Sunday, September 12, 2021

EPR Signalling and Hal Putoff: Jack Sarfatti's latest talk on ufo technology (and my own spin on paranormal physics)


I think Jack Sarfatti is so full of himself and BS. Amazing amount of claims with little, actually nothing to show for? He both knows everything yet nothing at the same time. According to Jack, Anti gravity is so easy, it cant be demonstrated with a simple experiment. No, this is hard. If it was easy we would have it. Know it alls have never done a thing for the World.
actually his book with Fred Alan Wolf, "Beyond Spacetime" - on paranormal physics from meditation - is completely true. I did the research to finish my Master's Degree at University of Minnesota in 2001. So he was the first to propose ER=EPR but based on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - this is a quantum wormhole as the 5th dimension. Also read Olivier Costa de Beauregard's book "Time: a physical magnitude" - he was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton. Wikipage on his makes NO mention of the paranormal yet the CIA classified and highlighted his paranormal research. Hilarious.
 Jainal Abdin
So, the Scalar field introduced into Einsteins Field equations, whereby using EM energy to modify the local gravitational field (spacetime) in order to travel like UAPs sounds okay on paper. This sounds like an EM energy to gravitational energy generator that uses some kind of exotic superconducting metamaterial. The hard bit is designing this generator, and then navigating and controlling it in a craft so that you don't end up inside a brick wall. I agree that G-forces involved aren't an issue when you create your own geodesic path with this generator, as the vehicle itself would be in constant free fall from its worldview, and not what is commonly described of being crushed inside by extreme forces. Energy generators have been around for the longest of time, and each invention has transformed humanity. What's holding this invention back, if not already invented in secrecy? The secret sauce metamaterial?
you can do this in serious meditation - read the book "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" and study Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose. Tubulin of microtubules are metamaterials. I have done the research on this. Sure the training now is very rare but there's a few masters hiding in the mountains. haha. 
Years of claims from Sarfatti. Not a single demonstration.
just go to the "National UFO reporting center" database by shape triangle. I personally saw an equilateral triangle craft so close I could have hit it with a rock! It had no fuselage, made a low humming noise and had a big red light in the center that appeared to be the propulsion drive. I didn't dare take my eyes off it - it flew over the tree on the edge of our yard and then over our garage. I tracked it from the horizon to the west and over the neighbor's forest and our hill - so I could triangulate the height, location and size. There are numerous reports - even some video! Sure MOST of the vids are CGI fakes but some definitely are real. Some of these sightings do see the craft suddenly take off as if disappearing. Also many of the sightings have the triangle craft ACCOMPANIED by other military craft. I uploaded a video about this. thanks 
 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  I tend to reserve belief for claims that can be falsified. That are backed up By empirical data. I have seen very little from him. Just claims to know a lot..0
 @PeterTheSAGAFan  Have you taken Quantum Mechanics? I took it my first year of college from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein - also a member of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton. His research was classified without his knowledge and he was contacted by the NSA. Now he has designed a quantum teleportation system that NASA is testing - with satellites. So my point is that in quantum mechanics - the encryption of nonlocality means the scientific claims of proof are very different. Quantum 1/2 spin that is nonlocal is also noncommutative phase.
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
I'm VERY glad that Jack is going into Yakir Aharonov's weak measurement experiments. He really needs to be known about better. Yakir Aharonov: "There is a non-local exchange that depends on the modular variable....I'm saying that I have now an intuitive picture to understand interference by saying that when a particle moves through two slits, it always goes through one slit or the other, but it knows which other slit, the slit through which it did not go, whether it is open or not, because there are nonlocal equations of motion." Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (2017, Aharonov): The nonlocal equations of motion in the Heisenberg picture thus allow us to consider a particle going through only one of the slits, but it nevertheless has nonlocal information regarding the other slit.... The Heisenberg picture, however, offers a different explanation for the loss of interference that is not in the language of collapse: if one of the slits is closed by the experimenter, a nonlocal exchange of modular momentum with the particle occurs....Alternatively, in the Heisenberg picture, the particle has both a definite location and a nonlocal modular momentum that can “sense” the presence of the other slit and therefore, create interference."
How does Sarfatti not know that Andrija Puharich's military mind control project didn't just call him to mess with him?
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
