Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Will Modern Civilization be the death of all of us? William Rees talk - with commentary on the secret music explanation!!

 William Rees Professor talk on ecological collapse

Its important to highlight that this isnt general human impact, this is a direct impact of colonizers. Other humans were keeping the planet healthy before colonizers decided personal gain was the most important
A good book on the colonizers is "Ecological Imperialism" by Professor Alfred Crosby. Although the Aztecs spread pederasty into the Mayan "civilization" - the nonwestern agriculture solar ritual priest patriarchies were also highly problematic. Western "civilization" was just more "efficient" in our spreading of destruction of life on Earth as "biological annihilation."
Your right, so many speakers wrongly assume that we civilized people can speak for all humankind. We are not humanity. I guess they mistakenly think “we” are the epitome of human evolution because “we” have out competed and outlived the rest of humanity. That is a false presumption.
 @sugar stick  What's fascinating is that every human culture uses the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect fourth music interval as 1:2:3:4 ratios. These ratios are actually noncommutative - something only Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes points out. Our exponential math, the inverse of the logarithmic function, originates from the wrong music theory of equal-tempered tuning, the secret origin of irrational geometry. The square root of two was first approximated as the major 2nd or 9/8 cubed as the tritone. This is explained by the Pythagorean Plato book by Ernest McClain. As modern Westernized peoples we fetishize science as universal truth because we think "math works" but the standard symmetric commutative geometry math is what created the ecological crisis. Noncommutativity proves that this math was logically wrong - the nonwestern cultures with their simple nonwestern music actually practice spiritual meditation based on the noncommutativity principles.
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 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  Yes, math is just a language not some universal truth. Also, I confess that I'm overly fond of the tritone interval.
 @sugar stick  isn't being fond of the tritone some "heavy metal" or "death metal" schtick? haha. Science does claim math is a universe since it works - the question is works for whom? Earth faces the fastest rate of biological annhilation but ecology or natural history was not considered a real science until DNA coding was discovered. The Atomic Energy Commission funded the first ecology textbook by Odum. We spread around the Earth as Western "civilization" based on Platonic math - and so we have books like, "Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry" by math Prof. Ian Stewart - there's a plethora of "symmetry" science books. Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini reveals the secret music origins of math that he calls a "deep pre-established disharmoncy" as the "guiding evoltive principle" of science. This is also called the "music logarithmic spiral" and promoted by a UN based think tank - I exposed that back in 2001, right after my master's degree. Yes I discussed this with math professor Joe Mazur also. One of the interesting claims of science is time is a symmetric spatial measurement and thus time also is an external linear operator. Noncommutativity, as Alain Connes explains - along with math professor Louis Kauffman - is based on "primordial time" or "Primitive time" - what Nobel Prize physicist Roger Penrose calls "fundamental time." So in that original time there is no linear causation but rather the future and the past overlaps. Olivier Costa de Beauregard, member of the Institute of Advanced Study, argued in his book, "time: A physical magnitude" that precognition is thus de facto proven real and precognition is thus the basis of the spiritual and paranormal powers. He said these are more recognized in nonwestern cultures. It's quite funny that nonwestern cultures were in touch with the source of reality while Western modern science is very precise but not accurate!! hahaha. The tritone is very precise but not accurate since it assumes that the Perfect Fifth is commutative. I exposed this in my research. So the Undertone is said to not exist in Western music - quite ironic since the equal-tempered tuning was only derived by the Perfect Fifth as a 2/3 or C to F undertone, doubled to 4/3. This required Philolaus FLIPPING his Lyre around -as Professor Richard McKirahan exposed recently. This is quite hilarious. so the Harmonic Series assumes that 4:3 is G to C but that is not the case in the octave scale. 3 can not be the denominator since it goes against the natural overtone series of the 1 with the denominator thus only an octave multiplication of the 1. Alain Connes goes into the noncommutative truth of music in his lecture, "Music of Shapes" that has several versions online. OR you can read my free books and papers on this topic - on my academia site - just go to my first upload for links. thanks
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 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  yes the flattened fifth is a staple of metal music. When added to the minor pentatonic scale it forms the hexatonic minor blues scale so important to blues music and frequently featured in jazz. It does seem that science has over emphasized, even fetishized, “elegance” in its theories. Though I’m not a mathematician,and nearly didn’t finish high school, I will look at your published works as they sound very interesting.
 @sugar stick  yeah I'm pretty much self-taught since high school when I did intensive music training out of Minneapolis. So there's a physics lecture on how the blues scale is really based on trying to recreate the natural harmonic series, with 5:4 and the flat 7th overtone. The tritone is what I called in my master's thesis - well citing other researchers - a kind of dialectical paradox since the overtones of the tritones are harmonic as the Perfect Fifth or Fourth. So the truth of the tritone is more of an order of logical type as Bertrand Russell called it - based on Helmholtz analysis of how the overtones and undertone then drive the resolution of the harmonics. So the key issue here is that it's now proven that musicians can hear up to ten times faster than Fourier or time-frequency Uncertainty - with Fourier Uncertainty being the linear operator conversion of time to frequency. Frequency from Fourier and the irrational magnitude math assumes time is a symmetric geometric measurement. But we don't need any external instruments to make music! A great book on this is Dr. Victor Grauer's book, "Sounding the Depths" - he tracked how our original human culture that we all derived from - the San Bushmen, 7000 generations ago then spread around the world out of Africa. This culture, the San bushmen, is still around and the music is central to the culture as spiritual training for the males and females. So they key secret here is that it was proven in tinnitus research that the highest pitch we hear externally actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound. As per the quantum biology research of Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose - corroborated by Dr. Anirban Bandyopadhyay - the ultrasound resonating internally then causes quantum coherence with 3000 times greater amplitude of energy for the neurons in the brain - specifically the microtubules with a metamaterial resonance of the tubulin in the neurons. This quantum coherence, as Dr. Andrija Puharich also discovered on his on, doing military mind control research, is then a reverse precessional quantum beat or undertone from the future! So the OM sound heard deep in the heart is actually an ELF Schumann resonance of 7 to 8 hertz (the same most common trance drum tempo worldwide). So in other words that deep right side vagus nerve relaxation activation that increases the serotonin bliss and joy is due to a proton-proton nonlocal resonance or proton delocalization. The water is harmonically split in the body so the protons are delocalized - this is the secret of "yang qi" in nonwestern alchemy meditation. So it's quite ironic that We modern Westerners think our music tuning with polyphony from equal-tempered tuning is very sophisticated when in fact the "HyperSonic Effect" is based on natural tuning - like the gamelan music with the ELF gongs creating a nonlinear feedback of the ultrasound overtone harmonics of the gamelan instruments. So that type of natural music causes a deep brain transformation to open up the third eye to nonlocal consciousness as "fundamental time" as Roger Penrose calls it . thanks for your interest.

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