Thursday, March 30, 2023

Another response to Professor Kurt Ellenberger, after he kindly replied with more interest

 Hi Professor Ellenberger or Kurt: Thank you for your kind reply and interest in dialog. I realize this topic is unusual and I'm glad you brought in biology, along with physics. I started piano training at age 5 at McPhail but I actually sat through my mom's piano lessons when I was 3. The "Absolute Pitch" studies have shown a much greater probability, 40%, if the person starts training before age 4, so I guess I missed that cut off. haha. My piano teacher was young, as I was one of her first students, and she taught an "adult" music theory class in the evenings, that I attended when I was around 15 or 16 years old. Suddenly I wondered why the wavelength 2/3 could not be a Perfect Fifth while 3/2 is a Perfect Fifth. When I asked her husband, the former University music professor, in our private lessons, he just replied due to logarithms. He had shown me, though, the resonance trick of silently holding down a key on the piano in the near overtone, a Perfect Fifth, while striking a lower key with the silent key then ringing out. Suddenly I realized that the 2/3 undertone must also do the same on an infinite level. Then I read Sir James Jeans book, Science and Music, explaining that the "true clockface" of music theory is not the logarithms as a circle of fifths but rather the infinite spiral of (3/2)to the 12th against the octave to the 7th and then "all simplicity disappears."

So I told my piano teacher that I thought this was the true harmony of all of reality. They began giving me some mystic books like "Talks with Great Composers" (as I discovered later that book had been forged a bit, haha). The Creative Process book was much more interesting - a 1950s book that's been reissued about how great scientists and artists get these "flashes" of "complete knowledge." So I was also given Gregory Bateson's book Mind and Nature: A necessary unity and also the Tao Te Ching.
So then when I attended Hampshire College for my first year in 1989-90, I took Quantum Mechanics from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein, who emphasized that students need to learn quantum physics first before classical physics since quantum physics is the new foundation of reality. He taught us the "Dirac Dance" to demonstrate nonlocality as the true basis of quantum entanglement. When he did this demonstration of the 720 degree spin of the electron (necessary to observe the particle that actually has a 1/2 spin that is inherently nonlocal), I suddenly had this aghast, dropped jaw look on my face and Professor Bernstein laughed at my look while calling me out by name! I was sitting in the front row of class so he could see me easily. hahaha. Bernstein didn't realize that I had immediately had this "flash" of insight that in fact that 720 degree spin was the same secret of music theory I had realized about the 2/3 C to F undertone as Perfect Fifth being the truth of reality along with the C to G overtone. I know this is true because I wrote about my insight in a letter I sent home.
OK so I kept this "secret" to myself and I ended up living in the wilderness in Alaska for six months (starting out working in a fish factory). I then transferred to UW-Madison while I was in this cabin off grid but the homesteader there even brought up an upright piano. He tried to get me to "perform" for this Brazilian tourists who had been taking out on a freezing sled dog ride. I was a sled dog handler but I refused to jump through dog hoops as a pianist. My senior piano recital was strongly lacking in technical skill since my focus was on the philosophy of music. But I did memorize Bach very well and so I was admitted to a professional music quartet training camp at Madeline Island, Lake Superior. My roommate was a single child whose parents were obsessed with his music training and scholastic skills. We used to compose together at MacPhail while he practiced IQ tests. I was already playing in a grunge noise band and free jazz and so I didn't take classical music seriously. He aced his SAT and got a full ride to Harvard then he taught at Columbia for a while before returning to the Twin Cities. We lost contact after he saw me at a music concert and told me to break off ties. haha. 

Anyway at UW-Madison I was doing a lot of environmental activism as part of the UW-Greens group that was officed on the Mall by the Music building. That may have been why my orchestration professor called me into a meeting and he announced to me that my transposition of a Schoenberg piano sonata into a string quartet was "Communist" since I obviously wanted "equal pay for equal play." Then he insisted I redo my past assignments even though I had already gotten As and Bs. Maybe I should not have criticized the "serialism" that he and the other director of the department where submerged in, bragging to us students that they could get us into Princeton, their Alma Mater. I wasn't impressed by the computer serialist scene and I told my Professor (and his newly constructed house on a farm field) that I didn't think such music would be appreciated by the masses. He said that he was just "ahead of his time." I had chosen the "self-directed" option that I was calling "Global Blues" but I then dropped out realizing that these Princetion Serialists were probably not too keen on my activism all the time on the nearby Mall. haha.
So my undergraduate degree was a "new" option in "environmental" International Relations as supposed "sustainable development" with equal time in political science, economics and biology. I realized, as I tried to "integrate" these different disciplines that they all relied on lies about each other to sustain their own subjects. There's a great new book by Professor Jeremy Walker that corroborates what I had discovered on my own 30 years ago! haha. 

