we know it's true that in
reality this little
part contains all all the whole i.e. it is really a holographic structure
that was something which is which and which is really very particular and which
is imported grist to the mill of the graphic model of programs years of calm
that the human mind can carry petrov produce nominal light we arrive
the human mind and contain particle effects 1 so we could then
take we can take the neurons we can same thing that it is interesting to see that the structures of the
human brain has a few billion neurons, that is to say that we are in the figures which are a
by analogues in the number of information that an electron can carry I think if you get the
right ones
deep ideas is that if you take the matter that is in the human brain is well we
can't say anything other than it's not the same material as the material you found in the
pebble it's a material that wears
truly entities of the particles which undoubtedly have properties
of dialogue certainly very very extensive and also to organize the
things to spontaneously organize things then a large number of information they have the possibility of spontaneously ordering this information and of
communicating with their neighbors
consequently it's obviously we'd be there it's not as if we're not
not there in front of a pile of stones a pile of billiard balls we are there more like in
front of the audience of this room
if you people who are able to think that they will be able to do things together that is what
is completely who and
which I believe is very fundamental in organic products is that in any case the living and in
all the
chains that live when some advisers at what different thresholds and indeed there between
these thresholds do not
are not so many others anyway particles that are not who
are not the same that potentially have other possibilities if we develop this light we menal
we discover it internally it can trigger memorization and therefore create
the order ladies and give back to light nomena one can't she can't get electrons out at that
these are universes
closed completely at home you can't spend money in
the real anyway you can clans that's what you can do is trigger a number of matter particles
start to
exchange you can if you want a site and a dialogue do you see by some interaction that I did
not want you
could incite if you want to a kind of dialogue what is happening
something if you want but you can't extract the light from these
particles 1 they each have their own ole an imaginary of their own and
they can communicate with each other and you just as we communicate with each other and them,
but you
can't you can't get out connect to their mind you can't see it anywhere and invisible you can't
get out your thoughts and then use them like that yes it's not we finally
concretely see what I mean there are some we cannot get out this light because this light as
soon as
you would have released it to yourself they would fall back to the minimum spin since we said
it's radio fun and is
immediately she would no longer have the young people would no longer have the heart properties at all that she had but no
because it exists all the same it is there it exists in all matter see
I believe that the change of perspective that you have to tell yourself that we are all but
that starts from the
mineral finally it's pop where we are all finally made of matter
which is capable of having properties which are both properties of reality for
to lend the real and the properties it puts in the subjective is then more or less
of course more or less with also this thing which
is very important it is the notion of freedom unfortunately apple time to insist on it and
it is an extremely important notion because if not otherwise
this machine there if you want if here it is suspended like that in the void
he has prices he can have a culture still when i told you like a robot he is like a robot
if he
doesn't exist like that he's like a robot he can have a memory he can have know the habits, that is to say the physical laws finally and that can be carried out in a much more continuous way on his physique and that's why I call our culture not having a certain culture it doesn't seem ridiculous to talk
about that but this culture
I wanted you can decide for yourself outside the habits of the culture you have something you
feel it
well in you who is free you can bang your head on the walls if you want to speak true that we
put the walls you have you have a freedom yes where
and this freedom then connects this to get it out of the robot state really
herlies this to something that must transcend so i say it's not a good thing to introduce
something that looks like something religious in it's genuinely something to do
a completely coherent model spoke precisely I would like to ask you the
next question when you were talking about the particle that had its potential
memorization and this freedom is what a particle puts in conditions
unfavorable for her has the possibility of enjoying this freedom to adapt
to a new situation and does the memorization it conveys
that the envy she asks to come back if the situations change and that we give her good working conditions
existence she had before sort of reliving this memory she had of coming back into the system
which it was installed no but that puts an end to the question
asking if you want to be examined in a little detail but what you have to see is that there
are two things if you
want for the particle she cannot do first which is absolutely impossible to do by the laws
physics and physical laws as well as physical laws that have been put
moreover developed by the particle itself but there are things that are impossible to what I said the culture and the we know for example this wall which is there
if you want you can
imagine everything you want but you can't pass through this wall but on the other hand you
can in this room do a lot of things and
free space and you're deliver here a thug is the particle it's the same thing you won't be
