Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Pascual Jordan's 1930s noncommutativity secret of paraphysics, quantum biology and antigravity

 pascual jordan, Positive Remarks on the Paraphysical Phenomena,  Central journal for psychotherapy, IX, Leipzig 1936 That's the googletranslation of his paper.

  Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard Theology department

 that's the book cited - a whole chapter on Pascual Jordan and the paranormal!

OK so Jordan ended up insisted that only observable experiments are the truth of reality and not just logical inference from mathematics.

Jordan P 1932 Die Quantenmechanik und die Grundprobleme der Biologie und Psychologie

So Jordan explicitly considered the collective unconscious to be parallel to the uncertainty principle in quantum physics. And so "split personalities" can never be observed at the same time - just as in the uncertainty of position and momentum! Kind of a hilarious parallel.

Joseph P. Farrell on Pascual Jordan's antigravity research secret citing

Physical Principles of Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Heims's Unified Quantum Field Theory

Session: APC-9: Future Flight Propulsion
Published Online:

In other words, matter is caused by the metric and does not exist independently. In this
respect, it would be correct to say that matter, as we are used to conceive it, is an illusion. All interactions or fields, namely gravitation, electromagnetics, weak and strong forces are a distortion of their proper Euclidean metrics in a higher-dimensional space. This idea was first presented by Heim in 1952 at the International Congress on Aeronautics in Stuttgart, Germany,.....

If two neighboring volumes are interchanged, a spin structure has been realized.
In other words, empty space is both isotropic with regard to its metric as well as its spin
structures, but is is capable to develop discrete structures. Thus, empty space is void of physical events, but has inherent potentiality for physical events to happen. In order for an event to happen, a distortion of the Euclidean metric is necessary. In this sense, the theory is a geometric dynamic theory, a term coined by A. Wheeler. The whole theory as it is formulated by Heim, is based on a geometrical lan-

 In close collaboration with the relativity theorist Pascual Jordan, Heim wanted to carry out experiments on gravitation,

And in a letter in 1964, the German relativity theorist Pascual Jordan, who had worked with the distinguished physicists Max Born and Werner Heisenberg and was a member of the Nobel committee, told Heim that his plan was so important,

"that its successful experimental treatment would without doubt make the researcher a candidate for the Nobel prize".

 The Nazi Occult Front Cover Kenneth Hite Bloomsbury Publishing, Jun 20, 2013 

OH it's a FICTION book that claims Pascual Jordan worked on the Nazi Bell antigravity project.

 Igor witkowski, “Supplement 3, to be inserted on page 260 of the English
edition,” of The Truth About the Wunderwaffe for pending German edition, personal
communication to the author. Witkowski cites Jordan specifically in reference to
“magnetic fields separation” that played such a prominent conceptual role in the Bell project

Ah so the Fiction has some truth to it!





































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