Here, the ripple maximum has been shifted to the right, as the other half of the ripple starts the inversion process.
The ripple’s maximum does not simply move downward toward its concave
position. When the ripple’s maximum moves toward the outer edge, the
opposite side of the ripple is pulled inward and downward, and it passes
through the fixed outer edge first. The ripple’s maximum then quickly
flips to the opposite side via snap-through buckling. This trajectory,
along with local bond flexing, significantly lowers the energy barrier
for inversion. The large-scale coherent movement of ripple atoms during
curvature inversion is unique to two-dimensional materials https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0375/11/7/516/htm

A Potential Source of Clean, Limitless Energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrleMqm3HiU
we report on the electron flow dragging surface plasmon polaritons8,9
(SPPs): hybrid quasiparticles of infrared photons and electrons in
the Fizeau effect for light, the SPP drag by electrical currents defies
explanation by simple kinematics and is linked to the nonlinear
electrodynamics of Dirac electrons in graphene.
observed plasmonic Fizeau drag enables breaking of time-reversal
symmetry and reciprocity10 at infrared frequencies without resorting to
magnetic fields11,12 or chiral optical pumping13,14.
temperature difference between the graphene and circuit, in a circuit
producing power, would contradict the second law of thermodynamics.
negentropy. Reverse time energy
rate of change in resistance provided by the diodes adds an extra
factor to the power.” new field of physics to prove the diodes increased
the circuit’s power celebrated theory of Nyquist,”
team found that at room temperature the thermal motion of graphene does
in fact induce an alternating current (AC) in a circuit, an achievement
thought to be impossible.
the graphene uses 1/2 spin delocalized electrons so the energy is
harvesting virtual photons. Virtual photons have ALREADY Been captured
in lab work by Nobel physics committee scientists. So yes it is
"negentropic" energy. It's just now "random" or Brownian energy. It's
noncommutative phase energy as per de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.
Alternatively, when graphene is compressed, a bump or ripple forms. Its
movement is then governed by barrier crossing events and the vibrations
shift to extremely low frequencies [16,17,18,19].
Paul Thibado from the University of Arkansas to discuss his latest research on a graphene-enhanced circuit to continuously produce energy.
can you do a follow up video on this technology? He says it could be
scaled up but it would cost a million dollars. But if it is unlimited
free energy - then wouldn't an "economy of scale" be the goal? The
dollar value is not the same as the ENERGY value. If you are producing
at scale then the cost of production could be so cheap that there's no
point in stealing something that is unlimited energy.Could graphene offer limitless energy for electronic devices?
32 subscribers
all right welcome everyone to another nj2d
video interview today i'm joined with paul thibardo from the university of arkansas [ARIZONA] and it's
interesting one today because we don't cover much academic research but interesting research and
developments coming out by paul and his team here so paul if you just um like to explain what you have been doing around using graphene in um circuits and why your recent piece of research is uh in your words would say it's exciting maybe sure yeah thanks for uh inviting me to talk with you
um so yeah we uh well let me just start really quick with what's really special about graphene um it's it's of course just a single atomic plane of carbon atoms but they're all connected together through the bonds of the carbon bonds which are which are very strong bonds and as a as a sheet of carbon atoms
it has special properties that are different than let's say gas molecules where they're all able to move freely independent of each other and they're also very different from a solid where the atoms are trapped in a lattice site and they can just kind of jiggle around this small position within the lattice
so you can kind of imagine i like to think of graphene uh when it when it's freestanding or suspended uh kind of like the surface of the ocean where it's just constantly in motion and it can have large excursions in its motion and another good analogy maybe would be like a sheet hanging on a clothesline
you know in the wind you can kind of see because the sheet is all connected together by the fabric but it can move in that third dimension on a large scale so we had been studying uh this the graphene
using a microscope called the scanning tunneling microscope and we noticed because it's at room temperature just like the air molecules in the room are they're always moving because they're at room temperature the graphene is also always moving and it's moving by a large amount because it's free to move in this third dimension and the idea came well maybe we could put the graphene near an electrode that was stationary and as the distance between the electrode and the graphene
changed in time if we connected that to a circuit it would cause current to flow in the circuit so we were successful at doing that and that was uh that's kind of the foundation of our paper okay thank you so in in these um circuits um you mentioned using the motion of the graphene and is it the graphene sheet
that then allowing the work to be done across a circuit um what's the difference with using graphene compared to many other materials that are out there in use yeah the yeah so the graphene is
uh basically because it's moving all the
time which is just its thermal energy so it's at room temperature and that means it has some kinetic energy and that means it's moving um and because it can move large distances so it can move uh you know tens or you know 10 to 20 or 30 atomic sight distances unlike a a solid that large amount of motion is something that we can physically you know that gives us something to actually measure and
