Peter says he wonders why the politicians aren't doing their jobs. NO it's HIS job as a citizen to tell the politicians what to do. That's the problem. People put their "careers" over their responsibility as citizens to fix what we already know to be the problem. Greta has it correct.
Wrong. The scientists have given their recommendations, and now it is time for the politicians to do their job, to make "policy". Please take an elementary civics course. It is a political question now, and your job to influence policy, if you dare.
@Lorax Tribe scientists make their policy recommendation? You realize that Archytas was a military engineer - and the first scientist praised by Plato. Platonic philosophy is just a promotion of Archytas a "policy decision." Galileo got funded by the aristocracy because Galileo told the elite that he could "cut down on labor costs." Read Arnold Pacey for details.
Arnold Pacey is the author of The Culture of Technology, Meaning in Technology, and The Maze of Ingenuity, all published by the MIT Press. He is a recipient of the Leonardo da Vinci Medal for the History of Technology.
Yes the scientist made their Policy way back with James Hansen. In fact my boss - at Greenpeace - told me in 1996 that he thought Global Warming was the biggest threat to the planet. I've worked for half a dozen environmental organizations and I've organized coalitions and campaigns and I got arrested eight times doing civil disobedience.
I worked for Citizens for a Better Environment full time in 1989 - a female lawyer ran our office out of Minneapolis and she was part of a lawsuit against 3M that got the highest fine so far yet for polluting the Mississippi river. A recent article on 3M just demonstrated the taxpayer will be covering billions in costs - hundreds of billions in costs from PSAS pollution.
So it was also in 1996 that I walked the streets of Chicago with Richard Grossman who formed POCLAD - the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. You see corrupt judicial lawyers and judges "ruled" that corporations are legally "persons" protected by the Bill of Rights. So the 14th Amendment passed to protect former SLAVES has been used more legally to protect corporations. That of course includes the right to "free speech" as money for controlling politicians and elections. Media advertising is 100% tax deductible and Raygun passed a ruling that Science donations by corporations are also 100% tax deductible.
So when I was a graduate student at the University of Minnesota I revealed that some 350 businesses were funding "science" - mainly for military and Big Pharma genetics, etc. This is the main thrust of "science" now just as it was for Galileo and Archtyas.
Daniel Greenberg points out that over 50% of physics is for the military - and considering the "Black Budget" is in trillions - and it is top secret classified physics for the military then who knows the real number.
Yes biology professor Phil Regal was speaking at a Minnesota Green Party event and so I asked him a question - this was around 1999 or 2000 - He said, "Drew Hempel, I thought there were six of you?!!" And later he told me that Cargill had taken over the biology department - along with Monsanto. I had exposed an administrator of the University bragging that for enough money from Monsanto the University would grow soybeans as big as softballs. Something like that.
So yeah science policy is a joke - as physics professor Albert Bartlett points out - Population, Energy and Arithmetic - the exponential function is the inverse of the logarithmic function. Math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls this the "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "evoltive principle" guiding science. It's a structural disharmony.
I exposed this in 2001 as the "Actual Matrix Plan" called the "music logarithmic spiral" set up as a UN-linked think tank in NYC - for elite science policy.
In other words it promoted Radio-Eugenics or what's now called "Medical hormesis" as Dr. Helen Caldicott points out the U.N. promotes nuclear power worldwide. So the idea being that we learned from Nagaski and Hiroshima that nuclear radiation causes mutations but some people survive. Therefore there should be SPIRITUAL progress from more nuclear radiation that can be guided via a space satellite system and the interwebs, etc. This is then to have all the human brains as the "Neuroblasts" of a new planetary Matrix. Dr. Andrija Puharich was part of this science plan as well for the CIA MKULTRA research - and it was inspired by H.G. Well's "Global Brain" plan.
Science policy indeed. Just google "Actual Matrix Plan" drew hempel for details.
Basically it's from the Freemasonic concept of Platonic math that the Golden Ratio is the truth of reality - as the slowest converging irrational magnitude number of 1 plus 1 divided by 1.... eternally and thus Mother Nature needs to be replaced by a synthetic New Age of Golden Ratio technology. You can read the book by former M.I.T. history professor David F. Noble, "The Religion of Technology" and his final book "Myth of the Promised Land" for more details - he's on youtube also. Well he refused to use email while he was alive. haha.
