Sunday, April 3, 2022

I'm asked to comment on a vid about the NeoNazis in Ukraine...

 Noam Chomsky's classic book, "Political Economy of Human Rights: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism" is a must-read on this topic. Also in contrast is the recent book, "Wall Street and the Russian Revolution" by Professor Richard Spence with whom I've corresponded. His book is written more as an encyclopedia of source information but he has a couple recent podcast interviews with his Trineday publisher - just search his name and trineday podcast. So he is talking about the connection between the NeoCons in the US and the Communist movement. This dialectical reversal of extreme political views is originated from the mass mind control of Western indoctrination as Wilhelm Reich argued and also more recently the psychologist Stan Gooch with whom I corresponded (he lived in a caravan trailer in Wales for his final years). We wrote via "snail mail." haha.

So Gooch argued that extreme left views like authoritarian communism are left-brain dominant while extreme right views like fascism are right-brain dominant. Pooh-tin is now considered to be fascist by the West - he is called fascist over and over. Actually Counterpunch dot org has had great analysis - someone is posting youtube vids - who is of Ukrainian ethnicity. I can look his name up. Theyre highlighted on that leftist news site - so he has also analyzed the neoNazis in Ukraine. I actually dated a young lady who introduced me to her grandfather in his nursing home death bed. She told me he had been a Nazi in Ukraine! He was around 90 years old in the early 90s or 1998 maybe? 
Anyway Stan Gooch argued that we lack the proper use of our cerebellum - this is similar also to the argument of Jung. So the mass media mind control as a kind of commodity fetish consumerism (as our corporate-state news is run by its customer base, the advertisers with their 100% tax deductible ads) - this goes back to Platonic philosophy. Antisemitism is actually based on the Hellenization of Judaism with the Greek introduction of a ten-based number currency system and a logarithmic symmetry mathematics (with its inverse exponential growth function that also drives abrupt global warming).
So everywhere in Europe when written language was created as part of the nationalist movements to break out of the earlier Empires - then antisemitism rose up based on the idea of this "secret written language" and the controlling of currency. For example a book called, "Famine, Fiction and the origin of Economics" - or similarly 
Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland
Author(s): Bigelow, Gordon
Reviewer(s): Peart, Sandra

Published by EH.NET (July 2004)

Gordon Bigelow, Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. x + 229 pp. $65 (hardcover), ISBN: 0-521-82848-1.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Sandra Peart, Department of Economics, Baldwin-Wallace College.

Gordon Bigelow’s Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland serves as a powerful reminder that economic ideas — then and now — are contextual, and that we fail fully to understand them when we neglect context. So, in Victorian England and Ireland, political economy emerged amidst social and literary responses to institutional, banking, and agricultural failures of the 1840s. Bigelow’s book demonstrates that there is much to be learned about economics from a survey of this commentary, his aim being “to understand the relationship between economics and other forms of social discourse and description in the nineteenth century” (p. 8)."
So that book goes into how the Irish were not considered "white" since they didn't embrace this commodity fetish logic of linear time as progress based on the symmetric geometry mathematics of an infinite currency tied to the phonetic language based math system of algebraic geometry.
So Stan Gooch is arguing that essentially it was the Neanderthal culture that gave such emphasize to the Moon as magic but humans have their menstruation synchronized precisely with the Moon unlike other primates. In other words anthropology professor Chris Knight's book "Blood Relations" is based his argument of a "human conspiracy" origin of human language from a "sex strike" of the females acting in solidarity to ensure the males do long distance hunting in support of raising the family and not be violent towards the females. So this was our original human culture based on a lunar psychic paranormal healing energy that Stan Gooch also wrote about in regards to the neanderthals.
The humans defeated and coevolved with the neanderthals due to our sophisticated use of technology as right hand dominance and left brain dominance. I'm currently reading Psychiatrist Professor Iaian McGilchrist's new tome - two books - on how right brain dominance is more successful on an evolutionary level than left brain dominance.
So with left brain dominance we are controlled by our lower emotions - what I call the anger-fear-ejaculation cycle. Dr. Helen Caldicott calls it "Missile Envy" - the title of her book. She was a prominent - and still is - anti-nuclear activist. But she now admits that there is now point in her writing a follow up book on why it is the male physiology that is the cause of our current problems. In other words the evil is "hard-wired" - especially when the ejaculation addiction trauma attacks boys before they finish puberty. 

So the coherent biophoton spirit energy gets hard-wired at a low frequency in the body as the "intention" of the person due to their "magnetic moment" of the virtual photons. This is their soul intention. Our problem today is not realizing that evil is real and essentially modern human culture is controlled by a patriarchal chimpanzee culture based on rape and warfare. Our original human culture ensured that ALL males trained in spiritual healing based on the female regenerative energy of Nature they called N/om or other names. 

In modern science it is the "magnetic moment" of the virtual photons. We can listen to it but not see it - we can logcially infer it. This is the paradox of humans leaving the rainforest because listening was our primary perception in the rainforest. Cultures that live in the rainforest have bad 3D perception visually.

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