So I still kept this music secret and by 1996 I had expanded it to nonwestern music theory. In 1995 I saw a paper announcement on a phone pole for a qigong master healing demonstration, by Effie P. Chow. I was so skeptical I called up to ask for half off. This was back in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, and so I took my girlfriend from Madison - and we both went to St. Mary's University for the demonstration, in Minneapolis. My girlfriend had health problems and she didn't mention feeling anything to me. But when Effie P. Chow said she had filled the room with qi and she asked someone to walk towards her to see if the person could feel it - and this was down the center of the two sides of room chairs - then the person reported feeling the qi. Then she asked us to make "qi balls" by having our palms face each other. Sure enough I felt a very strong magnetic force pushing the center of my palms apart! Now I was 24 years old and on a vegan diet and bicycling to work each day - and so I was very healthy. But then something strange happened - this obviously student age worker wandered in with the school "guard" uniform. She said, "I'm just wondering what's going on in here because the fuse got blown in the room behind you." So the class had ended, most of the people were gone - maybe half and Effie P. Chow didn't really say anything to the student "guard." haha. I got freaked out and we left but I was totally hooked at this point.
So then I had this dream, soon after that I immediately wrote down in my journal, at 2:30 am, 1995. I had been keeping a journal and the dream was of my environmental activist friends with native american Indian activists - all standing on the roof of house, holding a banner, to protect a wilderness forest. The dream was more real than being awake! So I wrote this all down and wrote I "think this dream is predicting the future." I never made the connection that my dream could have been tied to my qigong initiation.
In 1996 I went to San Francisco to pursue Effie P. Chow, funded by my work injury carpal tunnel syndrome, $600 awarded through workers compensation via a lawyer. My high school buddy was ABC, American Born Chinese with parents from Taiwan and he had moved to S.F. (he informed me they don't called it San Francisco there, haha.). So he also said qigong is for old people and I didn't have enough money to actually see Effie P. Chow. So he took me up to Portland and to Powell's Bookstore where I discovered John Beaulieu's book on Biosonics as music healing. In that book, John Beaulieu explains that Yang is the Perfect Fifth and Yin is the Perfect Fourth. So suddenly I realized this corroborated my own claim and explained why qigong worked.
So by 1996 I had written this monograph called "The Fundamental Force" that was a critique of Slavoj Zizek (my friend James T. Hong had recommended I read Zizek and also Noam Chomsky). I sent my monograph to Music Professor Richard Leppert at University of Minnesota (actually he was director of Cultural Studies department but he focused on musicology). He responded kindly to my discussion of his work and I also sent it to Zizek. Zizek sent me a postcard stating, "after a quick glance it looks very interesting. I'll read it and get back to you." Instead his next book, "Plague of Fantasies" was a strawman attack on my critique of him. haha.
So then I was accepted into the Master of Liberal Studies at University of Minnesota, a self-designed degree for working adults. I mainly focused on "sustainability" activism - and I did civil disobedience, etc. while keeping this music theory idea along all the time. And so my master's thesis was on 'sound-current nondualism" - the term I coined. It was a strange mix where I continued my critique of Zizek in more detail - and also Gregory Bateson and Noam Chomsky along with more physics and more meditation information - also "radical ecology." The University literally needed to get rid of me - the President had emailed me asking me to not go on "unlimited hunger strike" but then he did join the Workers Rights Consortium as we had requested. I got other measures past the Regents - he had written "you have done enough already." haha. 

So what I had not mentioned was that to finish my master's degree I did self-directed research through the African Studies department based on the book The Racial Contract, to then "test" out my music theory as meditation energy. I argued that ever since Platonic philosophy the "natural law" hierarchy was inherently racist due to the wrong music theory that created the wrong logarithmic mathematics, as detailed by musicology professor Ernest McClain's book "The Pythagorean Plato." And so I did the training through or Chunyi Lin who works with the Mayo Clinic doctors. He had just finished a 28 day cave meditation at Mt. Qingcheng doing just full lotus padamasana meditation the whole time with no sleep for 28 days! I went 8 days on just a half glass of water while meditating six hours a day - and so I needed less sleep while the energy increased. I experienced a full mind-body transformation and I directly experienced the quantum nonlocal awareness that physicists discuss. I could smell long distance - the smell of cancer is a rotting flesh smell. I saw ghosts that Chunyi Lin regularly heals. I experienced more precognition but also I experienced telepathy and telekinesis.
The only thing is this training relies on purification as harmonization and when I experienced a spacetime vortex that is what forced me to stop meditating. I needed to understand more of what was going on. haha. I didn't realize that Pythagorean Ph.D. philosopher Peter Kingsley had described this same spacetime vortex experienced by the PreSocratic Pythagorean shaman philosophers. In fact the training manual I was relying on, the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book clearly explained my experience but only in Chapter 11. I didn't think I had gotten that advanced and so I had not studied the book well enough. haha. 