People who grow up in the Suburbs and Rural areas have no idea just how poisoning urban city area air is. So Counterpunch had a good article about how Catalytic converters really don't do that good of a job and there's still a lot of cadmium poisoning, etc. Certainly there is a LACK of oxygen in the cities - and this causes brain damage. But Electromagnetic pollution from Cell phones as microwaves is literally COOKING people's brains - especially for children. The WHO advises for teenagers to NOT use cell phones and now look - there is a massive depression. This scientist Peter said he suffered from depression - probably from his cell phone, etc. Smoking also causes depression. Western science does not realize that each organ of the body also governs a major emotion - this is from traditional Chinese medicine. Instead Big Pharma promotes mass mental indoctrination as drug addiction on psychotropics, etc.
So obviously the main cause of global warming is from industrial cities where there's also a lack of oxygen. Call it too much CO2 if you want. There's too much air pollution from heavy metals and electromagnetic pollution. It's a proven fact that bird migration gets messed up due to the Schumann resonance being lost in cities. This is quantum biology as bird migration is due to the electron ions as a SPIN resonance that is nonlocal - just as photosynthesis is proven to be from quantum nonlocality as the 5th dimension.
So our ancient original human culture called this N/om as the governing force of Mother Nature as the Cosmic Mother - science now calls it quantum biology. PZ Myers the "top science blog" banned me as promoting woo woo called "quantum biology" in 2006. Professor JohnJoe McFadden then published "Life on the Edge" - a science award winning book on quantum biology - in 2016 or so. I was promoting him on PZ myers blog but PZ Myers is a biology professor and so he called quantum biology "woo woo." haha.
Peter is "working" unlike people on Strike like Greta and environmental protesters. That's why Peter doesn't know about the McFearSun Paradox - he's too busy "working" for his "career." Hilarious. It's a great article - 2050 is too late. Shoot for 2035. First it was 2100 then it was 2050. NOW it's 2035. Yeah if you ignore the ESAS methane bomb and the aerosol masking effect. 2035 indeed. OK so we go to zero emissions and then we put up some MIRRORS - what about the 450 nuclear power plants? What about the top six military contractors for the US Empire? haha. Hilarious. Too little Too late. Peter looks like he's 35 years old? So ... 15 years ago I stated on "guerrillanews" that scientists would ALWAYS be behind the real global warming - their "models." PETER says that keeps him up at night! I said it 15 years ago when Peter was 20. I already knew it back then and I predicted it. But Peter needed a "career" apparently. THAT's why it's too late. Too many people needed to "work" for their "careers."
So who would be providing climate models or developing medications if some of these people did not have careers in science! You should really open to discussion in the discord.
@Environmental Coffeehouse I realize that youtube comments are no longer an acceptable "medium" of communication. I just enjoy posting spambot youtube comments and then think it's hilarious that it doesn't make a difference. As for "who" - the climate models are by supercomputers that do chaos math iterations that are inherently unpredictable. The book "Environmental Endgame" by Professor Robert Nadeau explained this - that book was published around 2006.
@Environmental Coffeehouse . His most recently published books, The Wealth of Nature (2003), The Environmental Endgame (2006), and Rebirth of the Sacred (2013), make the case that the theory used by virtually all mainstream economists, neoclassical economics is predicated on unscientific assumptions about the dynamics of market systems that effectively preclude the prospect of implementing scientifically viable economic solutions for environmental problems.
