Thursday, September 1, 2022

Light, Radiation & Birth of Ecological Cybernetics w/Leo Saraceno [Part I] and Part II goes into radioeugenics more

Radio-Eugenics - new research - vid part 1

Radio-Eugenics part 2

the cyclotron in Berkeley fits in with the Bohemian Grove being the secret push agreement for the Atomic Bomb....
when I was at University of Minnesota I pointed out to one of the instructors that the CIA had tested biological weapons in Minneapolis. He got irate and insisted it didn't happen. He considered himself an "expert" on biological weapons. haha.
Henri Poincare was a big influence on Einstein. Poincare used the term "relativity" before Einstein. So Poincare was very close to the same concept as Einstein.
Louis de Broglie is pronounced "de Broy"
The CCD or Charge-Coupled Device converts the photons into electrons so that the energy of the light can be read. "A charge-coupled device (CCD) is a light-sensitive integrated circuit that captures images by converting photons to electrons. A CCD sensor breaks the image elements into pixels. Each pixel is converted into an electrical charge whose intensity is related to the intensity of light captured by that pixel." and "Einstein determined that light energy is carried in discrete, quantized wave packets (photons), thus light could be simultaneously a wave and a particle. This theory resolved questions about the relationship between light of different frequencies (colors) and the energy (electromagnetic radiation) of that light. The photoelectric effect is how optical signals are converted to electrical signals, and is the fundamental process behind CCD cameras. When light shines on a metal (or in the case of a CCD sensor, a silicon metalloid) surface, typically the energy of that light (the energy contained in the photon packets) will dislodge electrons from the surface in a phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect—also referred to as photoemission. This happens for all wavelengths of photelectric energy from 190-1100 nanometers (nm), encompassing the full spectrum of visible light, which is roughly 380-700 nm."
Eugene Odum's Fundamental of Ecology textbook - is the first standard textbook. "Odum’s move to ecosystem ecology was also stimulated by new funding opportunities provided by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), which rapidly become a major patron of ecological research. The AEC provided a small grant to the University of Georgia in 1951 to complete a survey of animal populations prior to building a nuclear facility at its Savannah River site near Aiken, South Carolina. Odum convinced the commission to expand this research to include studies of ecological succession and productivity, and he began a long-term study of these processes in the abandoned farmland surrounding the nuclear plant. This small project developed into a laboratory on the site and became an integral part of the fledgling ecological program that Odum was starting at the University of Georgia." Yes - ecology has always been a co-opted "science" - considered "natural history" until DNA analysis kicked in. .... "Already the low-level radioactivity in the environment allowed the Odums to produce a radiograph by placing a coral head on a sheet of photographic film."
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
Paul Hawken's book "Natural Capitalism" promotes Monsanto genetic engineeering as "sustainability."

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