Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Shadow of Light: Viktor Toth doesn't realize, as Fred Alan Wolf and Gerard 't Hooft realizes, that 1/2 spin drives the antigravity of light

 But photons are not completely transparent. Oh, they come very close. Electromagnetism is a “linear” theory, meaning photons do not interact with photons directly. But photons can, in principle, produce particle-antiparticle pairs (e.g., an electron-positron pair) and those, in turn, can influence other photons. This does not happen easily because the mass-energy of an electron-positron pair is something like a million times more than the energy of a typical photon of visible light. But when very high energy photons are involved, this thing can, and does, happen.

So as John G. Cramer explains - a "weak field" of energy Can and Does create a gravitational wormhole due to the 1/2 spin as inherent asymmetric time-frequency!!

 The Shadow of Light is not just the opaqueness but also the retrocasual reverse time force as Cardone explains from his ultrasound cavitation research. Fabio Cadrone with his Sonotrode doing cold fusion reactions. So it's not just evanescent light but it's virtual photons and "nega-particles" as reverse time force or spin force. The 1/2 spin is from the virtual photons as a magnetic quantum propulsion that is also nonlocal and noncommutative.



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