Starts around 3 hours

Crypto Horsepower
Love listening to Voidisyingyang AWESOME STUFF

void your knowledge is to high up for them they are not worthy
void is a progressed spiritual being dropping big knowledge going right by all of you
yes he needs to come back , see if he has a channel
Daniel Foster
Yeah come back Void.
very interesting stuff!.
void you have to stop there not worthy of this knowledge
Kate Schneider
Interesting stuff!
Ghost Rider
hes has opened his third eye probably
The Fallout Cinema
Basically he just covered that reality is the matrix and we're all NEO
Simon Cleret
The problem is that we haven't adequately STUDIED meditation
Paul Dipetro
this dude next level lol what's his yt or Twitter???
The Fallout Cinema
The dude is a glorified programmer
Esoteric Gold
what a brilliant alchemist
I know! I am tired and have work tomorrow but I cant stop this is too damned interesting
I love this shit
this is fascinating.. always a good listen
VoidisYinYang I Just Subscribed! Awesome Content Man!
it's ok to not understand what he's saying, he's dropping high level knowledge
Brian X@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
do you recommend a particular music theory system or method?
fascinating if you can dig it.
Doctor Hongo
this guy knows everything we should ask him how to build a tic tac
Doctor Hongo
he is a real illuminati
obviously we're moving out of alien territory but he's dropping big spiritual knowledge that people pay a lot of money for
I'm usually combative to BS... he's real
another big drop right there with the posture
everyone he quotes is adept, if you are here and listing to this it is because your are supposed to be
Ghost Rider
He must be fun to work with
Doctor Hongo
jeremy ask him how to build a ufo. this guy knows everything!
Simon Cleret
This is straight-up brain candy
how sorry do you feel for all the people giving their money to snakes like David Swillcocks after listening to that dude straight dropping science. Haha Thank you Jeremy this might be one of the only channels I can just listen to for 4-5 hours straight!
Very interesting discussion!
voldisyinyang.......good lord. I think he just confirmed that humans are internally capable of most anything, including anti-gravity (flying), time travel, telepathy, seeing the future, directed energy, etc. And here we are thinking we need to create the technology to achieve these things. As he said, technology is preventing/restricting our enlightenment. It's little wonder our ET friends are so interested in studying humans. It's a pity that most people just sit around, watching junk on TV and eating potato chips.
Really appreciate voidisyinyang rants
Astrophysics Professor Paul S. Wesson realized, the 4D spacetime universe exists in a holographic 5D black hole. Wesson:
" ...the presence of oscillations in the vacuum have the same properties as de Broglie waves....5D field equations which in 4D has the properties of a de Broglie wave....the difference can show up as a small perturbation which leads to an effect similar to quantum uncertainty...
a "wavicle" is two simultaneous realizations of flat space, one with waves and one without.
From the viewpoint of 5D field theory, waves of de Broglie type have to be considered real.So in 5D all particles behave like photons and everything in the universe is in causal contact with everything else.
an oscillatory phase, which might (if a person is so inclined) be identified with... spiritual modes of existence...separation
between points is zero, so all of the events in the world are in (5D) causal contact. In other words, everything is occurring simultaneously. There is no plausible way to avoid the conclusion that particles which can be seen moving at speeds less than c should be accompanied by waves which cannot be seen and are moving at speeds greater than c.
de Broglie waves are better understood in 5D ...characteristic of inflationary cosmology...its 5D complex a model for de Broglie waves. A null interval admits, in a formal sense, velocities in 3D which exceed lightspeed.
a particle not as a point but a tiny ball of trapped waves. ..some of it verging on the mystical.De Broglie waves follow automatically when the expressions for the energy of a particle [E=mc squared] and a wave [E=Planck's Constant multipled by frequency] are combined.
This, admittedly, sounds strange.
Whether one believes in a model like this that straddles physics and spirituality is up to the individual....However it is remarkable that such a model can even be formulated, bridging as it does realms of experience which traditionally have been viewed as immutably separate."
Dirac realized Heisenberg's matrices were noncommutative from Whittaker - NOT Heaviside. Oops. thanks
page 299 of A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies by Edmund Whittaker -
" Dirac had surmised, the Poisson bracket, which first appeared over a century before in the writings of French mathematician Simeon-Denis Poisson..."
He was citing Whittaker...
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