makes a big difference so you know it that that that's the main difference really between graphene and other materials is just this fact that it's two-dimensional i mean i guess you could use other materials that are two-dimensional i don't know if that would be a problem or not but the strong bonds of graphene you know make it very robust so it's easy to work with and lasts all you know throughout our you know studies then would you say it's the thermal motion of the graphene that is enabling the current to flow around the circuit then
yeah so basically we we we put a bias voltage between this stationary electrode in the graphene and then it forms a little capacitor actually and the ch if and and we have a since we have a voltage there the capacitor uh means that there's a charge on the um on the graphene uh you know divided by the voltage that we put on it so the if we put more voltage we'll get more charge
but the other thing is true is with a capacitor if you change the distance let's say we make the distance between the the tip and the graphene bigger the capacitance will go down and since the voltage is fixed charge will leave the capacitor so it has to flow off the capacitor and it has to complete the circuit so it'll flow off the capacitor let's say on this side of the circuit go all the way around to the other side and complete the circuit so that the charge is always equal and opposite on the capacitor
so we when we go out like this charge flows off the capacitor through the circuit and it does work on the circuit and when the graphene moves back toward the tip it charges to flow back onto the capacitor also causing it to flow through the circuit again it does work again so by by it
physically moving it's physically changing the value of the capacitance and then charge has to flow each time it does that the interesting thing is the graphene will move there's an electric force between the graphene and the tip and even though there's an electric force there the graphene will continue to move so the thermal force is bigger than this electric force if we put too much voltage it'll clamp down and just short
out it won't be a capacitor anymore but we can put a fairly large voltage up to 50 volts and it still will continue to move and not clamp down and so so there's a lot of um thermal force uh involved it turns out in the sheets of graphene does that mean if you're just using then the natural movement the natural thermal motion of graphene to create a charge on the circuit
there is the potential for a limitless kind of power without an external external power source you know that's a good question and that's kind of our next step is to see if that energy can be harvested right now there was a big question that you know this is an ac current it's a small ac current and if you want to make uh if you want to make that useful and you want to harvest that current you really have to convert it to a direct current instead of an alternating current so to do that you have to use diodes and so our first study was to connect the graphene circuit with the battery and the graphene and the electrode to two diodes two diodes really where one one diode would force the current to go through through it in one trajectory and then the other dial would have the current flowing through the circuit in a different trajectory so there's two paths for the charge to flow
as well we've separated it and turned it into what you'd call a pulsing dc current rather than an ac current and sorry gonna try and come in here uh so uh there's a paper from the 50s that says that if you connect a uh a diode to a to a a resistor which was which has brownian noise in it like kind of like the graphene that it would suppress the uh the current flowing through the diode uh to zero basically would zero out that that current that noisy current uh
so anyhow we you know we used a more complete theory that paper was more of an argument kind of invoking the second law and a temperature difference and what not um we did a more rigorous approach using this emerging field in physics which is which is not highly developed yet but called stochastic thermodynamics and that allows us to study precisely uh what's going on with the energy the heat and the work done in that circuit with the two diodes
and what we found was a major power
enhancement actually happens when you
to this brownian motion not a
suppression like they found
in the 50s and so it's interesting if
you look at the brownian motion and ratchet
uh that page now it has errors in it as
okay so say you can harness this um the energy from graphene um to make you know essentially a battery yeah like a battery that make and continuous power through the circuits um what kind what what level of um devices could this power are we talking like small like nanoelectronic devices or is it possible to create bigger um
that could yeah so we are actively pursuing that we've been working on this project for three years now and we've filed a few patents on the idea and we're actually developing circuits now which uh duplicate what we did in the lab but in a in a in a shrunken down you know format and uh and you can do some
you know basically there's a in our experiment there's a small amount of power it's actually nanowatts of power but it's in a really tiny area where there's just this graphene in the tips and the graphene is not that large microns in size that's having this thermal energy so if you if you do what if you do a slight calculation which it calls a like a um power density what's the power density so it's the power per unit area or the power per unit volume you find out that the power density is comparable to solar power
so with solar power you know you can get uh you know say a milliwatt in a in a in a centimeter by centimeter area uh and that's the same as a nanowatt you know in a micron by micron area so if we so the plan is to scale this uh kind of like maybe really it's using the same technology that um computer chips are made so it's a it's a foundry service that we're using in its taiwan semiconductor manufacturing
corporation we can submit fabrication designs to them and they build that and we replicate this circuit millions
of these circuits are replicated across
a tiny area and the hope is that
it will produce um you know
kind of like that basically that kind of
power density and so you'd have
a reasonable power in a chip
but it wouldn't rely on the sun shining
on it and you could stack these in the