@Environmental Coffeehouse He said the UNCERTAINTY WAS REALLY HIGH about the ESAS Methane Bomb. Sorry but that's not what Natalia Shakhova says. She says "EVERY YEAR MATTERS" for the methane to go exponential.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang You are our own personal spambot!!!!!!😂😂😂
@Environmental Coffeehouse Yes I'm proving that doomers are fakers. haha. Occasionally doomers engage with the info I post. I'm assuming people are idiots from their "smart phones" and so can't really engage with youtube comments. Like "copy and pasting" to get to the links. Whatever. We should just be wallowing in the doom - and not pretending there's answers. "PETER" misrepresented the ESAS methane bomb and he WORKS as a "climate scientist"? How come some troll spambot has to correct him for fREE? He's the spambot. Not me. haha. I just debunked him. He's got his CAREER and his wife and kid - he SOLD OUT. Too bad. That's why were DOOMED. Everyone trying to make their parents happy by chasing after the "american dream." Hilarious. Mother Nature does the real work and she's gonna wipe the slate clean soon.
Today I had "Madagascar vanilla bean" flavored gelato. That's right - FAMINE of MILLIONS in Madagascar but they're probably still exporting their neocolonial "vanilla bean."
@Environmental Coffeehouse yes he could be that way at times that's why we love him strange as it may seem sometimes were part of the environmental coffee House family his thinking is more based on reality than most people some of us will never give up that is not the warriors way
@Max Sarjay Ah the old "Royal We" - you, yourself and your deep sleeping state of bliss Self.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Well don't be mean. Ok?
"As bad as what humans are doing to the planet is, that really is nothing compared to Earth's natural major extinction events. And yet life still managed to hang on."
@rockets4kids yes what you are claiming is interesting. First I was told that there is no way that humans could affect Earth as a whole - it's too big. So if you read Professor Andrew Glikson he points out we have already achieved 500 ppm "global gas emissions" (that includes methane and nitrous oxide) - and 500 ppm was when the Miocene era had a 18 C global average - meaning 3 degrees Celsius global average warmer than now. That means we're ALREADY locked into a 3 degree celsius temp increase. Now the Miocene was about 4 million years ago. OK but we're just going started. The rate of acceleration is what is so bad. OK so after the asteroid hit Earth 65 million years ago then most life went extinct in a few years.
"By analyzing the fish fossils inside, researchers determined that global temperatures were stable for a long time before the asteroid impact, but then, afterwards, temperatures quickly rose and stayed about 5 degrees Celsius warmer for about 100,000 years. MacLeod says it's notable that the impact pumped up carbon dioxide over a short time span that, geologically speaking, is comparable to what humans have been doing in burning fossil fuels since the start of the Industrial Revolution. "The atmosphere was loaded for a very brief interval of time, and the consequences of that change in atmospheric composition lasted for 100,000 years," MacLeod says. "So it illustrates, I think, really strongly, even if we went back to 1850 levels of carbon dioxide emission, it's going to take a 100,000 years for the carbon dioxide that we've already put in the atmosphere to cycle through the Earth's systems."
So yes modern Western civilization from Platonic math - is very much like the asteroid impact.
"The worst came a little over 250 million years ago — before dinosaurs walked the earth — in an episode called the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction, or the Great Dying, when 90% of life in the oceans and 70% of life on land vanished. " "Recently, two groundbreaking studies on the Great Dying reveal that the causes of that mass extinction bear some striking similarities to what's happening today. In fact, in some ways the pace of change, such as the rate of release of greenhouse gases, is much faster today than it was 250 million years ago."
So MORE life as a percentage of total life - was wiped out by the P-T Mass Extinction - and today the rate of destruction is much faster.
"Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at a pace 100 times faster than it naturally should. Our planet is warming 10 times faster than it has in 65 million years. Our oceans are acidifying 100 times faster than they have in at least 20 million years, and oxygen dead zones in our oceans have increased tenfold since 1950."
and so 252 million years ago - what happened?
" Over the course of a million years, extensive volcanic activity in what is now Siberia flowed through cracks and crevices of sedimentary rocks, searing oil and gas deposits as it moved along, producing the coronene scientists recently discovered." "This process gradually released gigantic amounts of heat-trapping carbon gases at levels much higher than today. For comparison, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations during that time period are estimated to be a few thousand parts per million (ppm), whereas today, our CO2 level, while higher than it's been in the last 3 million years, is still significantly less, at 415 ppm (but rising fast)."
the key is the RATE of greenhouse gas emissions today.