able to say it can do anything
she must take into account others and others in an illness for example there is something
wrong it's her
relationship with others who don't have so there are things she can't disregard others though
you want it's important anyway me I want I can do a lot of things I want to be free to do
what I want here but I can't tell myself that I'm going to do without you
you're here you're here I absolutely don't want to do there are a number of things you could
stop me from
close then you see there is a freedom but within the framework of what is possible taking
into account the others
we had you two things if you want which constrains you if I may say it is
on the one hand the others and on the other hand the habits what I call the culture, that is
to say the habits
prejudices all these things to say you feel good about yourself and independently of these
you still have something
thing of any age have a mind which is your own freedom you can really decide anyway to do
this or that insofar as
these allowed by the wings to the existence of others and the prejudices you have
yes madam wait sorry well yes this
it's okay we're going to take another eye it's you take two particles what is what she can do can you talk about the psychic properties of reflection zeros knowledge to die for yes that's it then you have a substantial step what is it what can a particle do and well it can first take real information there we are going to help
it is not
hard and she knows it's more subtle than that but anyway then there it will be more knowledge
reflection is that the
information which is also held black he is here we have seen it she can spontaneously organize it that will be the
thinking the opposite of knowledge
she can act on the real if the possibilities are going to be there
can act if they want the opposite of knowledge and then finally there is this is how the
philosophers define it they have defined
love during like direct transfer direct exchanges of consciousness to consciousness well
here too we can obviously see it you
can have here direct exchanges to give a memorize then they have this
it's gonna be the time we know you know it's anyway
we find that here we can obviously support its part of the concepts of the
physics besides also philosophy decline is seen as the world because there are four yoga
you know
they are these 4th gala if you take young also he has
four psychic properties what held on carl jung feeling the mr
ends them what i knew finally seems rogue so so to these four properties the boyer no c4
to prove was there and indeed there is no other worse of these particles by this exchange
lived if I can say
it was the year of the language companies i.e. the numbers of information and the organization of servants sion va
going up continuously it's never regressive it's going up continuously yes
it is at present isn't it a difficulty to perceive something that
would not be bound neither so much nor to space is what the human mind can conceive of this
thing or to the
contrary is unlimited and it is this limitation which lol which precisely prevents it from
going further in a
form of reality then a second question is what the perceptions
supra-sensitive, that is to say where the phenomena of clairvoyance
remove one of these parameters, i.e. the time to listen anyway
that space and time are notions that they are not
absolute either if you want we must give representations in space and time if you things in
space and time and we know well we feel that that
is not ultimately the fund the fund of things because space and time
even these notions were finally had to be a secret for a long time
if you say appeared no i don't know if if anyway what
I can tell you that if we want to be absolutely coherent and we have to be in a series like
this we
is brought one is obliged to consider especially given the freedom
which is experimental the freedom of which I speak to you at the level of the electrons even
the simplest the possibility that with the electron if you want and it is a possibility which
is not statistical
which is not based, you know that we have just demonstrated that there is no hidden causality
which would justify
of those of this fact there to demonstrate it with in particular what one calls announced by
activity the equations of beautiful and
it is this thing there well well now demonstrated there is consequently there is something
which is a freedom
that does not come true you from dunes that does not take anything not from something
which could be represented in space and time
goes anywhere but no because if you take it if you expected enough detail
in the structure of roulette and everything all its way was you would know as soon as
the start if I can say as soon as you throw the ball you will know exactly where it beats
hills that you see it
it is therefore there therefore there will be a strict determinism despite appearances is
not the track but of
the ap with regard to drives it is demonstrated that the electron will go on
will be able to find here or the independent world even of the maximum probabilities to the
waiting for it
can go anywhere in the area that has reserved for him so he chooses since we can not say
otherwise other than
freely choose since he does not rely on anything nor does he rely on what he did not know
if he
does not rely on what he has memorized because what he has memorized there we still place
it in space and time I liked married that to the year 1 billion
and it's maple and there it's not that it's really he can't we can
no it does not rely on nothing the universe
as you've described it kind of seems made up basically
of an almost infinite number of monads each having a density
information that is not identical yes this dance is true that that
looks like a lot some way training being different what is the reason for this difference or who is it a reason of seniority of existence of these words nahd is that it is a reason for of random experience between the different particles, in other words this comes back a bit too to ask the question what is your attitude towards the type of existence or if we can use this word of creation of the universe is what you think rather towards the