so you can have a power density per unit volume and you could in principle build a
really big one let's say like it's a
meter by a meter by a meter of this
massive dense electrical circuit
and then you could connect up power
lines to it and transmit that power out
or whatever and distribute it and maybe have to have security around to protect it because it cost a billion dollars or whatever so we don't really envision that as the future we envision envision delivering the power right
where you're using it not having distributed power is what we say not like transmitting the power to everybody so any any device that you have uh you know would have this uh any anything that uses power ould have this device right there where the power was used in generating uh storing this power
in a capacitor and then you'd kind of use that power later like a rechargeable battery basically you know you'd use that power when you needed it and it could so it's a small power source which is good those are hard to come by those are people look for small power sources because then you can make small batteries and you could have these in sensors and you could distribute these you could throw them
out of an airplane or whatever and distribute them all over the place measuring the temperature and relaying that information let's say through a wireless technology and you could never go find all those things and replace the batteries every six months you know so you so you it would enable technologies
you know if you could have such a thing
like solar but just it doesn't require
sounds like yeah probably there's a lot of potential for possibly environmental monitoring or even
um small-scale medical monitoring as well yeah you know we do we were mentioning n one press release we did that you know people uh you know pacemakers and stuff have batteries that need to be replaced at some point in timeand also um you know like if you had knee replacement surgery is some
mechanical element inside your knee and it will wear over time if you had a sensor monitoring that and maybe telling your laptop every day
you know how your where your thickness is for example that would be better than you know just maybe having a problem someday and then having an mri done to see what's going on you know
inside you yeah i mean it sounds like there is a lot of potential for these uh for you know self-generating circuits so but how long um obviously say you're working on it right now building chips um at the moment how how long um will it be before we see um these chips and these circuits in in
commercial real-world devices yeah that's a good question um we are uh like you said make we're designing these uh circuits and building these circuits and testing them right now and the turnaround time is typically
a few months it takes like maybe a month to come up with the design and then we submit them and then we get the chips back about two months later and then we study those and do another design so it kind of depends how quickly we can get through enough design cycles to get something you know done
but uh you know it it it looks promising so om maybe a year from now it's i don't know about like having a product at walmart but having something that you know maybe you know some specialty it'll probably be expensive it's kind of like making a computer chip you know so uh you know initially the costs will be high so if
you want to pay a hundred dollars for your battery for example but at least it'll last forever that's going to be a specialty application you know that someone maybe with the military or whatever is willing to
to do something like that so i don't know if it'll be if any customer at walmart would want to buy it that ex i'd rather just buy a double a battery or something you know so there's a there's competition and
there's got to be some value in it yeah like anywhere there's this um the the higher end the higher value will it will be will be found by by some industrial sectors so it's good to see that it doesn't seem to
be that far off either um so if we if we mentioned here quite a bit about what you've if we wrap everything um in the interview up in that um obviously you've mentioned a bit about the future
so i'm gonna say if you could wrap up what what's kind of like next for you and where's it all go from here now
yeah um you know i i uh you know we have we put an animation in our press release i think you saw that that that animation is really from from a theoretical perspective is interesting in the sense that it's charging a capacitor and the energy of that system is changing you know in time
and that provides that's a provides unique challenges theoretically in this area of stochastic thermodynamics so we're that's our next step for us theoretically is to better understand that and the
better we have an understanding of the theoretical model it all translates directly to what we do in practice so that's that's that challenge and then um and then again the chip designs there's a lot of there
are a lot of different types of circuits that are out there there's a very interesting circuit they can see on wikipedia called the
cockroft walton multiplier circuit
it's a really uh it it's a passive circuit but if you have um charge basically it takes any kind of current even a noisy current and it um charges these capacitors a bank of capacitors in parallel but then when you discharge these capacitors for some application they're all in series it does is it ends up amplifying
the voltage to some high level of voltage so that's something we're very interested in doing is as well figuring out the subtleties and efficiencies you know of these circuit designs
okay thank you um and thank you for the um interesting insights it'd be good to see hope hopefully in a
year year or two um what happens um and whether we actually uh whether we see them and where we see them should say and so everyone watching i'd like to um thank paul for joining me um today i hope you enjoyed what i have and until the next nga video um goodbye and thank you
In a 2014 study, the team used scanning tunnelling microscopy to
discover that graphene ripples back and forth at room temperature like a
wave on the surface of the ocean. Indeed, these ripples provide the
sheets with the stability they need to exist.