"And astonishingly, Brand says that the rate of release of heat-trapping greenhouse gases now is much more radical than it was back then. "Right now our emissions are 10 to 20 times higher than what happened at the end of the Permian mass extinction, which was the largest and biggest mass extinction," he said.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang okay fine so what you going to do about it I'll be sitting in the garden in Bliss Paradise Lost Paradise found my little piece of it in peace thanks I know you are very intelligent void we all will go down the paths we go whether it is in Bliss are not there will be difficult times ahead most likely it's better to be prepared as much as possible the future will be here and now soon enough
Discord into the Void
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Peter never calls himself a "doomer".
@Rick Larson yes Robin Dunbar also emphasized that our first original human cultures relied on trance dancing as the spiritual training of the males. So this is called Musilanguage - meaning that human culture is more defined by music as the community binding force. Deep music training is also listening to realize that no one is alone but rather is controlled by the N/om or snake kundalini energy. You can see Dr. Bradford Keeney's youtube channel for his interviews with the San Bushmen spiritual healing ladies.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang I think overloading on music is a path away from being cognizant of the environment. More voodoo to strengthen the hierarchy - hierarchy is why we are in trouble.
@Rick Larson voodoo and "woo woo" right? That's precisely why the CIA classifies the paranormal research - to keep the masses ignorant. By music I mean internal listening as meditation. This increases what is called "direct perception." It's not thinking but a nonlocal quantum awareness that Nobel physicist Roger Penrose calls "proto-consciousness."
Richard Dawkins as a supposed materialistic skeptic just promotes Platonic geometry as the secret to saving reality. Science is the real mythology of our times - the true religion as voodoo. West African magic is from our original human culture that is still around today - from 100,000 years ago.
A good book on our original human culture is called "The Harmless People" by Dr. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. Essentially males as modern Westernized thinking are brainwashed due to left brain dominance. So music as meditation is what fixes this but of course the brainwashing is mass indoctrination via Platonic philosophy. You believe in the Pythagorean Theorem right?
I mean how could we have rectilinear geometry as the attempt to "contain infinity" and control Nature without the Pythagorean Theorem? haha. Science has something called the Noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem that debunks the normal Pythagorean Theorem (the supposed most proven science "Power Axiom Set").
Did you realize that the Pythagorean Theorem originated from music theory as 9/8 the major 2nd music interval cubed to the square root of two as the "Devil's Interval" - the tritone? haha. That may sound pedantic until you realize that Plato promoted Western music as the secret of hierarchical mind control - economics professor Michael Hudson points this out - he started out in music. So Archytas, the military engineer, with Plato - promoted logarithmic equal-tempered music tuning with its inverse exponential function as "social harmony." So when we listen to Western music we are indeed being brainwashed.
ALL human cultures play music as the Octave and Perfect Fifth but in fact as Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes points out - the Perfect Fifth is what he calls (2, 3, infinity) as noncommutative phase. Why? Because 2/3 is C to F as the undertone while 3/2 is C to G as the overtone - both being the Perfect Fifth as quantum nonlocal resonance of reality - the N/om that our original human culture embraced. Western science covered up the 2/3 as C to F undertone by Philolaus flipping his Lyre around to create irrational magnitude science of 9/8. So the octave had to be doubled and then 6/8 became the new root tonic of the original root tonic of 12. So then the "1" is changed as the root tonic from 0 to 12 to 0 to 8 and then by flipping the Lyre round - the octave is now the new root tonic with 8/6 as 4/3 for the Perfect Fourth previously constructed from 8/12 as 2/3 of the Perfect Fifth. So the C to F as the Perfect Fourth is derived from a different root tonic.
Sir James Jeans in his book "Science and Music" points out that the actual natural resonance of music is an infinite spiral - not the closed circle of Perfect Fifths that everyone learns - rather an infinite spiral where "all simplicity disappears." No it's not voodoo but rather the most advanced science as noncommutative quantum algebra or noncommutative geometry.
Eddie Oshins realized this at SLAC - when he studied "quantum psychology" as he dubbed it - and he taught Wing Chun (of Bruce Lee's linearge). Eddie Oshins realized that Neigong as internal alchemy meditation is actually noncommutative phase geometry.
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