WOW - he goes into Costa de Beauregard!! Yeah - I JUST read "Time: A physical magnitude" - I got it Interlibrary loan from University of Minnesota physics Tate library. Beauregard's work was CLASSIFIED by the CIA for Operation GrillFlame. His wiki page makes NO mention of the Paranormal yet his papers are almost ALL about the paranormal being inherently PROVEN.
 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  University of Illinois grad in Aerospace Engineering. I am no expert in GR or QM. My point is, Mr Sarfatti makes a lot of claims, and calls a lot of people ignorant or stupid and he is always holding an empty bag. How is your quantum teleportation relevant here?
 @PeterTheSAGAFan  Did you listen to Jack? He goes into quantum teleportation and the need for a classical key. Herbert J. Bernstein also discusses ER=EPR in one of his earlier papers on neutron test of Bell's Inequality nonlocality. So it is actually called noncommutative phase or what Bernstein calls a "donut" - a torus. This is in contrast to the typical Bloch Sphere for quantum mechanics spin. So by using noncommutative phase you can store more information and increase the encryption level - in contrast to how the Chinese did quantum teleportation for satellites. So the "weak measurements" that Jack is referring to - is also based on noncommutative phase as Basil J. Hiley explains. Jack is saying it is "locally invariant" even though spacetime is curved - proven to be curved at 3 centimeters.
 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  And this is realated to Warp drives, negative matter, anti gravity, UAPs, flying saucers how exactly?
 @PeterTheSAGAFan  "The boundary between real and virtual charges" - a virtual charge for us is a real charge for "Bob" -
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
I experienced a spacetime vortex from deep meditation - the Frohlich Pump as microtubule tubulin metamaterials is the truth of nonwestern meditation as yoga training.
 So these scribbles summarizes
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
The ONE thing Jack is not mentioning but that Roger Penrose goes into is that entropy is reversed for gravity compared to matter. That's why we also have an ecological crisis on Earth. So there is quantum negentropy for ecological life from antigravity energy. Olivier Costa de Beauregard goes into this in detail - but like Jack said - he didn't understand Costa de Beauregard at first. So maybe he should reread "Time: A physical magnitude."
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
Collagen, the most common protein of the body, is piezoelectric as pumped phonon energy via ultrasound and infrasound. Dr. Andrija Puharich explained this in rudimentary terms - he got the science correct. Stuart Hameroff and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho have updated this research.
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
For his final "Garden of Eden" claims - read "The STargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince - they give talks on youtube also. thanks
 True only that I did intense nonwestern meditation to finish my Master's Degree and so I can confirm from personal experience that the paranormal does work as Jack argues - creating a curvature of spacetime through local quantum nonlocality. In fact I wrote a whole book on this - connecting the paranormal to UFOs via the microtubules as sonofusion metamaterials - in 2012. It's a free pdf online as "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music: How paranormal sonofusion subverts the Matrix conspiracy" - there's 725 scholarly footnotes. I mention Sarfatti once in a quote from Prince and Picknett's book, "The Stargate Conspiracy." You'll note that Jeremy asked Jack about the phonon piezoelectric reactions - that's another way of saying Sonofusion. Jack confirmed that is what he's talking about. So Jeremy has thoroughly investigated and promoted Sonofusion as well - there is experimental proof that it works according to Jeremy's research with the MIT physicists. New assessment for the piezonuclear reactions,” published on Physics Letters A 2009 February 23
the highest review in physics in the world based on Professor Fabio Cardone and Professor Roberto
Mignani’s Energy and Geometry (World Scientific – 2004) and Deformed Spacetime (Springer – 2007). Chapter four of my book is on the big black equilateral triangle craft.
The secret and simultaneously the difficulty is creating finely tuned EM resonance in an harmonic at the plank scale.
 @Kickstar  What Andrija Puharich figured out - and a collaborator of Stuart Hameroff corroborated - is that ultrasound creates a macroquantum nonlocal resonance that is 3000 times amplified greater than any other frequency. So that is how sonofusion works and also meditation energy of the microtubules. In other words the microtubules resonates the tubulin at 3000 times great energy with ultrasound because the tubulin are metamaterial as a reverse time subharmonic in the Schumann Resonance frequency. So this maybe why the equilateral triangle craft kick out the low humming noise that is reported and that I personally heard - it's the OM sound of the universe as a reverse time quantum BEAT or subharmonic of the future. Do you see what I'm saying? The larger macromolecule is actually the subharmonic of the nonlocal quantum planck scale as the magnetic moment between the proton and electron - as Andrija Puharich figured out. So it's a "spin" precession (5th dimension as nonlocal intrinsic angular momentum) of the electron interacting with the proton - and thus creating sonofusion reverse time energy.

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