So graphene is a single atomic plane of graphite. We've been studying a lot of
different properties of graphene, and at one point we decided to make it
freestanding. We figured out what was happening is the the membrane is kind of
shaking around—the atoms are shaking around and vibrating, but then every now
and then this local (it's a convex section of the of the membrane) would
flip its curvature over and become concave. If we place a charge on that
ripple and it moves suddenly near a grounded conducting electrode, charge
will flow in that conducting electrode to basically to screen the charge that's
moving toward it. If we had another electrode above it when it flipped back
then the charge would flow in a circuit up to this thing here. The
size of the samples that we look at are 10 microns by 10 microns, which is pretty
small because about 20,000 of those could fit on the head of a pin. But one
of these 10 micron by 10 micron areas could produce 10 microwatts of power,
continuously. So, wouldn't that be great if you had this powering your
watch, for example, you would never have to replace the batteries. You know I like
to think about, the possibility of anyhow, some people have pacemakers or
mechanical devices as bio implants, and if you could have a power source that
you didn't have to replace the battery for. You know it's basically a battery
alternative, I guess that's the key thing. If you could have a battery alternative
that you didn't have to go and replace it, imagine all the
things you could do.
Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene
Xu and Thibado used scanning tunneling microscopy, which produces
images of individual atoms on a surface, to measure ultra-low frequency
fluctuations in a one-square-angstrom region of freestanding graphene.
An angstrom is a unit of length equivalent to one hundred millionth of a
These fluctuations, known as intrinsic ripples, have been exceedingly
difficult to study because their vertical movement usually creates
blurry images, Thibado said. The University of Arkansas researchers
successfully produced clear images, enabling them to present a model
from elasticity theory to explain the very-low frequency oscillations.
In the last decade, theoretical physicists predicted a bending mode in
two-dimensional material graphene that couples to a stretching mode of
the graphene. Without that bending and coupling, freestanding graphene wouldn't exist, Thibado said.
we showed that the ripple distorts its shape to allow only part of the ripple to pass through the fixed frame at a time.
with one unbound electron left over to wander across the two-dimensional crystal....
But in a single graphene sheet, the overlap [of electrons and holes] shrinks down to a single point,
Adding even one additional sheet to the system alters the
band symmetry and removes the 1/2-integer phase shift,
We must stress that, motivated by the dynamics of electrons in materials
such as graphene, we deal here with a spin 1/2 massless particle
obeying a Dirac equation, which may be obtained by a quantization
procedure from a supersymmetric classical theory involving Grassmann
variables whose quantum operator version is represented by Dirac
The phase-sensitive properties and phase-
particle dynamics of graphene Josephson junctions are examined to provide an understanding of the
underlying mechanisms of Josephson coupling via graphene. Thereafter, microscopic transport of
correlated quasiparticles produced by Andreev reflections at superconducting interfaces and their phase-
coherent behaviors are discussed. Quantum phase transitions studied with graphene as an electrostatically
tunable two-dimensional platform are reviewed.
Electrons at the point P can propagate either to the
left or right superconductor and reflect as Andreev holes, which later come back to the point P following
the same trajectories of the electrons in a time-reversed way. The conductance of the system is enhanced
(suppressed) when the reflected holes show constructive (destructive) interference.
, any pair of points along the interfaces equally contribute to the Andreev
interference, giving a nonlocal Fraunhofer pattern.
. In contrast to the classical phase transition governed by thermal fluctuations, the quantum
phase transition is driven by quantum fluctuations arising from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Intrinsic ripples in graphene
. Similarly, 2D membranes embedded in a 3D space have a tendency to be crumpled2.
These fluctuations can, however, be suppressed by anharmonic coupling
between bending and stretching modes meaning that a 2D membrane can
exist but will exhibit strong height fluctuations2,3,4.
Thus, the theory predicts an intrinsic tendency for ripple formation.

Quantitative estimation of atom-scaled ripple structure using transmission electron microscopy images
At short time there is wide diffusion (high frequency and large wavelength) and at long time there is short diffusion (low frequency and small wavelength)
This is the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony.
In conrmation of this we will in fact nd that in graphene physics these negative
modes correspond to the holes in the Fermi sea, i.e. to the negative modes of the Carbon
Nanotubes (CN) energy bands. Indeed, the Elementary Charge Carriers (ECCs) in a CN behaves
as \particle on a circle"....




Graphene as a superposition of two triangles phase shifted to each other.
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