theories of range
of the big bang or rather that of the continuous creation of bondy
and ojla because at that time of course in the big bang theory we could
consider that indeed almost all the particles shame the 15 billion existence that we
almost gives to the current universe if on the other hand it was about the designer
is at this time the particles would be generated by this property
special that space had therefore been given to have the capacity to engender
the particles and it would be perfectly understandable that there is a whole
difference a whole stratification between the set of the particles of the point
view of their informational density the essays and the particles of any
way have had deviant experiences even when it comes to billions given billions of years ago
and it turns out
already formed pebbles since the earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago good particles blocked if I may
say in a pebble can't have particle experience that made all the mistakes
the experience of the vegetable of the animal of humans etc is when we already see that they
to those who differentiate reading the particles according to what they have lived according
to the circumstances also why
not there we can fool the chance if they think that they lived because of this fact that they
were born climbers today but
above all, there is nevertheless the freedom that each of these particles possesses
freedom that he made this freedom that makes us different from each other in any way even with the same
culture and even under the same circumstances we will act if you want a differently because we
have a fundamental freedom it is necessary to distinguish there is a freedom which depends on
our prejudices of
all that we have acquired including gives us is unconscious it is not of those that I speak
that there is not freedom it is not
true freedom I speak of a freedom in the very strong sense because
what psychologists call the creative imagination if he meant that they do not start by relying on
nothing transforms let's say the form transforms you incarnate it if you want to something that's anyone's got it's really it's really the passage if you want nothing or rather something that transforms the representation of the space-times in the in the royal space-times besides everything process by the way from letters you know that then we didn't want the same I'm delighted because we didn't have to fall but it would be nice to say we still
tried to approach precisely
this is to say you have six letters that's all good what will do
the sure conscious since it must it is connected with the being it will define by
example a concept to in being is
automatically cannot avoid defining at the same time are complementary and complementary
which when we generally designate as bar and from that moment there and
you it goes here is when these become
a form do you see who because one could say that this is a
archetype if you want a form that is in truth has no name is not yet as soon as this is going
to be named and have
all all the things that are sold well in writing writing we talk for example about the
importance of naming things there
these had seen it which is an archetype I should have drawn destiny with poitiers points
around because it is
simply something that we can't even talk about having a soft geometric shape and some days
when these are going to be named in
the imaginary then there it will become something which is a symbol he wants but you see you
see that
this is the real creation a real the construction if you
want the verb and the verb we can say that the verb is precisely imaginary more real
well in fact this is going to be imaginary on the skis and it's going to be okay cantat is
going to be symbolized we're okay
to be able to take a name it's a wall to the imagination it's sure what to work the imagination on and these ones we
can show then it will have to be shown in much more detail than the complementary here it
becomes the substance become the 106 volley and 6 and
this will take place in the real it will be necessary to wait all the same that it is symbolized so that here the bar
also be symbolized so that it truly becomes something over which the imagination will be able
work to finally build his representation of the real and the imaginary then all this
in the end it's philosophy it's anthology it's metaphysics and and you see that now these
concepts there that's why I say science is becoming very very interdisciplinary case you see
that we
is obliged to associate in a in a discipline that we would like to make coherent we are obliged to seek
when it comes to other disciplines biology psychology
physics metaphysics all this moreover is what led us to some of you envy this symposium have failed this famous symposium of cordoba if one knows conscience
but myself I organized
last may in morocco in fez a symposium which was called if we get tired
he has the spirit and the science or so gathered from people coming from
all the disciplines in fact we had five disciplines we had physics biology psychology
to the philosophies and people I break would classify in what is called
spirituality because why not on the news in this sense because they too were used to talking about the
spiritual therefore it's interesting go to what they give their opinion is really this colloquium was so
interesting agreement we immediately published this work which united its thirty
30 people think they have all the universities that we start again and this time it's called again
science is the aspect of science but then the title will be more specific and
won't surprise you, it's called the imaginary and the real
and then is it something demonstrable is what it can have
a formula this thing what I meant by spirituality
I am asking you the question what is spirituality?
