Monday, May 23, 2022

Why is Harald Walach spreading disinfo about Anthony Fauci? is the Society of Scientific Exploration Journal now totally fraudulent?

 Your recently published review of Robert Kennedy's new book implies that Anthony Fauci is profiting from his relationship with Gilead. According to USA Today this is not true. This article states Fauci has no patents related to the drug in question nor does Fauci own shares in Gilead.
So is Kennedy wrong and if so why didn't you do a simple fact check?

I tried to send the above message to Harald Walach - on his website - but the contact form continues to say the "captcha expired."

Everytime I load the page it gives the SAME antispam Captcha equation and then says the expiration time is passed. Hilarious!

  Fauci held a patent and it is produced by Gilead Pharmaceutical, a company
Fauci appears to hold shares in.

 What kind of scam is this? 

Dr Anthony Fauci told the BMJ that as a government employee he was required by law to put his name on the patent for the development of interleukin 2 and was also required by law to receive part of the payment the government received for use of the patent. He said that he felt it was inappropiate to receive payment and donated the entire amount to charity. 

My understanding is Harald Walach was fired from his Professor job after his Covid claims were retracted by the journals as misinformation. Poznan University of Medical Sciences

It appears that the Journal of Scientific Exploration is now spreading the misinformation claims of Robert Kennedy via Harald Walach's promotional book review.

Prof Harald Walach has had a few rough weeks. First, he published his paper suggesting that Covid vaccinations do more harm than good which was subsequently retracted as flawed, if not fraudulent. Next, he published a paper showing that children are put in danger when wearing face masks suggesting that “decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.” Now, the journal put out the following announcement about it:

The Research Letter, “Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” by Harald Walach, PhD, and colleagues published online in JAMA Pediatrics on June 30, 2021,1 is hereby retracted.

Following publication, numerous scientific issues were raised regarding the study methodology, including concerns about the applicability of the device used for assessment of carbon dioxide levels in this study setting, and whether the measurements obtained accurately represented carbon dioxide content in inhaled air, as well as issues related to the validity of the study conclusions. In their invited responses to these and other concerns, the authors did not provide sufficiently convincing evidence to resolve these issues, as determined by editorial evaluation and additional scientific review. Given fundamental concerns about the study methodology, uncertainty regarding the validity of the findings and conclusions, and the potential public health implications, the editors have retracted this Research Letter.

To make things even worse, Walach’s University fired him because of his fraudulent anti-vax research. Poznan University of Medical Sciences tweeted on 6 July:

We wish to emphasize that the claims included in dr Harald Walach’s recent article in @Vaccines_MDPI do not represent the position of @PUMS_tweets . We find that the article lacked scientific diligence and proper methodology. Dr. Walach’s affiliation with PUMS was now terminated. Throughout the pandemic PUMS has actively promoted vaccination programs, offering scientific expertise in the media, broadcasting seminars, and reported on progress of the vaccination program. We consider vaccinations as the paramount tool in the global fight against the pandemic. We consider vaccinations as the paramount tool in the global fight against the #pandemic. Over 85% of our own academic community has already been vaccinated with support and encouragement from the University.

As I said, this is truly unlucky …

.. or perhaps not?

Come to think of it, it is lucky when pseudo-science and fraud are called out. It means that the self-cleaning mechanisms of science are working and we are protected from the harm done by charlatans. 

 Walach got a paper published in Vaccines stating that Covid-19 vaccines kill two people for every three that they save. Several members of the editorial board, such as the Austrian virologist Florian Krammer and the British immunologist Katie Ewer, announced their resignation when they learned about the published paper, which was immediately disseminated by anti-vaccine movements and pandemic denialists. The publication retracted the study on July 2, after finding that Walach had based his calculations on a database from the Netherlands that included all health problems observed after vaccination, even if they had nothing to do with the inoculations. Helen Petousis Harris, a vaccinologist from New Zealand who resigned from the editorial board and returned after the retraction, summed it up like this: “Garbage went in, got statistically abused, and what came out the end was nonsense.”




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