Sunday, March 19, 2023

My reply to the latest update I received from Professor Basil J. Hiley!

 Thank You Professor Basil J. Hiley! That's exciting work to focus on symplectic geometry. I actually had contacted Dean Rickles before I knew about his work with Harald Atmanspacher. I had contacted Harald Atmanspacher about noncommutativity and meditation - a few years ago I guess - but never heard back. I then discovered Dean Rickle's on youtube giving a talk on music and quantum physics as he is a pianist. Since I trained in classical piano from a young age then I immediately contacted him and he responded back positively about noncommutativity as the secret of music. So that was about a year ago? haha. It's exciting that these research areas are collaborating!

I thought you might enjoy this vid I discovered last night. Obviously people are trying to figure out this deeper meaning - when I watch quantum lectures on youtube now I can see the "cover up" that has occurred - in the maths. haha. Thank you again for providing a true foundation of reality in science.
I've been fascinated at how there is this deeper dynamic hiding in the noncommutative transition frequencies that Heisenberg discovered - as Alain Connes focuses on in that 2015 lecture to physicists. It's such a simple yet radical view that Connes realizes can be understood through music training as he also started at an early age. Harald Atmanspacher did actually test this type of noncommutative nonlocal consciousness in meditation monks but in the Daoism tradition this is modeled throughout the body as Eddie Oshins realized when he worked at SLAC when he collaborated with Lou Kauffman.
You mentioned in an interview how Karl Pribram had suggested the term "flux" and ironically Eddie Oshins had tried to teach noncommutativity to Karl Pribram but Pribram apparently was not having any of it. haha. This is Eddie Oshin's paper about that noncommutativity teaching lesson attempt to Pribram:
I have been easing my way into the maths via my own music-meditation discovery of noncommutativity as I used to call it "complementary opposites" from 1996 till 2006 or so. haha. As per Penrose, I don't do "calculations" - haha. I just study math concepts. I was trying to explain, back around 2006, to people why Archytas had used the wrong music theory to create the geometric continuum based on symmetry and therefore had covered up the truth of reality. Knowing the math concepts now enables me to explain that truth!
This professor Micho Durdevich did acknowledge that Connes had rediscovered the truth of Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy. haha. When I learned the "Dirac Dance" in 1989-90 (1st year of college) from my quantum physics professor Herbert J. Bernstein, who held Bohmian dialogues, I suddenly realized the Dirac Dance was the same music secret I had realized when I took "adult" music theory at age 16! Bernstein literally called me out by name and laughed at the aghast dropped jaw look on my face as he demonstrated the Dirac Dance as nonlocality. hahaha. Of course I could not conceptualize the math connection - and so I was very happy that Alain Connes corroborated my music theory claim and made that connection explicit!
Bernstein uses fiber bundles for a noncommutative donut toroid to develop the quantum teleportation system for NASA!
He called this quantum superdense teleportation.
I immediately did not trust the Schroedinger wave function in that introduction quantum class but luckily a pretty female did the math for me. hahaha. I could not even accept the Pythagorean Theorem in high school since I knew intuitively it had been derived from the wrong music theory! Professor Peter Pesic points out this music origin of the Pythagorean Theorem (as does math professor Luigi Borzacchini) but Lou Kauffman actually did derive a noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem connected to Dirac.
Anyway, all the best on the symplectic work. It's too bad that Gerard 't Hooft had that misunderstanding with your friend, Sir Roger Penrose, about using the Penrose diagrams for 't Hooft's eternal black hole instanton model. 't Hooft is using noncommutative time-frequency math only, he converts it into Fourier analysis too quickly I think (to put it crudely). haha. Penrose just kept wondering how the Black hole has a singularity if there is no matter for the mass! 't Hooft meanwhile is trying to explain how he's coming from the perspective of the interior of the black hole - meaning he meant it was an eternal wormhole that is noncommutative negative frequency that is nonlocal. Something along those lines. haha. The moderator cut them off - it was on some quantum discussion on youtube as a livestream. I can find it but that was a few years ago already.
Yakir Aharonov's research group has stated that the negative-mass particles of weak measurements "imply gravitational repulsion" (2022) - and this is actually the secret of levitation in deep meditation. My own teacher, Chunyi Lin, of  did 28 days of cave nonstop meditation in full lotus padmasana - at Mt. Qingcheng - in the mid-1990s. He said when he finished that 28 days meditation with no sleep - he then left the cave and was in full lotus meditation outside the cave when he levitated up, spiraling up nine feet, in full lotus padmasana while he was next to a pine tree. hahaha. It's too bad that Aharonov, et. al., do not adapt the noncommutativity truth.
Actually there is a new Ph.D. student who created a youtube channel and he points out how the origin of Heisenberg Uncertainty is in fact the nonlocal superposition that is noncommutative!
So I mentioned to him about your research - maybe he'll switch over to that for his Ph.D. focus. haha.
All the best,
drew hempel

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