here I am a bit lost compared to what I knew no but what we can say is that maybe
notions like like that boncelles by
example my soul is the universal soul for example there is a conclusion to
which one arrives at which one arrives and oriental spirituality good well is what does it
and give this assertion for example in calm western science which was not to return it is
finally given express an opinion an affirmation that could be described as
spiritual also call it metaphysical philosophical
it is obviously i think this
leads to 2 2 kinds of things that we
could also qualify as spiritual since our spirit is carried by eternal entities represented in
the space-time which are these electrons grasped in vain all matter finally so what is called
mind a certain way still when he talks in detail about how things
can happen we've tried I've tried ways to do it
this spirit consequently they estimate since it is contained in the particles which themselves are
immortals good but that my opinion is not the right way
it would be like saying that have built a robot that can always accommodate the information it is
immortal okay but I don't mind but it's a robot all the same it feels good
that we have not touched the bottom of spirituality so from the moment when we want
really go to the essence of spirituality well we finally come across what we
says all religions i.e. it's unspeakable six prongs i.e. you must transcend there is
something we are connected which is interesting is to see that these are essential to ensure
the coherence of
the whole of life, that is to say that these are essential to involve letters defines as the
transcendent entity
else will extract all including space and time the same them
then there the true spirituality I believed the soft one could say for
to be very very very simple it is very sketchy that these do not engage
truly to affirm that we are neither mortal nor even that we have a que
we are a person if I can say that is to say that we are really separate from all the others
and that we
have a person what it is amazing this notion person is we are
nothing in it these things have been said but each time it called for justify that to set themselves apart if you are conducted marginally report knowledge in
general in
appealing in particular to parallel physics well it couldn't it couldn't where it can
difficult to pass I believe that what is very interesting here and what is completely new is
that precisely this is justified
by a physics and contemporary physics finally my breasts that's what's new round is what this
will be an opposition with the therefore what the system
that you present is there a fundamental opposition with his meant
with with complex relativity there is
no there is no direct experience which would consist it seems that there is
had a lot of parties in russia this is the type of experience if you want the type of
verification that this
theory claims that is not fortunately I would say of
to require particles to demonstrate a certain psyche
you could say but it wouldn't mind looking at living matter looking into a cell under the
microscope and you will see amply that these are not simply physical laws but you know very
well that it is not
convinces anyone so physicists anyway it's out of their field it's not the thing they use to
check its
seven that I wanted to talk about that is absolutely unbeatable because it's a a question of
authority a question
of feeling from the moment an equation provides what they have provided and no one can
dispute that it is currently the best approximation I say approximations and the best model
approximations, that is to say that it is not absolute once again we do not know in ten years
in 20 years there may be another model
but currently it is the best approximation model we have
of the representation of the particles of the universe and no one can just that
may well displease a lot of physicists but you know why because here it is a question of psyche and that
the psychic despite that the maths in largely between a physical and even in biology or know
it remains taboo a look of
fields I don't want to talk about clichy
but now i think it's gone i'll tell you really
and fortunately moreover for each of us thinks that after all it is very interesting to know
what billiard balls do matter billiard balls
billiards but the way we function at the point of the psychic what we are that interests us
all the same as it
is time that the science of others directly from the indications above because that one cannot nevertheless require that
we are psychic beings [Music]
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