Monday, February 21, 2022

EcoDoom Axioms due to symmetric-based mathematics as structural drive of science

 1) "Civilization is a Heat Engine" - this is the mantra that Prof. Emeritus GEE McFearSun repeats regarding Tim Garret's peer-reviewed research on entropy and civilization. Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes points out that the nonlocal noncommutative time-frequency force of quantum gravity is based on negentropy or "negative entropy" - and it's modeled by Pythagorean discrete music ratios. Nonwestern cultures did not believe in Linear Time defined by symmetric-based exponential and inverse exponential mathematics (logarithms). Rather the secret of nonwestern ecological wisdom was based on listening FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty and thus resonating with the Negentropic heailng harmonization of the future due to quantum noncommutativiity.

2) The Exponential Function is the Problem - this is the mantra of former Physics Professor Albert Bartlett who gave the SAME lecture in person over 1000 times - revealing how science is based on the exponential function yet the exponential function is the root cause of the ecological and energy crisis on Earth. Yes secretly the logarithmic symmetric math was created from the WRONG music theory and it's inverse exponential function was then hidden as a Democratic Social Harmony via the logarithmic music theory. This enabled the elite to promote exponential growth via technological process.

3) Jevon's Paradox aka the Incorrect Supply and Demand Model. I used this title for my environmental eocnomics course in the early 90s as part of my "new environmental option" in International Relations - my undergraduate degree was a new sustainable development degree. I had to take one third of classes on economics, one third in political science and one third in biology. I discovered that rather then integrate the three areas for sustainability, as I was supposed to do, each area LIED about the other ones to justify their own lies. And so the Incorrect Supply and Demand Model, as Economics Professor Michael E. Hudson points out, never questions why people don't just share their economic goods in the first place! Also all the environmental and labor "externalities" are not included. In fact Professor Robert Nadeau's book "Environmental Endgame" pointed out that since the supercomputers model abrupt global warming using chaos math iterations then science is dependent on that chaos math - even for economics! This argument was ignored by the "Economist" magazine of course - a Rothschild production.

4) left brain linear time causation is a byproduct of the wrong perception of reality due to ignoring our ancient advanced acoustic alchemy training. The fact is, as per the research of radical anthropologists, humans for 90% of our biological existence lived in over all peace and loving culture based on the female or matrilineal dominance of Mother Nature. The Lunar calendar synchronizes the pineal gland and menstruation cycle of females living as a group in Nature. The lunar calendar is based on the 12 number system the same as the 12 note music scale from the infinite "spiral" of Perfect Fifths and Perfect Fourths as noncommutative 5D relativistic quantum reverse time negative frequency healing energy! This is how to leave the Matrix - to practice music as meditation training via the Louis de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony as modeled by the noncommutative time-frequency Pythagorean music ratios, as Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes realized.

5) The truth of reality is an eternal zero "point of origination" at the zero dimension of geometry with a 5th dimension of yin-yang or time-frequency nonlocal energy aka "protoconsciousenss" or the Emptiness that radiates light - or the Cosmic Mother that will never been seen. Since we can listen up to ten times faster than time-frequency uncertainty therefore the true of reality is accessibly by humans as a conscious practice of resonating our matter to a frequency that is actually a "negative frequency" and "reverse time" energy. This is the secret power of "gravitational entropy" as Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose emphasizes - with signals from before the Big Bang! The Harmony of Heaven and Earth is thus a deep listening as a harmonization of the elements inside us before we can harmonize the elements outside of us. As Dr. Vandana Shiva, quantum physicist and ecofeminist, argues: Growth Happens from Within. This is the true message of "Deep Ecology" or "radical ecology" or "ecofeminism." The Womb of the Universe is listening to us eternally from the future. Thus the Universe is Friendly, just as Einstein wondered.

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