Friday, March 4, 2022

The Symphony of Life: Donald Hatch Andrews book is requested: What about Pascual Jordan? Nonsymmetric Noncommutative antigravity acceleration Bernard Heim

 Someone reading one of my comments has requested Donald Hatch Andrews' book "The Symphony of Life." I cite it in my master's thesis. They can not access the book unless the go to their local university library and they don't have "interlibrary loan." Luckily I do have interlibrary loan so the book will soon be available at my local town library. Then I will send him the book electronically - for private viewing - or maybe I can just upload the pages as a fair use educational resource. I will not scan the book but rather take photos of it. The scanner would damage the binding - as I don't have a special "book scanner" machine.

Meanwhile I have ordered Edward Fouche's "historical fiction" account of his discovery of the secret military TR-3B equilateral no fuselage craft - as discussed last night on the Alienscientist youtube channel (where I did a couple Pop-Up presentations!). I know that Fouche SAW the craft for real because I also SAW the craft so close I could have hit it with a rock!! I had no idea about any of the equilateral triangle craft research before I saw it up close. So when I heard Ed Fouche describe the SAME craft precisely then I knew his story was the real deal.

NOW is it "all the real" deal? No - but then he wrote it as "fiction" - so obviously he is speculating for most of it I imagine. And the book was published in a southern suburb of the Twin Cities Minnesota - where I am at. I used to do activist writing with someone from that same suburb of Lakeville, Minnesota - but that local publisher tied to FATE magazine - has now "shut down permanently." 

The harder you bash, the bigger the resulting invisible region is. Black holes and the quantum gravity theory that describes their interiors completely reverse the usual relationship between high energies and short distances. “Gravity is anti-reductionist,” said Sergei Dubovsky, a physicist at New York University. 

  Perhaps explanations really can flow both ways between the UV and the IR. “That’s not totally pie in the sky, because we know that gravity does that,” he said. “Gravity violates the normal EFT reasoning because it mixes physics at all length scales — short distances, long distances. Because it does that, it gives you this way out.”

  And the number of high-energy particle states it can contain is proportional to the observable universe’s surface area to the three-fourths power, not the universe’s (much larger) volume.

That means the usual EFT calculation of the cosmological constant is too naive. That calculation tells the story that high-energy phenomena should appear when you zoom in on the fabric of space, and this should blow up the energy of space. But the CKN bound implies that there may be far, far less high-energy activity than the EFT calculation assumes — meaning precious few high-energy states available for particles to occupy. Cohen, Kaplan and Nelson did a simple calculation showing that, for a box the size of our universe, their bound predicts more or less exactly the tiny value for the cosmological constant that’s observed..........

 They studied situations where there’s a background magnetic field filling space. To get the gist of how UV-IR mixing arises here, imagine a pair of oppositely charged particles attached by a spring and flying through space, perpendicular to the magnetic field. As you crank up the field’s energy, the charged particles accelerate apart, stretching the spring. In this toy scenario, higher energies correspond to longer distances........

 “Just the fact that you lose reductionism when you go to the Planck scale, so that gravity is anti-reductionist,” Dubovsky said, “I think it would be, in some sense, unfortunate if this fact doesn’t have deep implications for things which we observe.”

 Strange the article makes NO mention of noncommutative UV-IR mixing. At least not blatantly.

So before I read that paper - we need to return BACK to the Jordan-Thiry physics model as being noncommutative....or the "torsion" physics that Joseph P. Farrell tries to dig into re: antigravity ufo propulsion.

The Nonsymmetric Kaluza–Klein (Jordan–Thiry) Theory leads to a model of a modified acceleration that can fit an anomalous acceleration experienced by the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft.

The Nonsymmetric Kaluza–Klein (Jordan–Thiry) Theory has been created and developed (see Refs [1], [2], [3], [4], also [5], [6], [7]). The theory uses a nonsymmetric metrization of a fibre bundle. On a space-time theory uses a formalism of Einstein Unified Field Theory with
Moffat interpretation as an extended theory of gravitation (see Ref. [8]). The theory has been considered in 5-dimensional case (Refs [1], [3]) and also in (n + 4)-dimensional case (see Refs [1], [2]), including also spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs’ mechanism (see Ref. [1]).
In 5-dimensional case the theory is bi-invariant with respect to U(1)-group action on a fibre bundle. In a general non-Abelian case we have only right-invariance of an action of a group G on a bundle. The theory has been applied to a problem of an anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft (see Ref. [9]). We develop a theory finding spherically symmetric solutions
(5-dimensional electromagnetic case) with particle-like properties and generalized plane gravito-electromagnetic waves (see Refs [3], [10]). A dielectric model of a confinement of charge (see Ref. [10]) has been posed and developed. Afterwards such a model has been extended to a non- belian dielectric model of color confinement (see Ref. [11]). The Nonsymmetric Kaluza–Klein Theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs’ mechanism has been developed.

These fields, known also under the name of gauge fields, are very much
like the electromagnetic fields, but are endowed with a richer structure, due
to being associated with the so called non-Abelian (non-commutative) gauge
groups. Roughly speaking they differ from the electromagnetic field in that
they possess several types of “photons” (photon — a quantum of an electro-
magnetic field). These “photons” called intermediate bosons in the case of
weak interactions (strictly speaking weak-electromagnetic ones) and gluons
in the case of strong interactions (in the so called quantum chromodynamics
— Q.C.D.), carry interactions in a manner similar to usual photons carrying
electromagnetic interactions. A special mechanism called after Higgs endows
masses to these intermediate bosons. Glashow–Salam–Weinberg (GSW)
model, since it is the one which unified the electromagnetic and weak in-
teractions, employs gauge fields with the group SU(2)L × U(1)Y , whereas
quantum chromodynamics is using the SU (3)C group.

