Thursday, November 11, 2021

Why Noncommutative Geometry aka Quantum Algebra is based on "Observables" - Dr. Ruth E. Kastner's response on virtual photons and Newton's 3rd Law

 Hmm, I think the 'noncommutative' aspect of QM is something else. It
relates to observables . The fields that interact in TI are out of
phase in a different way--they reinforce one another between emitter
and absorber and cancel one another out everywhere else.

And my response back:

 It's funny that Alain Connes uses music theory to explain his noncommutative model yet deep listening is not observable. Costa de Beauregard says that time is asymmetric as an observable. OK now it's starting to make sense. Fascinating.

Reply from Dr. Kastner:

 Interesting. In TI, 'time passing' in the sense of
experienced/actualized events (like hearing a piece of music) is just
the number of transactions accumulating.

On the other hand, rest mass itself carries with it a kind of 'hour
glass' or internal clock, apart from any transactions.

Both these aspects of time are asymmetrical, but the latter exists at
the level of possibility.
The 'time symmetric' field of TI applies only to virtual photons. And
that's actually the source of Newton's 3rd law (the symmetric
character of forces).

  But if one of the billiard balls had a negative mass, then when the two balls collide they will accelerate in the same direction. This effect could be useful in a diametric drive, a speculative “engine” in which negative and positive mass interact to accelerate forever. NASA explored using the effect in the 1990s in a bid to make a diametric drive for better spacecraft propulsion. But there was a very big fly in the ointment: quantum mechanics states that matter cannot have a negative mass. Even antimatter, made of particles with the opposite charge and spin to their normal matter counterparts, has positive mass. 

 Thus, given Costa de Beauregard’s suggestion of “zigzag” causal influences, it is perfectly possible for a retrocausal model of quantum phenomena to be nonlocal in the sense that causal relations exist between spacelike separated events, but “local” in the sense that these causal influences are mediated by timelike trajectories. To avoid ambiguity, it will be useful to refer to this latter sense as “action-by-contact” (set apart from action-at-a-distance).

 Evans (2018) argues that a basic retrocausal model of the sort envisaged by Costa de Beauregard (see §1) employs just such an internal cancel ling paths explanation to account for the unfaithful (no signaling) causal channels. See also Almada et al. (2016) for an argument that fine tuning in the quantum context is robust and arises as a result of symmetry considerations.



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