Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Singing Revolution and the Estonia Defense League: How moving a Bronze state of Soviet "liberators" escalated in 2007 to now

 The Singing Revolution - trailer of the documentary

The Singing Revolution is about how tens of thousands of people singing together ended the Soviet Occupation of Estonia and the other baltic states.

I just heard our US senator mentioned how when Estonia moved a Soviet Statue in 2007 then it escalated into their whole country computer system being shut down a few days later. Then a volunteer Estonian Defense League formed - practicing target aiming in the forest...

And I subscribed to a former Estonia military person - about a year ago - and he reported how again tens of thousands of Estonians have taken to the streets to support the Ukrainians defending their nation.

I have debated a couple of Russian youtube commenters - promoting their Dictator's attack. The typical line is that while Kiev existed as a city before Moscow, the Russian State existed before Ukraine as a state. I pointed out that indigenous nations are sovereign but they are not states. Then I was accused of the logical fallacy of then why did the native indigenous Indians get put on reservations, etc.?

Two wrongs don't make a right. We can see the left brain logical fallacies of the time change. I stated that Kurt Godel's Incompleteness Theorem means that Understanding is before an Algorithm. I then cited the legal argument in Latin - if something comes before something else that doesn't mean it caused it. Just because native Indians were put into reservations does not mean that caused them to have national sovereignty.

I call this Chimpanzee Culture. Female chimps learned to use spears so that they would not be raped by male chimps "bringing home meat" and thus "demanding" their ejaculation addiction. Modern human civilization is really no different. It's based on what Dr. Helen Caldicott calls "Missile Envy" - so it's an escalation of who has the bigger missile or testicles - or the Oedipal Complex as Freud called it - later called the Edifice Complex (who has the bigger pyramid or sky scraper, etc.).

So the problem is that modern humans have lost what true love is - so that elite females align themselves with their predator ejaculation addiction "alpha males." So therefore - the female chimp thinks if she uses the spear (or the human female relies on technology) therefore the PROBLEM of the male ejaculation addiction violence will be solved. NO - it only solves the "symptom" of the problem and thus creates an escalation of technology.

I just ordered the latest book release from Trineday - written by a music composition professor - called TechnoFascism. 

 I actually talked to the publisher the other day - "Kris" Millegan. He had sent me a book contract in 2012 and I signed it and wrote the book. But the book was just an early exploration and too broad-based to be worth publishing as a "real" book. So I just self-published it as a pdf - and it's gotten a few good reviews. haha.

Kris refers to "cold fusion" in his latest podcast interview with the author of Technofascism. 

Of course my view is much more radical than the views pontificated by the authors in Kris's book catalog of books he's published. The reason I had talked to Kris is that I was calling his very first author - Daniel Hopsicker. I had just put in the "package" order for Daniel's DVD documentaries and previous books plus ordered is forthcoming book. The only thing is last time I Pre-ordered a book from Daniel - I never got it. It was I'm sure just an overlook and Kris said Daniel's working hard to finish his latest new book Gangster Planet.  

So Daniel has done great research exposing the Russian Mafia backing of Drumpf - the evil disaster that posed as President. Again my view is more radical. I have a mathematical-music structural critique of Western civilization that I call the "Natural Resonance Revolution." Kris first promoted my work back in 2001 - as my music theory "Actual Matrix Plan" expose was posted by him on his listserve.

 I guess it was 2002 on his listserve. So that's why he contacted me in 2012 to write a follow up book! haha. The book I wrote had 725 scholarly foot notes but it was again still in an early exploration into the noncommutative music mathematics. I had not yet discovered Alain Connes music theory lecture that corroborated my concept!! Nor had I discovered Eddie Oshins who further corroborated my concept - along with his collaborator math professor Louis Kauffman. And then finally quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley.

So since 2012 I have taken my research to a whole other level - based on the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. Kris Millegan really has no idea about my research now although he does say that 1 plus 1 = 3 or something like that. He's repeated that a couple times now. I think he picked that up from reading my 2012 book. Let's see if I can find a quote ...

Oh well - back to Russia as a Dictator. Yes the U.S. is an Evil Empire. I read Trineday's book "Wall Street and the Russian Revolution" - and I have corresponded with the author who built on Antony Sutton's research. Kris was greatly inspired by Antony Sutton...

Kris did a great article about his own Dad being in the CIA and the ties to skull and bones and the drug trade... I wonder if that got taken down? I seem to notice some of his previous books now gone from his catalog? .... I'm just noticing this now....

Daniel Marvin - I don't think it was this author. No - it was James somebody. James Files!!

His books were not listed in the Trineday catalog... I think something happened....

Upon opening to the preface of the book, I was surprised to have found it authored by Dan Marvin.

 OK so the book has the typical Trineday book cover image - and the forward is by Daniel Marvin - and Trineday had a huge lawsuit re: Daniel Marvin. Kris says he won the lawsuit against the CIA (Special Forces Association)!!

 My guess is that is why the book is not on the Trineday catalog....

the only thing I ever said Posada told
me was that Files was apart of the company, when Wim found that out he
started to push the story that would otherwise benefit him,

 Yeah his book - Kaiser - ALSO has the Trineday "cover" but is not listed in the Trineday catalog...

So super shyster Kris Millegan actually falsifies others stories/books by
inserting bogus references to his wannabe whistleblower JVB and Dim
Wankbaar's bs about Files. Way to go, Trine Day.


The confession made by Files was undermined by research carried out by Edward Jay Epstein. With the help of private detective, Jules Kroll, Epstein established from telephone records Files was in Chicago, not Dallas, on 22nd November, 1963....

John R. Stockwell also researched the story and came up with several reasons why it is not true. He points out that Fines makes factual mistakes in his confession about Lee Harvey Oswald, Sam Giancana, and David Atlee Phillips (see below). Stockwell also points out that it was highly unlikely that the Mafia would still be planning the assassination of John F. Kennedy on the morning of 22nd November, 1963.

Wim Dankbaar and other defenders of the James Files confession disagree strongly with Stockwell's findings and have published their views on the JFK Murder Solved website..

So Kris probably dropped the book...

 So Kris says in this interview how someone paid girls to scream at Elvis's concerts and then the girls just started screaming on their own!!

THAT explains the whole "screaming girls" phenomenon!!

Yeah Kris replied to me that "don't buy Files" - a double entendre....


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