So they state by setting the Scalar to a zero dimension then the noncommutative or nonsymmetric Pascual Jordan theory can be unified...

Axially-symmetric, stationary fields, gravito-electromagnetic waves
and a possibility to travel in higher dimensions in the Nonsymmetric Kaluza–Klein Theory

The set of those equations gives us a possibility of travelling in higher dimensions due to the
existence of Higgs’ field and a charge qα connected to it. This is in some sense a Lorentz force
term involving Higgs’ field. For a Higgs’ field is a gauge field over fifth and sixth dimensions,
the force involves higher dimensions. Such a situation can give a possibility to go to distant
points in space crosspassing in short (shortcut), travelling in time, or to go out from compact,
3-dimensional objects without crossing boundaries

The Nonsymmetric Kaluza–Klein (Jordan–Thiry) Theory.
A path to a Unified Field Theory
M. W. Kalinowski

Back to the noncommutative IR-UV mixing:

One of the particularly intriguing quantum effect of the
spacetime noncommutativity is the exhibition of fascinating
dynamics due to the ultraviolet/infrared phenomenon, named
as the UV/IR mixing, an interrelation between short and long
distance scales absent in ordinary quantum field theory, in
which the ultraviolet and infrared degrees of freedom are
mixed in a way similar to what is expected to happen in a
theory of Quantum Gravity. In NC theory without SW maps
[20–31] itwas shown for the first time howUVshort distance
effects, could alter the IR dynamics, thus becoming known
as the celebrated UV/IR mixing

Searching for higher dimensional wormholes with noncommutative geometry

Noncommutative geometry, an offshoot of string theory, replaces point-like structures with smeared objects and has recently been extended to higher dimensions. The purpose of this letter is to obtain wormhole solutions with this extended noncommutative geometry as a background. It is found through this investigation that wormhole solutions exist in the usual four, as well as in five dimensions, but they do not exist in higher-dimensional spacetimes.

 In the analysis of this work, we considered a constant redshift function, the
so-called zero-tidal force solution to make the wormhole traversable by hu-
manoid travelers. This assumption simplified the mathematical calculations,
but it also provided sufficiently exciting exact solutions. It is worthwhile to
mention here that the wormhole in four dimensional spacetime is asymptoti-
cally flat whereas in five dimension it is asymptotically non-flat and for higher
than five dimensions no wormhole exists.

 Energy nonconservation as a link between f(R,T) gravity and noncommutative quantum theory

 If time is considered as an operator and there are compact spatial coordinates which do not commute with time, then the time evolution gets quantized and energy conservation can be violated. In the present work we construct a model in a 5-dimensional flat spacetime consisting of 3 commutative spatial dimensions and 1 compact spatial dimension whose coordinate does not commute with time. We show that energy flows from the 3-dimensional commutative slice into the compact extra dimension (and vice versa), so that conservation of energy is restored. 

  The external spacetime is complemented by an (internal) gauge space, termed Heim space, or . An important outcome is that there should exist four families of leptons and quarks (Fig. 1), where the fourth family of particles possesses negative masses and is assumed to represent DM, living in dual spacetime (see below), and thus cannot be observed directly in our Minkowski spacetime. A new concept arises, denoted matter flavour (analogous to quark flavour), which is derived from the hypercomplex group structure that incorporates both dark and ordinary matter (OM) as well as the hypercomplex masses of the three bosons representing the postulated hypercomplex-gravity fields.

the late B. Heim [38] proposed a metron size (elemental surface with spin) decreasing in the course of the cosmic evolution leading to a symmetry breaking at the Planck scale and subsequent generation of matter.


What It Is or Might Be

Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 16, 1957 [109]

8 Principles of Propellantless Space Propulsion

The article by A. V. Cleaver [109], Rolls Royce entitled “Electro-Gravity: What It Is or Might Be,” was written more than 60 years ago. In it, a completely novel approach to space propulsion is discussed, so-called interaction field propulsion. Furthermore, in the article, it is stated that the Martin Co. (now Lockheed Martin) actually ran advertisements appealing for scientific researchers interested in gravity. It is further reported that extramural contracts were placed, through their Research Institute for Advanced Study, with Dr. Pascual Jordan and Burkhard Heim, at the German Universities of Hamburg and Göttingen. A recent comprehensive and well-written biography on the life and scientific work of Burkhard Heim was published by von Ludwiger (in German) [110]. A few years later, the need for advanced space propulsion methods based on field propulsion was discussed again in the books by Seifert [111] in 1959 and Corliss [112] in 1960 as well as by Samaras [113].

Extreme gravitomagnetic fields, termed hypercomplex gravity (see below), may be generated by the interaction between gravity and electrodynamics (in the so-called Heim experiment) and seem to be the only physically realistic chance for propellantless propulsion. Extreme gravitomagnetic (or hypercomplex) fields might have been measured by M. Tajmar as was analyzed in [9], as well as in several other articles. However, there is no smoking gun proving their existence.

Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 4, 2021

Gravity beyond Einstein? Part III: numbers and coupling constants, contradictory experiments, hypercomplex gravity like-fields, propellantless space propulsion


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