Saturday, November 26, 2022

Viktor T. Toth of Quora physics answers proves he does not understand Bell's Inequality on nonlocality!

 or we can simply accept what the equations tell us (especially in light of the fact that quantum nonlocality does not violate causality). 

 Professor Jean Bricmont: "All our intuitive notion of causality collapses, because this notion is based on the idea that causes precede effects in an absolute sense that does not depend on the reference frame. ... What about QFT or relativistic quantum mechanics ? In standard textbooks, the reduction or collapse of the quantum state is never discussed in relativistic terms−→the question raised by EPR and Bell is not even raised." 


check out Professor Jean Bricmont to have quantum field theory debunked.
yeah well we cant wait for what we learn in class anymore.. its too slow.. all the progress humanity will make will be on youtube..
It's been three years, but we're still waiting for that video, friend
Highlighted reply
 @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885  one of the most highly predictive theories in physics debunked? Dude sounds like a quack
 @timeformegaman  Viktor T. Toth of Quora physics answers proves he does not understand Bell's Inequality on nonlocality!  "or we can simply accept what the equations tell us (especially in light of the fact that quantum nonlocality does not violate causality). "  Professor Jean Bricmont:  "All our intuitive notion of causality collapses, because this notion is based on the idea that causes precede effects in an absolute sense that does not depend on the reference frame. ... What about QFT or relativistic quantum mechanics ? In standard textbooks, the reduction or collapse of the quantum state is never discussed in relativistic terms−→the question raised by EPR and Bell is not even raised."


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