So next I read one scholarly book for ten years after my Master's Degree - so I could study science more to then "reverse engineer" my music theory model back into mainstream science. It was during this time that I discovered Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes discussing music theory in his 2001 book, "Triangle of Thought." Immediately I realized that what he called "noncommutativity" was the same music theory secret I had discovered, but I wasn't sure if he was just being metaphorical.
So then I also discovered in tinnitus research that the highest pitch we listen to externally actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound. I then discovered physiology Ph.D. military mind control researcher Andrijia Puharich arguing that ultrasound harmonically splits water into a proton delocalization energy, so that the paranormal powers are due to a time-reversed "precession" as the velocity difference between the proton and electron in the body. I also read quantum physicist Jack Sarfatti's book arguing an early version of ER=EPR or quantum wormholes explaining paranormal reality.
So as I kept doing more research then I realized the secret of the qigong training exercises is the noncommutativity. I realized since I am mainly just self-taught then somebody else MUST have made this same connection. I kept searching online and finally I discovered Eddie Oshins, a physicist hired to work at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center on what he coined "quantum psychology" all based on noncommutativity. He also taught Wing Chun (of Bruce Lee fame) and he realized the secret of "neigong" or internal martial arts as mind-body transformation is noncommutativity. He even worked for Karl Pribram, the neuropsychologist of "holographic mind" fame, at Stanford, but Pribram could not understand the noncommutativity mathematics, being stuck in the classical physics model of reality.
So then I contacted Math Professor Lou Kauffman who had collaborated with Eddie Oshins, since Oshins had died young. Kauffman and I have corresponded several times, with his emphasis continuing to be on noncommutativity. I then also contacted quantum physics Professor Basil J. Hiliey and we have built up a stronger correspondence with his emphasis also on noncommutativity. He had cited Kauffman and also Alain Connes. Professor Hiley has also relied on music as a model for the inherent "anticipatory" role in quantum nonlocality as a kind of "active information" from the future. Hiley had collaborated with David Bohm who had developed a similar model to the Louis de Broglie pilot wave model. de Broglie had a very simple insight that corroborated my same music insight. de Broglie had realized that as per quantum physics, as a particle goes towards the speed of light then the frequency goes up but as per relativity the time also gets bigger. This violates the basic principle since Pythagoras that frequency is inverse to time and therefore there has to be a time-reversed signal from the future that is a negative frequency and guiding matter all the time. De Broglie called this his Law of Phase Harmony and considered it his "greatest discovery" but it's not taught in physics classes.
So Professor Basil J. Hiley has been working on a paper in response to Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes lecture in 2015 to the physicists on how the origin of quantum randomness and "thermal heat" as entropy is actually due to noncommutativity. Connes himself trained in music from a young age since his grandmother was a piano teacher. Since Connes moved at the age of five then he was not able to keep up his music training and thus went into mathematics. But Connes still practices Chopin at home and he likes to study music scores for inspiration for his mathematics. He considers the orchestration ability as a model for different spacetimes existing all at the same noncommutative phase as "primitive time."
So to explain this noncommutativity concept, it is what Roger Penrose calls "fundamental time" a phrase coined by Lee Smolin whose first quantum physics teacher was the same Herbert J. Bernstein at Hampshire College. Penrose also relies on noncommutativity as the foundation of realty for his "palatial twistor" model and in fact Penrose relies on a Pianist in his latest quantum consciousness talk to explain the inherent precognitive source of reality that Penrose called "protoconsciousness" - a term that appears to have been coined by Bernard d'Espagnat whose book I read, "Veiled Reality." Here is Penrose's talk from six months ago that features this pianist's claim for precognition.
So Professor Basil J. Hiley told me that the paper he is now working on literally changes physics as we know it. If you watch his recent lectures on youtube, he explains how classical physics is wrong. Also he explains we do not need the wavefunction in quantum physics nor even probabilities. The Bohmiam model is actually noncommutativity and Hiley relies on a quantum algebra explanation just as Connes does. Essentially the "transition frequencies" that Heisenberg discovered to be noncommutative are not just based on the noncommutativity of the observables of position and momentum. Rather the Matrices inherently are nonlocal as a noncommutative invariant ratio that Alain Connes simply calls, "two, three, infinity" since music theory is the simplest way to explain it. 

So normally in the matrix math the inner cross product is noncommutative but with the "collapse of the wave function" this cancels out the other matrix values to be zero. This means that the Heisenberg Uncertainty of position and time actually arises out of time-frequency noncommutativity so that in fact those zeros remain as the invariant inverse ratios from music theory. This is referred to in a simple new video by a new quantum physics Ph.D. student on his "quantum essence" channel.
I recommend Basil J. Hiley's recent talk for more details wherein his proves that even Richard Feynman's renormalization was wrong. Quantum physics professor Jean Bricmont points out that due to Bell's Inequality experiments even quantum field theory has been proven wrong. As Basil J. Hiley has shared with me, there is no symmetric rest frame to physics. Now what this means, as Penrose explains, is that gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter, based on the negentropic source of mass from frequency. This also explains our current ecological crisis that is much worse than people realize.
Thanks for your interest,
drew hempel

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