Interview with Professor Constantinos Vayenas
This is so AWESOME. Brilliant research.
Dr. Constantinos G. Vayenas, Professor, University of Patras, Greece,
Neutrinos are also tricky to study. The only ways they interact is through gravity and the weak force, which is, well, weak.
Microscopic black hole stabilization via the uncertainty principle
Due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, gravitational confinement of two- or three-rotating particle systems can lead to microscopic Planckian or sub-Planckian black holes with a size of order their Compton wavelength. Some properties of such states are discussed in terms of the Schwarzschild geodesics of general relativity and compared with properties computed via the combination of special relativity, equivalence principle, Newton's gravitational law and Compton wavelength. It is shown that the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) provides a satisfactory fit of the Schwarzschild radius and Compton wavelength of such microscopic, particle-like, black holes.
According to the equivalence principle, the gravitational mass equals the inertial mass, mi, and the latter which can be directly computed from special relativity, is an increasing function of the Lorentz factor, γ, and thus of the particle velocity. We consider gravitationally bound rotating composite states, and we show that the ratio of the gravitational force for gravitationally bound rotational states to the force corresponding to low (γ ≈ 1) particle velocities is of the order of (mPl/mo)2 where mpi is the Planck mass (ħc/G)1/2.
It has been found recently that the gravitational attraction between ultrarelativistic neutrinos leads to the formation of rotational gravitationally confined composite particles with the properties of hadrons. Here we compare the special relativistic and general relativistic treatments of such composite particles using in the latter case the Schwarzschild geodesics. Both treatments are found to give the same result for the relativistic gravitational force acting on the rotating particles.
We analyze the dependence on neutrino energy of the gravitational attraction between ultrarelativistic neutrinos using Special Relativity and the equivalence principle of inertial and gravitational mass. It is found that when accounting for the special relativistic increase in particle mass with particle speed, then this gravitational force reaches the value of the Strong Force at a neutrino energy of 313 MeV, corresponding to the effective mass of a quark. This force can sustain the rotational motion of self-gravitating neutrino triads or electron/positron-neutrino pairs, and thus lead to the self driven generation of mass, i.e. of hadrons and bosons, the masses of which can be computed with an astonishing precision of 1\% without any adjustable parameters.
We formulate a Bohr-type rotating particle model for three light particles of the same rest mass, forming a bound rotational state under the influence of their gravitational attraction, in the same way that electrostatic attraction leads to the formation of a bound proton-electron state in the classical Bohr model of the H atom. By using special relativity, the equivalence principle and the de Broglie wavelength equation, we find that when the three rotating particles have the rest masses of neutrinos or antineutrinos then surprisingly the rest mass of the rotating state has the rest mass of the stable baryons, i.e. of the proton and the neutron. This rest mass is due almost exclusively to the kinetic energy of the rotating neutrinos. The results are found to be consistent with the theory of general relativity. Predictions for the properties of these bound rotational states are compared with experimental values.
A Bohr-type model with gravity as the attractive force
Mathematical modeling of mass generation via confinement of relativistic particles
A simple mathematical model is presented for the generation of mass via the spontaneous confinement of elementary particles, e.g. electrons, neutrinos or quarks, in bound rotational states with relativistic particle velocities. In this simple mechanism, which is operative both in chemical and in physical systems, the new mass which is created corresponds to the kinetic energy of the trapped particles. It is shown that the ratio of the new mass created to the initial mass is very small for chemical systems but can be very high in the case of gravitational confinement of neutrinos in rotational states with relativistic particle velocities.
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