Thursday, September 9, 2021

New Details on the equilateral secret military craft - no fuselage: Michael Schratt with comments of corroboration.

Michael Schratt on the "tr-3b

 Kevin Murray

I saw one in 1982 in Bourne Ma. We were driving around town just before dusk. This black triangle came over the road from the direction of the air national guard base in town. It was moving slowly just above tree height. I could see it very well, it crossed the road at a 45 degree angle to the road. I figured where we could race to in order to get under it again based on the the direction it was going. We saw it a second time, right over us. We then raced to the beach where we figured it would be, and we saw it about 1/4 mile out over the water, it picked up speed fast and was out of sight in seconds. It was black, looked smooth from what I could see, had different colored lights around the bottom edge of it, the sides where flat, it made no sound at all.
Thank you for sharing one of the BEST sightings - if not the best of this craft. I also saw it so close I could have hit it with a rock. It was low and slow so I was skeptical it was the same craft that people see go so fast. So thank for your corroborating the very fast claims also. Fantastic. 
 Dark Duck
I was camping with some friends around 1997 or 1998 about 20 miles south of Dayton Ohio where the National Museum of the Air Force is located. We were laying on our backs looking up at the sky and I saw something across the sky from my right to left. At first I thought it was a shooting star or something but as it got closer to us it seemed to slow down. When it passed over us it seemed like time slowed down and I was able to make out the triangle and 3 lights on each corner of the craft. Then it sped back up and zoomed away to our left out of sight. Will never forget that night.
thanks! I also saw the craft so close I could have hit it with a rock - summer 1997
 gaurtauk whiteangel
if you want to learn more about the TR 3B, learn quantum maniacs, I personally saw the TR 3B at an old air base,, north of nellis AFB where the Thunderbird's practice. 3 of them were sitting on the flight line away from the main can also see them rise up an disappear in a blink of an eye at area 52 in Colorado.

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