Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Frequency of the Supernatural: Revealing the Mysteries of God's Quantum Universe by Michael-David

 I was pleasantly surprised by this book despite his obvious rejection of anything that smacks of the occult, New Age or paganism. He relies on the Pentatonic music scale for a mass performance of healing harp music without mentioning that the pentatonic music scale is the backbone of occult, pagan healing spiritual music!! The New Age is actually just a kind of shadow side of Christianity as both are based on Platonic worldviews of Western science....

And so this author who has a website...

He quotes a great Bible verse - Eccelesiates chapter 3, verse 11 

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

If only people knew how true this is!

here's his youtube channel 

The reviews on Amazon are mixed - clearly the science went over the head of some readers. Michael-David actually does an impressive job of digging deep into the science and he dismisses the Quantum Woo woo of the New Age. 

So he did a science experiment in high school based on photoacoustic transduction - and this led him to invent a Haarp transduction of a LED light. So that the light vibrations resonating from the haarp would be transduced via a speaker into music.... and he patented that invention.

 So just as physics professor Philip Moriarty didn't know about noncommutative phase of the Law of PHase Harmony - or neglected to mention it - so too does Michael-David get close but not quite there on the secret of quantum music.  Michael-David emphasizes he teaches "real science" as does Physics Professor PHilip Moriarity. They both dismiss quantum woo woo or "pseudoscience" as Michael-David states yet both would reject each other as well. The world is funny that way. 

He does an interview on quantum physics

Yeah he's actually Canadian.

 So he's saying that God is precognitive. Olivier Costa de Beauregard was inspired by his catholic faith also. 

Where his presence is there is no sickness

So glad to see the Pentecostal Charismatic worshipers are recognizing quantum music as healing energy....




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