Temperature trends for the past 65 Ma and potential geohistorical analogs for future climates. Six geohistorical states (red arrows) of the climate system are analyzed as potential analogs for future climates. For context, they are situated next to a multi-timescale time series of global mean annual temperatures for the last 65 Ma. Major patterns include a long-term cooling trend, periodic fluctuations driven by changes in the Earth’s orbit at periods of 104–105 y, and recent and projected warming trends.
Unmitigated scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions produce climates like those of the Eocene, which suggests that we are effectively rewinding the climate clock by approximately 50 My, reversing a multimillion year cooling trend in less than two centuries.
Pliocene and Eocene provide best analogs for near-future climates
he Mid-Pliocene becomes the best climate analog slightly sooner, by 2030 CE, but the prevalence of Eocene-like climates accelerates after 2050 CE,
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